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1、英语国际音标 (48个)音标i: i : 练习1. 找出下列没有相同发音的词。 ( ) hefeet bread green ( ) pig is dog ship ( ) thirty bird her food ( ) shebig in money ( ) sweetsfish teacher we ( ) teachersisterabout girl ( ) tigerfirstworkshirt ( ) treebeancleanchin ( ) fatherdoctorskirt china ( ) happyseasit picture2. 读音标写单词。bi: b:d si:

2、 swi:t bizi h: dkt sist li:f hi: 3. 连线。 meat : thirsty i: driver animal i:3. 挑出下面短文中含有音标i: i : 的单词。4. 找出26个英文字母中含有音标i: i : 的字母。二找出下列没有相同发音的词。 ( ) moonfood eat fruit ( ) truebookwood look ( ) foursmallwalk bird ( ) gotclockshop shirt ( ) busfoot push book ( ) lostball long ox ( ) rulerdog mooncakeblu

3、e( ) bigship horse it四. 写出单词或音标。 bru:m d: sit b:d fut wi: dg sist look do water good too foot clock first work sister doctor sea五. 将下列单词与正确的音标用线连起来。 hotblu: footballhuk blue ki:s hook futb:lkiss ht六挑出下面短文中含有: u: u的单词。Oneday,amonkeyrideshisbikeneartheriver.Thistimeheseesalionunderatree.Thelionrunsath

4、im.Heisafraidandfallsintotheriver.Hecantswim.Heshouts.Therabbithearshim.Hejumpsintotheriver.Therabbitswimstothemonkey,buthecanthelphim.Luckily,anelephantcomesalong.Heisverystrong.Hehelpstherabbitandmonkey.Threefriendsarveryhappy.Theygototheelephantshome.Then,threeofthembecomegoodfriends.七 找出26个英文字母中

5、含有音标: u: u 的字母。综合练习(一)一、根据句意和首字母提示填空。(10分)1Your family name is Moore, and whats your f name?2Can you fill in your own ID c ?3Tony wants to ask you three q .4L ! Thats an English book.5This is a boy. H name is Bruce.6Your telephone n is 4222785.7There are s days in a week.8You can know the time by yo

6、ur watch or c .9Eleven g students are in the classroom. There are no boys.10Whats your a ?二、根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1Im a singer and _(I) names Dale.2Is _(she) book new?3Its nice _(meet) you.4Let _(we)learn and read English.5Whats the _(boy) name?6His _(one) name is Jones.7Six and eight _(be) fourt

7、een.8In the small village(村子), there are only nine _(family) now.9How are _(your)?10Can you _(answer) the question.三、单项选择。(10分)( )1Whats your telephone number? _ 278106.AImBItCItsDIs it( )2Is that a ruler? No, _.Ait isBit isntCthat isDthat isnt( )3All the _ have _ own meanings.Aname, itsBnames, itsC

8、name, theirDnames, their( )4The girls name is Maria Schuartz, so her _ names Maria.AlastBfamilyCfirstDmother( )5Each of the students under 15 years old doesnt have _ ID card.AanBtheCanyDa( )6Please listen and _ the nice pictures.Anumbers BmeetsClookDnumber( )7Thats a girl. Her name is _.AWang Xiaoli

9、ngBWang Xiao LingCWang xiaolingDWang xiao ling( )8_ a list of the boys names and the girls names.ATakeBMakeCWritesDDo( )9Lets _ the name game.AsingBworkCplayDdance( )10Thank you very much._.ANo thanksBThank you.CNot at allDThats right四、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(10分)(A)句型转换。1His name is Tom.(对划线部分提问) _ _ his name?2James is fine.(对划线部分提问) _ _ James?3Im Jenny.(改为同义句) _ _ is Jenny.4Lindas telephone number is 6054279.(改为一般疑问句) _ her _ _ 6054279?5name, is, family, Lucys, Read.(连词成句) _ _ _ _ _.(B)根据汉语意思完成下列句子。6你能回答他的问题吗? Can you _ _ _?7让我们结对问和答。 Lets _ and _ in _.8我的姓氏是史密斯。 My _


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