高中英语 Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood Section Ⅰ双基限时练 外研版必修1

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1、高中英语 Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood Section 双基限时练 外研版必修1.单词拼写1Seventy percent of the people who were _ (调查) suffered from this disease.答案surveyed2The novel is so _ (吸引人的) that I forget the lunchtime.答案attractive3The policeman _ (走近) the thief and caught him.答案approached4There is a sign sa

2、ying “No _ (停车) here!”. Please drive away.答案parking5Im sorry to _ (打扰) you. Can you tell me what time it is now?答案bother6She seemed _ (非常) satisfied with the result.答案pretty7Lets stop here and get something to eat. I am _ (饿死)答案starving8The _ (旅游者) were plaining the rooms were too dirty while travel

3、ling.答案tourists9I dont often go to see my grandparents because they live in the _ (郊区)答案suburb10Great changes have taken place in my _ (家乡) since I went to work in Beijing.答案hometown11A _ (海港) is a place where ships are kept. It can be manmade or natural.答案harbour12He was _ (幸运的) enough to be saved

4、after his house caught fire.答案fortunate.短语填空be made of, put up, on the coast, for a while, go for a walk, be fortunate (in) doing sth.1Late in the afternoon, the boys _ their tent in the field.答案put up2The chair which _ wood looks hard, but it is fortable to sit on.答案is made of3pared with those who

5、worked in severely polluted cities, he _ in Weihai.答案is fortunate (in) working4After lunch, we can _ along the seaside.答案go for a walk5Many people enjoy living in those cities _.答案on the coast6Please wait _, Ill ask her to meet you here.答案for a while.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1President Obama often talks onlin

6、e with netizens to make a survey _ what we think of the government work.答案与解析onmake a survey on .“进行的调查”2Finding nowhere _ (park) his car, he had to back it out and drive on along the street.答案与解析to park句意:因为找不到地方停车,所以他只好把车倒出来,沿着街道继续行驶。park在此处表示“停车”。3The writing table is made _ wood and is made _ Ch

7、ina. 答案与解析of; inbe made of 侧重于“看得出原材料,发生了物理变化”;be made from侧重于“看不出原材料,发生了化学变化”;be made in“由某地制造”。4 John got injured in the game. Would it be at least two weeks _ he could e back to school?答案与解析before句意:约翰在比赛中受伤了。是不是至少还需要两周的时间他才能恢复健康回到学校中来?此句要用before引导时间状语从句,意为“在之前还需要某段时间”。5 Dont you think Jacks heal

8、th has been ruined by overdrinking? Yes, he told me _ himself.答案与解析so答句句意:是的,他自己也是这样告诉我的。so在此为替代词,代替问句中所出现的情况。.单项填空1 What a noise! I can hardly stand it. It _ as if they are having a party next door.A. looks B. soundsC. feels D. happens答案与解析B句意:太吵了!我几乎受不了了。听起来好像是他们正在隔壁聚会。it sounds as if .“听起来好像”,sou

9、nd在此用作系动词。2I know this is not quite the right word,but I cant be _ to think of a better one.A. disturbed B. botheredC. troubled D. worried答案与解析B句意:但我不愿麻烦再想一个更好的。3Its been decided the lecture on IT is to be given this afternoon, please _ a notice on the board. A. put on B. put out C. put up D. put do

10、wn答案与解析Cput up a notice“张贴布告”;put on“穿上;上演”;put out“扑灭(火)”;put down“写下;记下;镇压”。4At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics.A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways答案与解析Ameans, method, way都表示“方法”,但后面不与介词to连用,而approach可以,故答案为A项。5That was really a great evening. Its yea

11、rs _ I enjoyed myself so much.A. when B. thatC. before D. since答案与解析D句意:那真是一个美好的夜晚。好多年我都没有这么快乐过了。Its years since . 延续性动词表示否定意义。enjoy oneself“玩得愉快”,表示延续性的动作。6The _ house seems as if it hasnt been lived in for years.A. little white woodenB. little wooden whiteC. white wooden littleD. wooden white litt

12、le答案与解析A此处house的修饰词的顺序为:大小颜色材料。.完形填空About once a month I have to go to Degford for my work. One day I went into a hotel to have something to _1_. The waiter _2_ my coat and put it in a small room.About an hour later I was _3_ to go. The waiter _4_ me my coat. _5_ something fell out of the pocket ont

13、o the floor. It was a small white box. Then I took a good look at the _6_. “Oh, youve brought someone _7_ coat,” I said to the waiter.“It looks very much like mine,_8_ it is quite new, and this isnt my box, either.”“Oh, then I _9_ someone has taken your coat and left this,” said the waiter. “This ki

14、nd of thing _10_ sometimes.”I opened the box. There was a beautiful gold ring in it. So I went_11_to the police station.“_12_ lost a ring?” I asked.“Yes,” said a policeman. “A young man who came in this morning lost a ring. He lost it in London.”He _13_ the young man. A few minutes later, the man arrived.“Yes, this is my ring,” he said.“How can I _14_ you, sir? You see, I paid a lot of money for this ring and _15_ I lost it on the train!”After I told him the _16_ of the coat, he


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