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1、小学英语PEP5 Unit 6 设计教师:奉龙艳(顺德一中附小新德业学校)适用年级:小学五年级课题名称:Unit 6 In a nature Park(A Lets talk)教材版本:义务教育课程标准实验教科书 英语(PEP)第五册授课时间: 40分钟课时说明:Unit 6 第二课时教学内容:PEP 5 Unit 6 In a nature ParkA Lets talkTheres a nature park in the city.Is there a river in the park?Yes, there is.Is there a farm?No, there isnt.学生分析:

2、小学五年级的学生已经学完了先锋英语-, PEP-,已经具有较好的英语基础,有了一定的语言积累。本课是Unit 的第二课时,在上一课时学生已经学习了一些关于自然景物的词语,如:flower, cloud, sky, grass, river, lake, forest, mountain, path等;而there be句型在unit 5 已经学习了陈述句单、复数的表达。为增加教学内容的趣味性,本课借助了country mouse and city mouse 作文这节课的主人公,利用他们因为居住在城乡的环境差异来改编、呈现对话。教学目标:(1)知识目标: 能够听、说、读、写关于自然景物的单词:

3、flower, cloud, sky, grass, river, lake, forest, mountain, path、city, farm 能够听懂、会说:There is/ are. Is there.? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.并能在情境中运用。(2)能力目标:能够用英语简单的描述自然公园和村庄,如:There is a nature park in the city.能够用一般疑问句询问自然公园及村庄的基本情况并作答,如:Is there a river in the park? / Yes, there is. No, there isn

4、t. (3)情感目标:培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感,增强学生的环境保护意识。教学重点、难点及解决措施教学重点:句型:Is there.? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.教学难点:正确运用There be 句型的单复数和一般疑问句形式及其肯定否定回答。解决措施:通过让学生描述及询问、回答某地的自然景物,使学生能熟练运用所学的语言。教学设计思路本课的教学主要分为以下6个步骤:第一步:引出本课两个主人公:country mouse and city mouse. 同时学生分成以他们命名的两个组。第二步:两个组进行单词竞赛。复习上一课时关于自然景物的单词。第三步:以c

5、ountry mouse 和city mouse 之间的对话谈论nature park 里的自然景物。突出新授句型:Is there.? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.第四步:以小图引导学生说对话。第五步:把整个nature park 图片呈现,学生看图2分钟,记住里面的景物,以“看谁记忆力最好?”在图片消失后运用本课主要句子:Is there.? 说出图片里的景物。第五步:通过问题:Is there a nature park in your city? 引导学生谈论本地的自然公园:Shunfeng Park.第六步:通过图片:Park 1, Park 2,

6、 里面的景物不同,让学生二人小组运用句型:There is. in my picture. Is there. in your picture?教学流程:Step 1: Warm-up / Revision1. Greetings.2. Draw out the main characters for this lesson. T: boys and girls, today lets go to learn Unit 6 In a Nature Park. First,Id like you to meet two lovely new friends. The Country Mouse

7、and the City Mouse. Country Mouse comes out: Hello,I am the Country Mouse. Ss: Hello, Country Mouse.Nice to meet you. City Mouse comes out: Hello, I am the City Mouse. Ss: Hello, City Mouse.Nice to meet you.3. The Country Mouse and the City Mouse are good friends. One day, they met each other.Countr

8、y Mouse: Hello, my dear friend, long time no see. Hows the life in the city?City Mouse: Pretty good. I enjoy it.Country Mouse: Do you know these words?City Mouse: Sure. Lets have a competition.T: The Country Mouse and City Mouse are going to have a word competition. Boys and girls, do you want to jo

9、in them?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Lets go. See who has sharp eyes.4. Have competitions (sharp eyes,words spelling) to review the words of lets learn: flower, cloud, sky, grass, river, lake, forest, mountain, path,city, farm.设计意图There be句型教学本身是比较枯燥的,为增加本课的趣味性,教师借助了country mouse and city mouse 作为这节课的主人公,利用他们因为居住

10、在城乡的环境差异,并以故事的形式来呈现对话。引起学生学习的兴趣。设计意图以Country Mouse 和City Mouse 提出单词竞赛,学生加入比赛, 通过竞赛sharp eyes, 一方面复习上一节课所学过的关于自然景物的单词,为这节课描述及询问某地是否存在某景物做准备;另一方面激发学生参与学习的激情、调动他们的积极性,集中精神投入到学习中。Step 2: Presentation 1. T: Listen, the Country Mouse and City Mouse are talking. What are they talking about? Please listen a

11、nd repeat.( Present the new contents.)A: Is there a farm in the city?B: No, there isnt. But theres a nature park.A: Is there a forest?B: Yes, there is.A: Is there a lake in the park?B: No, there isnt. But theres a river .A: Is there a bridge over the river?B: Yes, there is. Theres a small bridge.A:

12、Is there any grass in the nature park?B: Yes, there is. And there are many flowers, too.A: Are there any animals?B: Yes, there are. There are two ducks and turtles.2. Students take roles to read the dialogue.设计意图通过Country Mouse 和City Mouse呈现新授内容。学生在模仿中Country Mouse 和City Mouse的语气学习新对话。Step 3 Practic

13、e1. T: Can you make the dialogue just by looking at the pictures? 2. City Mouse: Heres a picture of the nature park.Ss look at the picture and try to remember whats in it. They have 2 minutes. And then the picture disappeared. Ss say out what they remember with the sentences: Is there. in the nature

14、 park? See who has the best memory? 3.T: Shhh, listen, the Country Mouse is saying something. Lets listen.I live in the country. I enjoy the life there. Because. (chant)The grass is green.The sky is blue.The air is clean.The day is new.The wind blows.The clouds play.The river flows.Beautiful day, be

15、autiful day!设计意图通过图的提示,分角色练习对话。设计意图把前面Country Mouse 和City Mouse对话中的nature park 完整的呈现给学生,学生观察图片2分钟,并记住里面的景物。然后图片消失,学生凭记忆运用所学句型:Is there. In the nature park? 说出图中的景物。设计意图通过Country Mouse引出chant,既可以丰富语言,又可以活跃课堂气氛,调节紧张的神经。 Step 4 Consolidation and extension1.T: Hey, listen, the City Mouse has question for us.Is there a nature park in your city?


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