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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2018高考英语浙江省)完形填空强化训练10)及答案一)I woke up this morning with a fright!There appeared to be a mouse in my bed tickling my nose and _1_ scratching me.It had to be a mouse,for those tiny sharp little nails were scratching me all across my _2_.qgA2hbeOOUb5E2RGbCAPIt couldnt have been an)_3_ as I

2、 didnt own any pets;it couldnt have been a rat,because if what I had read about rats was_4_,their sharp teeth could _5_ their way through solid stone.They do this because their front teeth never stop growing and this is the only way to keep them _6_.qgA2hbeOOUp1EanqFDPwI didnt dare to open my eyes a

3、nd face the_7_ of the disgusting mouse in the bed with me.I felt so dirty and _8_.I didnt want to change my position either,_9_ the mouse would slide onto other areas of my body,which would_10_ give me horrible dreams for years to come!qgA2hbeOOUDXDiTa9E3dDespite my fears,I finally decided to swiftl

4、y _11_ the mouse away.But it _12_!I did it again and again and it kept coming back,every single time.qgA2hbeOOURTCrpUDGiTThere was no way out.I had to face my enemy.I took a breath,gathered my _13_ and slowly opened my eyes.To my relief,I saw something far _14_ than a mouse and it all came back to m

5、e.qgA2hbeOOU5PCzVD7HxAI had put my baby daughter Rebecca into bed beside me after her first bottle in the morning!qgA2hbeOOUjLBHrnAILgThat also reminded me:I needed to trim 修剪)her _15_.qgA2hbeOOUxHAQX74J0X1AwarmlyBlightly Cwildly DthoroughlyqgA2hbeOOULDAYtRyKfE2Afoot Bhand Cstomach DfaceqgA2hbeOOUZz

6、z6ZB2Ltk3Amouse Binsect Ccat DflyqgA2hbeOOUdvzfvkwMI14Atrue Bsuitable Cinteresting DclearqgA2hbeOOUrqyn14ZNXI5Afight Bpull Ccarve DwindqgA2hbeOOUEmxvxOtOco6Astrong Bsharp Cslim DshortqgA2hbeOOUSixE2yXPq57Ahorror Bthought Crisk DcostqgA2hbeOOU6ewMyirQFL8Atired Bstupid Cuncomfortable DdisappointedqgA2

7、hbeOOUkavU42VRUs9Ahoping Bfearing Cassuming DdoubtingqgA2hbeOOUy6v3ALoS8910Agradually Btemporarily Csurely DhardlyqgA2hbeOOUM2ub6vSTnP11Athrow Bbrush Ckeep DsendqgA2hbeOOU0YujCfmUCw12Areturned Brepeated Cdropped DstayedqgA2hbeOOUeUts8ZQVRd13Amemories Bthoughts Cenergy DcourageqgA2hbeOOUsQsAEJkW5T14A

8、softer Bcuter Cuglier DworseqgA2hbeOOUGMsIasNXkA15Ahair Bfeet Cnails DfingersqgA2hbeOOUTIrRGchYzg一)1B根据语境可知,此处是指老鼠轻轻地抓“我”。lightly意为“轻轻地”,符合语境。warmly意为“温暖地”;wildly意为“野蛮地,狂暴地”;thoroughly意为“彻底地,完全地”,均不符合语境。故选B项。qgA2hbeOOU7EqZcWLZNX2D根据语境可知,此处是指老鼠锋利的爪子在“我”的脸上乱抓。face意为“脸”,符合语境;foot意为“脚”,hand意为“手”,stomach





13、OOUmZkklkzaaP12A根据语境可知,老鼠被赶走后又回来了。return意为“返回,归还”,符合语境。repeat意为“重复”;drop意为“下降,落下”;stay意为“停留,坚持”,均不符合语境。故选A项。qgA2hbeOOUAVktR43bpw13D根据语境可知,“我”不得不面对敌人,于是“我”深吸一口气,聚集所有的勇气,然后慢慢睁开了眼睛。courage意为“勇气,胆量”,符合语境。memory意为“记忆,记忆力”;thought意为“想法”;energy意为“能量,精力”,均不符合语境。故选D项。qgA2hbeOOUORjBnOwcEd14B根据下文中的“my baby dau

14、ghter”可知,此处应该是指“我”睁开眼后,看到的是一个比老鼠要可爱得多的东西。cuter意为“更可爱的,更聪明的”,符合语境。softer意为“更柔软的”;uglier意为“更丑陋的”;worse意为“更坏的,更差的”,均不符合语境。故选B项。qgA2hbeOOU2MiJTy0dTT15C根据文章第二段中的“sharp little nails” 可知,此处应该是指“我”该修剪女儿的指甲了。nail意为“指甲”,符合语境。hair意为“头发”,foot意为“脚”,finger意为“手指”,均不符合语境。故选C项。qgA2hbeOOUgIiSpiue7A*结束qgA2hbeOOUuEh0U1Yfmh阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。qgA2hbeOOUIAg9qLsgBXDear son,The day that you see me old and I am already not in good health, have patience and try to understan


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