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1、清明上河图英文介绍 篇一:There is no doubt that the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival is not only one of the most famous ancient Chinese paintings but also the world picture in the most outstanding art works.The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival was painted by the Northern Song painter Zhang Zeduan who wa

2、s good at the traditional Chinese paintings designed work with special techniques for representing places, tower, buildings and other topics.The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival is 24.8cm high and 528.7cm long which describes the legendary northern Song dynasty tomb sweeping festival scenery of

3、Pyankung, but, to our surprise in the painting there are a total of 1643 people from the whole social bracket and 208 animals. If you put your heart into the painting, you may find the people and animals alive and even can hear their talks. It is amazing. So, the painting is not our Chinese art trea

4、sures but also the worlds.篇二:张择端英语视频介绍mp3下载 中英对照Qingming Shanghe Tu is the masterpiece of Zhang Zeduan ,a Song Dynasty artist which vividly capture the thriving lif of people from the Song Dynasty of in the capital of Bianjing todays Kangfeng清明上河图是背诵画家张择端的一幅存世,一精巧的工笔统计了背诵首全部汴京 今开封 的繁荣城市生活。The entire

5、 piece ,painted in hand scroll format, deployed the method of scatterperspective mapping,bringing in varied landscape and numerous human characters all dressed differently.它以长卷形式,采取散点透视的构图法,将繁荣的景物纳入统一而富于改变的画面中,画中人物神情各异,衣着不一样。And performing various activities forming a drama with a flowing rich rhyth

6、m其间穿插多种活动,极富戏剧性,构图疏密有致,节奏和韵律改变丰富。Beijing City,depicted in the scroll ,was the hub of the land and water ways and the passageway of all transportations at that time.清明上河图描绘的北宋汴京,当初正是水道遍布的“水陆要冲,运路咽喉”.After being designated as the capital. Bianjing City saw further economic and culture development.With

7、 a population of more than one million, it was truly a metropolitan in all aspects.定全部于今后经济、文化深入发展,人口超出百万是当初名副其实的国际大城市。The scroll unfolds from right to left,moving from the countyside progressivety into the inner city.画面次序从右到左,由一片郊野逐步进入城市。From its unique angle,the painter illustrates people from all

8、 wails of life and their economic activities,giving the audience a much richer perspective than if he only depicted inner city life.画家慧眼独具,将当初丰富的市井生态全部涵盖和内。比单独绘制内域的场景更轻易让人民了解到当初城市的全貌。What differented the Bianjing city in Song Dynasty from her predecessor was that all the street walls were removed.宋代

9、的汴京,临街的坊墙被拆除,市民能够面街而居,临街开店。Transforming the former feadal closed city with fortress like walls into an open commercial house.封建堡垒式的封闭性城市有此变成了开房的商业城市.Historical records tell us there were altogether mor 6,400 households involved in businesses of all kinds that recovered oer 100 sectors.汴京商业手工业的户数,据记载

10、,总共有六千四百多户,快要一百几十个行业.Restaurants or eateries in particular,were the most thriving type of business.这其中尤以酒楼,多种饮食店最为旺盛.As depicted the hustling and bustling in front of Sun Yung Shop demonstrate that this restaurant is one with the highest standard.途中描绘的孙羊正店们前车来人往,熙熙攘攘,正店是规格最高的酒店.The other smaller one

11、s were called foot shop. In add(:.xiaocaoFanwEn.cOM 小草:)ition numerous teahouses and cafes are scattered across all the streets.除了正店以外,汴京还有很多被成为脚店的中,小酒楼.另外,更有大批茶坊,食店散布于街头巷尾.The scroll also depicts other forms of commercial activities. An inn like the Home of Official Wang was a regular place to stay

12、 for scholars abound in the capital city for the imperial examinations.画中还描绘了其它商业形式,如这家久住王员外家是当初的一家客栈,有很多赶考的学子常住在此.Nearby, a labor market is naturally formed with a group of sedan carriers waiting to be hired.在此处,自然行成了一个人力市场,一群轿夫狙击在此等候被雇佣.The Bianhe River is indispensable to the economic and commerc

13、ial development of Bianjing City,and therefore brought the city prosperity, which led to it being called the Golden Waterway.繁荣的商业离不开汴京的远河,汴河是当初名副其实的黄金水道,这对于当初汴京城市经济的发展和繁荣,含有十分主要的意义.Accordingly , the painter Zhang Zeduan spent one third of all effort to capture this thriving shipping business in the

14、 early 12th century.因此张择端在中不借用三分之一篇幅和大量笔墨来精心描绘汴河的航运.再现了十二世纪初汴京水上最主要的交通干线的繁忙运输景象.There are two short and round shaped ships with a loading capacity of over 500 tons that are dorked along the river.这两艘停靠在岸边的船是一个形制图短的清船,载重量达500吨以上.The shipping industry thrived in the Song Dynasty, and grew to a great s

15、cale as early as the year 997 producing as many as over 3,000 ships.宋朝的造船业很发达,在公元997年,官方造船便达三千多米,宋朝的造船业很发达,在公元997年,官方造船便达三千多艘.This type of ship is more convenient to operate, with adjustable under the mast. 这种船在栏杆下使用了转轴,能调整帆的角度,以迎合风向的改变.In the painting there is a big ship which faces great difficulty in passing through thebridge.Since it cannot be lowed by the boat trackers in the middle of the river.Only by lowering the must is the ship then able to be towed past the bridge with help from over and beside the bridge.此处一艘大船马上过桥,船到这里无法由纤夫牵引,只能放倒桅杆,靠着桥上和桥边的引导慢慢经过.However due to t



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