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1、五年级英语下期期中考试试卷时间:90分钟 满分:100分 题 号一二三四五六总 分得 分一、Write.按照正确的书写格式抄写下列内容。 (共计20分)Dont put your feet on the seat.Where were you,Mingming?二、Read and match.读一读,连一连。(10分)Who was first? I was sick. I was in bed at home.Where is my ring? Peter was first.Who was last? It was on the television.Where were you on

2、Saturday? Yes,there is.Is there a bus on the road? The rabbit was last.三、Think and choose.想一想,选一选。(20分)( )1.A: Whats this on the box? Its a dog. B: Whats this on the box? Its a book.( )2. A:Whats that in the basket? Its an apple.B:Whats that in the basket?Its an mango.( )3. This isgood picture. A.a

3、B.an( )4.Dont loudly(大声地).Please keep. A.quiet;talk B. talk; quiet ( )5.Hethirteen. A.am B.is( )6.Letshome. A.go B.goes( )7.Glad toyou. A.see B.seeing( )8. is the first day of the week. A.Sunday B.Monday( )9.Thursday is theday of the week. A.fifth B.fourth( )10.There are months in a year. A.twelve B

4、.twelfth 四、判断正误,内容与图画相符的填“T”,不符的填“F”.(14分)( )1.Dont talk in class. ( )2.Where is my ring? ( )3.I came by bus. ( )4.Is there a car on the road? ( )5.He was sick yesterday. 1st( )6.I am second. ( )7.We went to zoo. 五、Dialogue.根据情景,选择正确的句子。(20分)1当你想询问别人现在几点钟时,你应该问:( )A.What time is it? B.What is it?2当你

5、想询问谁是第一名时,你应该问: ( )A.who is the second? B.Who is the first? 3.当你询问别人星期天在哪里时,你应该问: ( )A.Where were you on Sunday? B.What day is today?4、当你叫别人不要躺着看书时,你应该说: ( )ADont talk in class. B.Dont read in the bed.5.当你感到抱歉时,你应该说: ( ) AThank you! B. Excuse me.六、小小翻译家。(16分)A.翻译词语(8分)1. seat 2.rubbish bin 3.spill 4.post office 5烟囱 6.道路 7.第五 8.火车站 B翻译句子(8分)1.Draw a cat on the roof. 2. Is there a bus on the road? Yes,and theres a taxi behind the bus.



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