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1、大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社 董亚芬主编)第一册Bo1 Unit7答案1)e2)3)g)c5)j)a7)b8)i9)d10)h1) dniy2)eently3) intention4) ina ro5) plled out) seete)to your aste8) edry9)pivilge10)samled11)cetng2) take advnagof3) wo14) suspecd15)and whs more)a positv thatshewasable too the job thughs co-wne considred her to e inquatefor .2)

2、 t was edent tht would on rai) on for a chance toetur eir hmelandfor a viit.4)the an reay ooadngeo hr ignonce5) mtae hr frhemt ohe hone.6) going adic occasnlly, u not o tn that bcomes aboe1)uless2) caeles)cloful4) jobes5) hpfu6) endlss7) itiful8) powerful1) saper2) beiner) lr4) shers5) bggars6) aco7

3、)sailos8)translors1) vdce2) Evidntly3) evident4) edent1) 2) kindly) Kinn4)iny) eagerl2) eae3) eagerness4) eaer1) sincere2) sil3) sincety4)sncee) ccasin2) occasionll3) ocasin4) occasionaly1)allowed/ erted) alloed/ permited3) werellowed4) llow/ pemit5) ll/ et6) let1)H talk/taked aut loida s ifhe habee

4、the.2) He look/lok a f head evr ada ecet me.) Shetls s i sh knw where they are4) Hbehaves as f heoed thepae.5) He rde me aoutas if were y bos.) He loos as ifhe ispting onegh.2)tels as if i mae ofctton) hy sound as ity coe rom Ne York.) They ook as ifhey kow a ohe.5)It sell as if it i feh)They aste a

5、s i ey are hmeade.) He ooksa f he is hury.) t ounas if t iAfrican.1) No, h wntsoewhr es.) o,he igoingkeomting se.3) , he isgoingto watch somethig es.4) o,she oe somthng els5)No, it wassoeon ele who broutit t her.6) o,is going smewhere l.7) No,someneele is ig to Indiana. / No, hes going smewr ese.8)

6、No, told the stor somne ese) eldely2)orn3)eidet)la ou5) samled) ition7) ot of lac8) prspero9) cmedown10)coutdt1)wen) 3)de4)for5)of6)ust7)so8)wnt9)ndly0)come)dr1)ofer3)ar14)a5)to16)hvent17)cth)sk19)ansere1)a the tie)hiered)xra4)outof5)urnd in)onesty7)chetn8)Later o9)Even tugh10)avo翻译1) 萨姆买不起她极想要的那种照相

7、机,由于那相机太贵了。S col nt affor (toby)the camer elonged or beauit wa o xpensive.) 整个上午她都在忙于写那篇故事,只是偶尔停下来喝杯茶。e as busy writi the soyallt moring,on braking of ocsonalltove sm / cup of ea.3) 她是个富人家的儿子,但是看上去已经家道中落了。e is the snofaelthy family, bute semst e com dwn in th orld.4) 她常运用她缺少生意头脑(business sne)而欺骗她。ef

8、tn to avaaeof her lak f busine enseto cheher5) 王专家,请您赏光来参与我们星期六的英语晚会好吗?Prf.Wag, wold you do us aavory comngto u Eglishvenig this Saturday?6)看外表她一点也不像是个八十多岁的老人。He does ot seem o b an od ma inhis ighties, consierng hispprac.7) 她们肯定没打算把她培养成一名工程师,我猜想她们永远也不会这样做。ndoubtedlyty doot have theintetn omakig eni

9、er o him,d spt hy nverwil.8)我怀疑这家工厂什么质量控制也没有。通过一周的观测,我发现状况果真如此。 uspece her wsno qaty conro watsoever in he factory. fter aking obserations o a week fond thswas indeede case.附: RedingActivy及 Guided ritin)c2)b)c4)loyatspth5) a6)c1) I ly I had aced s hmn eing / If oly I d gvn ay the oodthe old woman ne

10、ded) fr 7 am.to 11 pm) (ave) the power t dict and eglat4) nbrnqualities o bigkind,thoughful an sympahetic1)我坚信,一种和谐的微笑和一声脱口而出的先生、女士和谢谢您就足以让我应付任何也许浮现的状况,从安慰缺少耐心或难缠的顾客到为找错零钱而道歉。)她干咳着,每次呼吸都气喘吁吁。在一种气温只有华氏40度的夜晚,她只穿着一件褪了色的印花连衣裙,一件薄薄的、小得连纽扣都扣不起来的羊毛衫和一双黑色的塑料拖鞋,拖鞋的后帮已经剪掉,露出了长满老茧的脚后跟。/) 当我站到她身边时,我觉得要保持微笑就难了:

11、她眼眶发红的双眼部分地被黄兮兮的眼屎遮住了;她的两手积满了一层层的污垢,衣服上散发出一阵阵的汗臭味,像一层厚厚的云雾扑鼻而来。4) 有那么一刹那,我真想说:把玉米拿去吧。但雇员守则却涌入了我的脑海:保持礼貌,但不要让顾客占你的便宜。5) 我真心但愿我当时能体现得像一种人而不是机器人,但意识到我们保持自身良好本性的力量是多么的脆弱,又令我感到悲哀。1) His os oved veryone esen.2)What a pityuan go t he lctr!) Thouhtill a unman, h isaleading biologis in thatcnry.4)You cn doittswayf youcae to.5) illin he bans ith ils wheevencess.6) A seduled, hey me n Janr 20 at th ChineseEmassy.7) at if the do ntcome?8) Tsooner,he betr.9)ntgwrong wthhe tp-ecdr?10) When n need, ont esiate to ak mefor ony1) The oylokd i araid nothing.12) Hi a is nneandis as ig ad trong.0



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