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1、2022年考博英语-宁夏大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Business in this area has been( ) because prices are too high.问题1选项A.prosperousB.secretiveC.slackD.shrill【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项prosperous“繁荣的,兴旺的”;B选项secretive“秘密的,偷偷摸摸的”;C选项slack“松弛的,萧条的”;D选项shrill“尖锐的,刺耳的”。句意:由于价格太高,这个地区的生意( )。本句表达的意思是“价格太高,所以这里的生意很萧条”,因此C选项符合题意。2

2、. 填空题The United States is a nation of suburbs.The1990 census(人口普查)makes it official. Nearly half the countrys population now lives in suburbs, up from a quarter in 1950 and a third in 1960.The third century of American history is shaping up as the suburban century. Until 1920 most Americans lived in

3、 rural areas. By 1960 the country was a third urban, a third rural, and a third suburban. That balance didnt last long, however. By 1990 the urban population had slipped to 31 percent and the rural population was down to less than a quarter. We are now a suburban nation with an urban fringe and a ru

4、ral fringe.The first century of American life was dominated by the rural myth: the sturdy and self-reliant Jeffersonian farmer. By the end of the nineteenth century, however, Americans were getting off the farms as fast as they could, to escape the hardship and brutality of rural life.Most of the tw

5、entieth century has been dominated by the urban myth: the melting pot; New York, New York; the cities as the nations great engines of prosperity and culture. All the while, however, Americans have been getting out of the cities as soon as they can afford to buy a house and a car. They want to escape

6、 the crowding and dangers of urban life. But there is more to it than escape. As Kenneth T. Jackson argues in Crabgrass Frontier, a history of suburbanization in the United States, the pull factors (cheap housing and the ideal of a suburban “dream house”) have been as important as the push factors p

7、opulation growth and racial prejudice).The 1990 Census tells the story of the explosive growth of suburbs. That year fourteen states had a majority suburban population, including six of the ten most populous states (California, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Florida, and New Jersey).Suburban growth i

8、s not likely to end anytime soon. According to the polls, 43 percent of Boston residents, 43 percent of people who live in Los Angeles, and 60 percent of those who live in New York City say they would leave the city if they could. When the Gallup Poll asked Americans in 1989 what kind of place they

9、would like to live in, only 19 percent said a city.Is there a suburban myth? Sure there is. It has been a staple of American popular culture since the 1950s, from television shows like The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet and Leave It to Beaver to movies like E.T. The debunking of the suburban myth h

10、as now reached American popular culture, where television comedies about lower middle-class families like Roseanne and the Simpsons portray the harsh realities of suburban life-unemployment, troubled families, and, above all, stress.Write “A” for True or “F” for False in the brackets:_ 61. The great

11、er part of the American population now lives in the suburbs._ 62. Cheap housing is one of the reasons for Americans wanting to live in the suburbs._ 63. In the U.S. a house in the suburbs is a symbol of prosperity and culture._ 64. In 1989 most Americans still said they preferred living in urban are

12、as._ 65. The main part of American popular culture since the 1950s has been dominated by the suburb myth.【答案】FTFFF【解析】1.定位到第一段Nearly half the countrys population now lives in suburbs, up from a quarter in 1950 and a third in 1960.(美国现在有近一半的人口住在郊区,而1950年只有四分之一,1960年只有三分之一。)题干与原文不符,因此不对。2.定位到第四段 the p

13、ull factors(cheap housing and the ideal of a suburban “dream house”) have been as important as the push factors population growth and racial prejudice.(牵引力因素廉价住房和郊区“梦想之家”的理想与人口增长和种族偏见一样重要),可以得知廉价的住房也是他们离开的原因之一,因此题干表达正确。3.定位到第四段the cities as the nations great engines of prosperity and culture.(城市是国家繁

14、荣和文化的重要引擎。)而不是美国的房子是繁荣和文化的象征。因此题干和原文的表达是不符的,错误。4.定位到倒数第二段When the Gallup Poll asked Americans in 1989 what kind of place they would like to live in, only 19 percent said a city.(1989年,盖洛普民意测验询问美国人他们想住在什么样的地方,只有19%的人回答是城市。)这一句和题干不相符,只有19%的人们表示喜欢居住在城市,并不是题干说的大部分,因此错误。5.定位到第三段和第四段The first century of A

15、merican life was dominated by the rural myth: the sturdy and self-reliant Jeffersonian farmer. By the end of the nineteenth century, however, Americans were getting off the farms as fast as they could, to escape the hardship and brutality of rural life. Most of the twentieth century has been dominat

16、ed by the urban myth(美国人生活的第一个世纪被乡村神话所主宰:强壮而自立的杰斐逊式农民。然而,到了19世纪末,美国人开始尽可能快地离开农场,以逃避农村生活的艰难和残酷。20世纪的大部分时间里,都市神话一直占据着主导地位)原文并没有说是具体哪一年被谁主导,因此题干的表述也是不对的,错误。3. 单选题In the summer of 1978 an English farmer named Ian Stevens was driving his tractor through a field of wheat when he discovered something strange. Some of his wheat was lying flat on the ground. The flattened w


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