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1、新英语五年级上课文翻译Module 1 Unit 1 Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy . 玲玲和萨姆、艾米在伦敦。 Lingling : You were in China for two years . Does London look different now ? 你们在中国两年了。现在伦敦看起来有什么不同吗? Amy : Yes , it does . 是的,它看起来有不同。 Amy: This park is different . There werent any benches here before . 这个公园是不一样了。以前这儿

2、没有长凳。 Sam : There was a house . 有一座房子。 Sam : Look ! Theres a clock . There wasnt a clock here before . 看,有一个钟表。以前这儿没有钟表。 Lingling : There is one now . There are birds , too . 现在有一个。也有鸟。 Lingling : Do you like the park now ? 你喜欢现在这个公园吗? Amy : Yes , I do . We can feed the birds . 是的,我喜欢。我们可以喂这些鸟。 Sam

3、: Then lets feed them . 那么我们去喂它们吧。 Amy and Lingling : Great ! 好极了! Unit 2 Look at the pictures of our school There were lots of little trees before . There are tall trees now . There was a small playground before . There is a big playground now . How about your school ? 看我们学校的照片。这里以前有许多小树。现在这里有高高的树了

4、。以前这里有一个小操场。现在是一个大操场。 你们学校呢? THERE WAS A CHICKEN There was a chicken here before , 以前这儿有一只小鸡, a beautiful chicken here on the floor . 有一只漂亮的小鸡在地上。 There were four eggs here before , 以前这儿有四个鸡蛋, four round brown eggs here on the floor . 在地上有四个圆圆的棕色的鸡蛋。 And now there are chicks here on the floor , 现在地上

5、有一群小鸡, cute yellow chicks . 可爱的黄色的小鸡。 Look ! There are four ! 看!有四只! Module 2 Unit 1 Amy : Come on , Lingling . Lets go to the supermarket . 快点,玲玲。我们去超市吧。 Lingling : Great ! Lets go ! 太棒了!我们走吧! Lingling : Oh , what a big supermarket ! 噢,好大的一个超市啊! Amy : Yes , it is . There are many sweets over there

6、. 是的,很大。那边有许多糖果。 Sam : and there is a lot of fruit , too . 也有许多水果。 Ms Smart : Please help me put the bags in the car . 请帮我把包放进小汽车里。 Lingling : This one is heavy . I cant carry it . 这个很重。 我搬不动。 Sam : Let me help you . 让我来帮帮你。 Ms Smart : You are helpful children . Have an ice cream . 你们是乐于助人的孩子。吃个冰淇淋。

7、 Lingling , Amy and Sam : Thank you ! 谢谢你! Unit 2 Many English supermarkets are very big . They sell many different things . They sell food , clothes , toys and CDs . They sell many things from China , too . Sometimes there are restaurants at the supermarkets . Many families go to the supermarkets t

8、ogether . 许多英国的超市都非常大。他们卖不同的东西。他们卖食物,衣服、玩具和碟片。他们也卖许多来自中国的东西。 有时候超市里有餐馆。 许多家庭一起去超市。 Module 3Unit 1 Amy : lingling , today is Halloween . 玲玲,今天是万圣节。 Lingling : Whats that ? 那是什么? Amy : Its an autumn festival in the UK . Its really fun . 它在英国是一个秋天的节日。它真的很有趣。 Sam : Children wear scary clothes . 孩子们穿着吓人的

9、衣服。 Lingling : Scary clothes ? 吓人的衣服? Amy : Yes . Look at the hats and the masks . 是的,看那些帽子和面具。 Sam : They go to their neighbours houses and ask ,“Trick or treat ?” 他们去人们的家说:“不请吃就捣蛋?” Amy : Then their neighbours give them sweets . 然后人们给他们糖果。 That night 那晚 Amy , Sam and Lingling : Trick or treat ? 不请

10、吃就捣蛋? Neighbour : You are so scary ! Here are some sweets . 你们太吓人了!给你们一些糖果。 Amy , Sam and Lingling : Thank you ! 谢谢! Unit 2 Look at these childrens hats . There are toy chicks and flowers on the hats . Do you know why ? 看这些孩子们的礼帽。帽子上有玩具小鸡和花朵。你知道为什么吗? They are Easter hats . Easter is in spring in the

11、 UK . People give children chocolate eggs . They are Easter eggs . Some Easter eggs are big and some are small . Sometimes there are small eggs in big eggs . 它们是复活节礼帽。在英国复活节在春天。人们给孩子们巧克力鸡蛋。它们是复活节彩蛋。有一些大的,有一些小的。有时大鸡蛋里有小鸡蛋。 Festivals are fun . 节日是有趣的。 Festivals are fine . 节日是美好的。 We can eat lots of yu

12、mmy foods and have a fabulous time . 我们可以吃许多美味的食物。有一个美妙的时光。 Hooray , woo hoo ! Do you love festivals , too ? 你也喜欢节日吗? Theres Christmas and Halloween , 有圣诞节和万圣节, The Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival , 春节和中秋节, Horray , woo hoo ! Lots and lots to do ! 许多,许多要做! Module 4 Unit 1 Lingling : What

13、s this ? 这是什么? Amy : Its an invitation to my birthday party . Im going to be eleven . 它是一张我生日聚会的请柬。我就要十一岁了。 Lingling : What are we going to do ? 我们打算做什么? Amy : Were going to have lunch together . 我们打算一起吃午饭。 Lingling : Are you going to have a birthday cake ? 你打算吃生日蛋糕吗? Amy : Yes , I am . Mum is going

14、 to make a birthday cake for me . 是的。妈妈打算为我做一个生日蛋糕。 Sam : After lunch , were going to tell stories . 午饭后,我们打算讲故事。 Amy : And then were going to see a film . 然后我们打算看电影。 Ms Smart : But before that , you are going to help me tidy up ! 但是在此之前,你要帮助我整理! Sam , Amy and Lingling : Oh yes ! 噢,是的! Unit 2 Dear L

15、ingling , 亲爱的玲玲, Im going to be eleven . 我就要十一岁了。 Please come to my birthday party . 请来参加我的生日聚会。 At : 15 Marling Street , London 在:伦敦市马林街15号 On : Sunday , 2 nd November 在:x月x日,星期日 From : 11:00 AM 从:上午11点 To : 2:00 PM 到:下午2点 Can you come ? please reply . 你能来吗? 请回复。 Amy 艾米 ITS FANGFANGS BIRTHDAY TODAY Its Fangfangs birthday today . 今天是芳芳的生日。 Lets all sing hip , hip , hooray . 让我们都唱嗨,嗨,呼。 Shes going to be eleven . 她马上就十一岁了。 Lets party , eat , drink , and play . 让我们聚会,吃,喝和玩。 Were going to play lots of games with toy cars , trains and planes . 我们打算用玩具小汽车,火车和飞



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