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1、浙江省泰顺县新城学校-八年级英语下学期第四次月考(期末模拟)试题 (考试时间:12分钟,卷面满分20分)注意事项:1 请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题卡区域内作答,超过答题区域书写的答案无效。2. 在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。第I 卷(选择题,共5分)一听力测试(本大题共30小题。1-15每题1分,5-0每题2分,共25分)第一节 听音辨图 听句子,选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画。 B C D E._ 2_ 3_ 4_ _第二节 情景反映 听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。( ) 6AI sory to hear tha . B. Tats gt. C.s, iis( ) 7. A. So

2、 they id. B. Yes, tey ook a tran. .So did thy( ) . A Thasal righ. B.Yorewecoe. C. Than you.( ) . A. aybe at 8:0 B. Sorr, Im not sur. C.Tas true.( )0.A.Noida. B. What ad ! C. hink o.第三节 对话理解听第一段对话,回答第1112题。( ) 11 e aeth peakertakin?A. In the street. On hpone C At school.( )1 Wat does a Lu wntt d? A S

3、he wansto vie Xiao Nas faml to her hoe hisSatuday. Sh wants t visit io Na this Satura.C. Sh ant toiit Xao Na to r ome i Satury.听第二段对话,回答第135题。( )13What Jane ding?A. Seis chatting tIntert. B. Sheis wriing a email.C.e is calng erfend.( )14.hydid Rose ove toanothr cty?ABeause she oua oo jb her B. ecaus

4、e r fathr found new jobthere.Becaeshewent to a new schol.( )15How an frnds oes Jaehavetthscho?A Thre.B Four. C Fiv.第四节 语篇理解 听一篇短文,根据短文内容选择对的答案。短文读三遍。( )16. hatosBernard ngmore do?.Hisa unversitytudent. B He i a rporer of ntiolnewsaerC. He is drer fa choo newspaper( )17. WhenBenadwas_ yarold, h dcied

5、t b a prter.A. 1B 15 . 17( )18. hen Bernarws _yeas old, e artd writing articles.A 4 15 C. 7( )19. Did Bernrd t nvrsty? . Ye, hedid.BNo, idt. Wedont know( )0. Hwlong dBrnardwork orhe smllnewsaer? A. or out twa.B For aou thee yeas. C. For aut fouyar.二、单选 (本大题共0小题。每题分,共1分)从、B、三个选项中,选出最佳选项。( )1. -Have y

6、ou got _aunt or _ul? -Neher. A.n, aB. a, nC.an, n( ) 2.(模拟预测)I lys nhp_whI wthcarton.A. lauh.lauhinC. t lugh( ) 3.(新题原创) _omefrm _, hyak_A.Germ, German, Gmns B.Grmns, Gemn,Gerany CGeras, ermy, Geran()24. I_alot of frins s arA.hv dB.has hd. have had( ) 25.(江西省赣州市普高招生考试)enny, yu e sobuilin you ew dres

7、! Thas! Bu I _ itfrsveralims. A. we B. wil wear C. he worn( ) . (新题原创)Bear tw is warin ai o jas_a pir ofsungsses, h_ol.A. wih,lok B ad, looks C. ad, smlls( )7.Hel ohrs ieed,_ tey ill elp ouwhn you in trouble.A.and . but C. ( )2. ere_ a cat and wo dos in my home.A. B. are C. as( ) 9.(四川省宜宾市中考)I dn ko

8、w hen he _ ack. leasetll me when he_s;omes B.coms;wilme C.willoe; coes( )3.Which of the followigs thsame a “ Ibouhhim a new ihne.” n he pttern(构造)?A.Ioften see him exerise frupr. B. M Wi teaches sEnglsh.C. e ve man sbtstolearn t sool.三、完形填空(本大题共15小题。每题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,选择最佳的答案。A litle bynceound a jar (

9、罐子) of nu (果仁)on tetable“d lke m f these nut,”he hought “Isue moth willgivethe to me_3 she i he. I want some toa now.” o h_32te jar.As h a very ungy, grabed (抓住) as_3 as he coudBut whe trieto pull hs _34 out,hefound h nek of the a wsto _3 Hi hadw hely the ar, bute dinoant_6any te utfom te jar He _37

10、agai andaain, but h coudnt get e wholehandful (一满把)out al e i._8 h ben t cryJst thnhis mother cae ito the roo. “Whats he matter?” shekd“I cttke this hadfuf nus_39 the jr,” crie thboy.“Well, dt b o greedy(贪婪),”i motr anwerd “Justtaewo or thre, noll ave no ube _40 your hand out” “How _41 th s!” sad he oashe moedis hndoff _42“Imgh have h o tht _43 ”Thestory ells us ha a mancant be s grey(贪婪的), mayb things will goo a/n _sid i we want to fish ng n onetime Dothingssep bystep!Thi the best _4 to sccess. Onylikethat a


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