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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!选修7 Unit 1 Living Well 导学案Period 1 Word Explanation【学习目标】能记住并运用下列重点词汇和短语:disability; ambition; beneficial; in other words; adapt to; cut out; annoy; all in all; as well as; conduct; resign; adequate; access; meet with.【重点词语】1. disability (n) 伤残;无能残疾人 disabled people / the disab

2、led people with disabilities / people having a disability disable (v) 使丧失能力;使伤残able-bodied people 健全人 non-disabled people 拓展:disabled (adj) 伤残的 enable v. 使能够,使可能unable adj. 不能的inability n. 无能小试 用 disabled, disability和unable的正确形式填空。1). People come to agree that the _ should also be treated with respe

3、ct.2). People with _ should not be looked down upon.3). He came from a poor family and was _ to afford so expensive a flat.2.eyesight (n) 视力1) He has good / poor . 2) His eyesight is failing.3) The mother always kept her baby within eyesight.3. lap (n.)膝部;(竞赛场的)一圈;两物的重叠部分Mother holds the baby on her

4、 lap. He overtook the other runners on the last lap.He lapped one plate over another. 他把一个个盘子叠起来。4. ambition (n) 雄心;野心 full of 野心勃勃 have the for sth 渴望得到某物ambitious (adj) 有雄心的;野心勃勃的 be to do sth 热望做某事 be for sth 热望得到某物 Her son was full of ambition to become a great inventor. His ambition is to becom

5、e a film star.【即境活用】汉译英1) 他的理想就是环游世界。_2) 作为一个志向远大的领导者,他想带领当地人们过上幸福的生活。_5. suitable适当的, 相配的,适合的;恰当的 suitablyThis toy is not suitable for young children. 这个玩具不适合小小孩玩。 【点拨】辨析adapt, adjust, fit, suit matchadapt 指“经过修改或改变后以适应新的条件”adjust指“调整后的适应”fit 指“大小合适”引申为“吻合”suit 指“颜色,款式的合乎要求、口味、性格、情况”match指“大小、色调、形状

6、、性质”等匹配【即境活用】These desks and chairs can be_ to the height of any child.A. adjusted B. adapted C. fit D. adapting6. entry n.进入、入口;参赛作品;词条There is no sign of forced entry.The people without a ticket are denied entry.The Marathon had sixties entries.The deadline for all entries is next Monday.The new e

7、dition contains 5000 entries.7. beneficial (adj) 有益的;受益的be to 对有益Sunshine is beneficial to plantsbenefit (n) 益处;帮助 be of to 对有好处 for the of 为了的好处 (vt) 有益于;有助于 (vi)受益,得到好处,常与from连用,“获益;得益于”。 1) The sea water will you. (4种类似表达法,你都会吗?)2) We can all from his knowledge. 8. in other words = that is to say

8、=that is= namelyI soon found that the work I was doing had been done by other peoplein other words,Im wasting my time.考例 Your performance in the driving test didnt reach the required standard. _, you failed.A. in a word B. after all C. in other words D. at the same time 类似用法:in a word总之;word came th

9、at.有消息传来说in a word总之;简言之keep ones word遵守诺言break ones word失信;不守诺言have a word with.与谈一谈9. clumsy adj.笨拙的;愚笨的,不圆滑的;不便使用的The clumsy boy bumped into the table.My clumsy answer hurt her feelings. be clumsy with sth / at doing sth 在方面不灵巧他使用筷子很笨拙He _ _ _ chopsticks.; He _ _ _ _ chopsticks.10. bump vi 碰、撞 vt

10、. 猛击;撞伤 n 肿块;猛撞;凸块The bus bumped into the car in front.The room was dark and he bumped his head against the shelf.A bump on the head caused his pain.He tripped over a bump on the road.bump into sth =meet by chance= come across= run into= knock into 撞在某人身上;与不期而遇1) The car bumped (into) a tree. 2) Ive

11、 bumped my knee against the wall. 我的膝盖撞着墙壁。11. adapt v.根据语境猜词义 (1) How do these insects adapt themselves to new environments? (2) You can adapt this fabric for anything from divers suits to gloves. (3) Many children buy books after they have been adapted for television. 根据语义找匹配 A. 改造;改装 B. 改编;改写 C.

12、适应;适合短语:adapt oneself to使自己适应或习惯于adapt to 适应adapt sth. for sth. 改造;改装(以适应新用途、新情况)adaptfrom根据改写 / 改编链接:adaptable adj. 适应力强的;适用面广的吧 adaptation n. 适应; 改编; 改造用适当的介词填空 (1)The play is adapted _ a Michael Crichton novel. (2)This teaching material can be adapted _ older children. (3)When you go to a new cou

13、ntry, you must adapt yourself _new customs. 12. cut out切下、停止 Lets cut out the unimportant details.Go over it and cut out the paragraph unnecessary for the essay.读一遍,把论文中不必要的段落删掉。If you cut out the drink, youd feel much healthier.如果你戒酒,就会觉得身体好得多。The plane was coming onto land when one of its engines

14、suddenly cut out.飞机降落时,突然一只引擎停了。cut off 切断、隔绝cut down 砍倒、削减、减少 cut in 插嘴【即境活用】用恰当的介词填空。1) I would cut _ the bit about working as a waitress.2) The car industry cut _ production.3) The woodchopper cut _ the tree and cut it _.13. out of breath 上气不接下气After climbing that long flight of stairs she was completely out of breath.爬完这么长的一段楼梯后,她已经完全喘不过气来了。He ran out of breath by then.那时他跑得喘不过气来。相似短语:out of sight看不见out o



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