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1、2022年中考英语二轮专练阅读理解3人教新目标版Passage 1(2019中考日常生活类训练)Could your best friend make you fat?Researchers who have studied“networks”of obesity(肥胖) think so:they found that if someones friend bees obese, that persons chances of being obese increase by more than half.Brothers or sisters and a husband or a wife

2、also have an influence, although reduced_people whose brothers or sisters became obese were 40 percent more likely to grow obese, while people whose husband or wife became obese were 37 percent more likely to.“This is the first study to show how obesity spreads through the social network from person

3、 to person,”James Fowler of the University of California, San Diego, who worked on the study, told in a telephone interviewing.The researchers said their findings show that obesity is contagiousnot like a virus which is contagious, but in a social sense.It may help explain why obesity is worsening a

4、cross the United States, with twothirds of Americans overweight and almost a third technically obese.“It has bee very popular to speak of the obesity epidemic.We began to wonder if it is truly an epidemic,”Dr.Nicholas Christakis, a professor of medical sociology at Harvard Medical School in Boston,

5、told the briefing.“We think that these findings reinforce(加强) the idea that obesity is not just an individual problem but a collective problem,”Christakis said.“People look around them and see people gaining weight and it might change their attitude about what constitutes an acceptable body size,”he

6、 added.“You might say its OK to be heavier.”1The underlined phrase“reduced people”refers to_.Athe influence of people is smaller and smallerBfat persons are having less and less friendsCthe number of fat persons is decreasing largelyDpersons are being thinner and thinner2Whats the new finding of res

7、earchers in the passage?AObesity is popular with Americans.BObesity spreads from person to person.CObesity can be spread like a virus.DObesity is being an epidemic.3In what aspect do your fat friends have an impact on you?AThey may influence you how to choose a lover.BThey may assist you in forming

8、a life value.CThey may change your attitudes towards obesity.DThey may help you understand what obesity is.4From the passage,we can infer that_.Aits better not to make friends with fat personsBobesity is a kind of disease that can spreadCmost Americans think obesity is a kind of beautyDit needs a co

9、llective effort to deal with obesity参考答案1A 2B 3C 4DPassage 2(2019中考教育类选练) “I dont like my parents.They always tell me I should do this,and should not do that.It sometimes makes me angry,”said Zhang Hua,a middle school student in Guangzhou.Do you have the same problem?Perhaps your parents had the sam

10、e problem when they were your age long ago.Why does it seem that some parents are not so friendly in their childrens eyes?One of the biggest problems is when someone bees a parent,he/she likes worrying about things.They worry about everything about you from the time you were born.They do a lot for y

11、ou,though something would make you angry,because they care about you and worry about you.They worry about your choice of friends,food you eat,your work at school,how much sleep you get,etc.All these things are part of your life.They want you to grow up healthily and happily.So how can you make thing

12、s easier on yourself?Its easier than you think.Just make sure your parents know what youre doing.Get them to know your friends.Phone them if you stay somewhere else late so that your parents dont call every hospital in the phone book looking for you.Say sorry to them when you make mistakes.Take resp

13、onsibility(责任)for what you have done.Talk about your ideas with them.They may talk about theirs with you.Most of all,try to think about why your parents do this or do that.They are still practicing being parents and need help you can give them.Some day,when you bee a parent,they may be able to help

14、you know how to get on with your children.1.The writer thinks one of the biggest problems for parents is to _Aworry about themselves Bworry about their childrenChate their children Dbe friendly with their children2.All the things that parents do is to _Amake their children angryBwant their children

15、to love themCwant their children to grow up healthily and happilyDwant their children to do everything well in the future3.The writer thinks we should _ if we go back home later than usual.Atell our friends Btell the teacherCsay sorry to our parents Dmake a telephone call to our parents4.The writer thinks _Aits wrong for parents to worry about their children too muchBsome parents are unfriendly,which makes their children angryCchildren should do everything as their parents sayDparents love their children very much and the children should understand them5.What is th


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