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1、第七册9、10模块及第八册1、2模块复习要点下宽小学Moudle nine 一课时单词及短语building all around the world peace go insideshow want to take a photo句子1.A: Do you want to visit the UN building in New York? B:Yes, we do!2.A: I want to show Daming the present from China. B: Its beautiful. I want to take a photo.3.They want to bring p

2、eace to the world.4.Do you want to go to Guilin?功能用“want to do sth.”询问他人的意愿和表达自己的意愿Module 10 一课时单词及短语:hurry rule library card line in line CD句子1.A: Look at the library rules. Its says Dont talk in the library.” B: Oh,sorry.2. A: Heres my library card. B: Please stand in line.3.Dont walk on the grass

3、.4.Be quiet!/ Stop5.Go straight on!功能:能使用祈使句发出指令;能够遵守规章制度,执行命令上册M9-M10测试一、翻译下列单词。建筑物_ 和平_展示_ 匆忙_规则_ 成一条直线_ all around_ library card_中华人民共和国_二、填空补全句子。1.你想去桂林吗?_2.Do you _ _ visit the _ building in New York ? Yes ,we do.3.-I want to _ Daming the present _ China .-Its beautiful . I _ _ tadke a photo .4

4、.Look at the library _. It _,“Dont talk _ the library.”5.Heres my library card.Please _ _ _.三、选词,填空。 all around fantastic present peace look at1.There are flags from _the world.2.What a_present!3.They want to bring_to the world.4.Boys and girls, please_the blackboard.四、画图。Dont go straight on Dont tu

5、rn left. Go straight ahead. Turn right. Dont park here.Modle one Restaurants 一课时单词:want hambburger cola dollar enjoy come in hot dog drink how much cent some chicken vegetable句子1.What do you want ? 你想要什么?Can I help you ?也有同样的意思I want/ I dont know.2. I want a hot dog, please.我想要一个热狗3. It looks good.它

6、看起来很好。Look 为系动词,后跟形容词4. How much is it ? -Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.5.what do you want to eat ?6.What do you want to drink ?句型:want to do sth. “想要做某事”测试题一、写出下列单词的各种形式 1Know(同音词)_ 2.much(同义词)_ 3. cent(同音词)_ 4. I (宾格)_ 5.enjoy(三单)_ 6.dish(复数)_ 7.real (副词)_ 8.waiter (对应词)_二、英汉互译1、三个热狗_

7、 2、two colas_ 3、多少钱 _ 4.all our food_5. 想要喝_ e in _ 7.看上去好吃_ 8.your favourite dish_三、单项选择( )1. The red T-shirt is eight _. A. dollar B. dollars C. cent D. yuans( )2. Daming _want a hot dog. A. isnt B. not C.dont d.doesnt( )3. - _are these bananas?-Theyre $20.A. How much B. How many C. What D. How( )

8、4.-_hambergers do you want? -Three A.How much B. How many C.What D. How( )5. How much _the orange juice ? -Oh, _8 yuan. A. is ; Its B.are; theyre C. are; Its D.is; its四、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Some apple juice for_(I),please. 2. What do you want _(eat)? 3._she_(want) a hamburger? 4. My brother _(like) colas

9、and I _(like) milk.五、连词成句 1. your meal enjoy please_ 2. do what you want eat to 3. hot dog I a some and want noodles 4. thirteen its and forty dolllars cents Module two Plans 一课时单词及短语: have a picnic nosiy under the tree in the park what about play chess half past twelve hungryduck sunny rest in my b

10、edroom say goodnight 句型:1、When are we going to eat ? Were goingto eat at half past twelve. Be going to do sth. 一般疑问句的常用形式,表示将来要发生的事后事先经过烤炉打算去做某事。2.What are you going to do?3.Its going to rain soon.4.Were going to walk around the lake.5.Its going to snow in Harbin.6.What are you going to do on Thursd

11、ay? Im going to watch TV测试题一、写出下列动词的ing形式1.rain _ 2. look _ 3. sing _ 4. swim _ 5. eat _ 6. send_二、根据句意选词填空to about for around at1. She wants some hot dogs and some cola _her mum.2. What do you want _drink?3. We are going to have lunch _about eleven thirty.4. I like walking_the lake at the weekends.5. I want some chicken. What_you, mum?三、单项选择 ( )1. Its going to snow_Harbin, A.in B.at ( ) 2.Its going to _in Beijing. A. cold B.be cold (


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