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1、外研版第七册Unit 1 The Great Wall林丽春一、教学目标(一)知识目标:1.掌握表示现在进行时的构成:be 动词+ 动词的现在分词第一人称单数:I+am+现在分词+第二人称及复数人称:主语+are+现在分词+第三人称单数:主语+is +现在分词+2.现在进行时的否定句句型:主语+相应be 动词+not +现在分词+3.现在进行时的一般疑问:Be 动词+主语+现在分词+。?(二)技能目标:1.掌握现在进行时的构成及运用其描述正在进行的动作。2.能理解How long.? How big.?并用其询问相应的问题和回答。3.了解自己喜欢的城市并和他人进行合作编写对话。(三)情感目标:

2、能在和他人的合作中完成任务,培养个人的合作精神。二、教学重难点重点:理解现在进行时并能进行描述。如何运用所学句型向他人描述自己喜欢的城市的情况。难点:了解现在进行时的构成并能运用其完成任务。三、教学课时:6课时四、教学准备:多媒体课件,图片,卡片五、教学过程(一)warming up1.Greetings.2.Free talk: Let the students talk about summer holidays. Using the past tense(二)Presentation1. Show some pictures of the cities.T: Do you know th

3、e place?Ss:Yes, its. T: Can you tell me something about it?Ss:Yes. Its .T: Can you tell me more about it?Ss:.2.The teacher summarizes: These photo/pictures are great.3.Talk about the pictures.4.Tell the students Daming went to America.he saw some pictures of China. They talk about the pictures.5.Sho

4、w the pictures and listen to the tape. Then answer: Who is Simon? Where is Daming? What are they doing?6.listen to the tape and underline the new words. Try to guessing the new words.(三)Practise1. Listen to tape and read after them.2. The whole class read the new words in a group.3. Answer the quest

5、ions: Where is it? How about the Great Wall and New York.4.Show in groups.(四)ConsolidationAct a role. The students show the dialogues. Make a role play in groups. Give them good judge.(五)ExtentionCooperation : Talk about the city with the key sentences : How long.? How big.? (六)Summary1.Talk about s

6、omething with is/are.2.Talk about the city with How long.? How big.?3.Can use Tell me more about./ Tell me something about. in dialogue.4. Can use have got /has got (七)HomeworkMake a dialogue with the key sentences.六、板书设计Moduel 1is/ are has got/ have got tell me more about/ tell me something about New wordsPostcard more thousand kilometre million Mexico canada


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