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1、基础知识梳理一、单词过关(英汉互译)。(8分)1. 一楼 2. 教师办公室 3. 图书馆 4. 操场 5. 美术教室 6. next to 7. homework 8. forty 二、重点短语(英汉互译)。(8分)1. 在二楼 2. read a book 3. play football 4. water the flowers 三、重点句子(英汉互译)。(12分)1. 音乐教室在哪里?它在一楼图书馆旁边。_is the_ _?_2. 你们有计算机房吗?是的, 我们有。_3. Is that the library? No, it isnt. _四、核心语言点。(8分)简单写一下你的学校里

2、有哪些教室和运动场所, 分别在哪里?完成填空。School单元强化检测五、选出每组词汇中不同类的一项。(5分)()1. A. myB. wayC. your()2. A. gym B. school C. music room()3. A. on B. next to C. here()4. A. first B. one C. second()5. A. hungry B. full C. storybook六、根据提示或句意补全句子。(12分)1. Where is the_? 2. Its 3: 00. Its time to go to the_. 3. My classroom is

3、_(在一楼). 4. _ you have a gym?七、单项选择。(10分)()1. _ is the computer room?A. Wheres B. WhereC. What()2. The music room is _ the first floor. A. in B. next to C. on ()3. Is that your classroom?_A. Yes, that is. B. No, that isnt C. Yes, it is. ()4. Do you have a schoolbag?_A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes

4、, I have. ()5. Go to the garden. _. A. Read a book B. Play football C. Water the flowers八、给下列句子排序。(12分)()I like Chinese books. ()This way, please. ()Is this the teachers office?()This is the library. ()No, it isnt. Its the computer room. ()Welcome to our school. 九、连词成句。(15分)1. haveanDoartroomyou (?)

5、2. next tolibrarytheteachersofficeTheis (. )3. theisplaygroundThis (. )4. Isonflooritthefirst (?) 5. classroomisWhereyour (?)十、阅读短文, 判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)Look! This is my school. Its not very big, but its very clean. There is a playground. We play football there. There are nine rooms in my school. The te

6、achers office is on the first floor. Classroom 1 to Classroom 5 are on the first floor, too. The music room, the art room and the computer room are on the second floor. I like my school. ()1. The school is very big. ()2. The classrooms are on the first floor. ()3. We play football in the gym. ()4. T

7、he music room is on the first floor, too. ()5. I like my school. 答案基础知识梳理一、1. first floor2. teachers office3. library4. playground5. art room 6. 紧邻 7. 作业8. 四十二、1. on the second floor2. 读书 3. 踢足球4. 浇花三、1. Where; music room; Its next to the library on the first floor. 2. Do you have a computer room?Ye

8、s, we do. 3. 那个是图书馆吗?不,它不是。四、(答案不唯一) computer room; playground; second floor; next to单元强化检测五、1. B2. B3. C4. B5. C六、1. library2. art room3. on the first floor4. Do七、1. B点拨: 询问“在哪里?”要用“Where is 单数名词?/ Where are 复数名词?”,不能省略be 动词。2. C点拨: 在某一层楼要用介词on。in 表示在里面, next to 表示紧邻。3. C4. B5. C八、425361九、1. Do you have an art room ?2. The teachers office is next to the library. 3. This is the playground. 4. Is it on the first floor?5. Where is your classroom?十、1. F2. T3. F4. F5. T1


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