商贸口语10 付款方式

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《商贸口语10 付款方式》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商贸口语10 付款方式(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、资料范本本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载商贸口语10付款方式地点:时间:说明:本资料适用于约定双方经过谈判,协商而共同承认,共同遵守的责任与 义务,仅供参考,文档可直接下载或修改,不需要的部分可直接删除,使用时 请详细阅读内容10.付款方式1. 惯用口语句子:What about the terms of payment?付款方式怎么定?How are we going to arrange the payment?我们怎么安排付款的事情?terms of payment付款方式,付款条件”We only accept payment by confirmed irrev

2、ocable letter of credit.我们只接受保兑的不可撤消的信用证付款。confirmed a.确定的,被证实的,保兑的irrevocable a.不可撤消的,不可取消的letter of credit信用证(也可写作L/C)Opening a UC will add to the cost of our imports.开立信用证将增加我们的进口成本。import n.进口物,进口add to增加Payment by L/C is quite usual in international trade.信用证付款在国际贸易中非常普遍。I Payment by L/C is our

3、 usual practice.信用证付款是我们通常的做法。L/C at sight is what we request for all our clients.开即期信用证是我们对所有客户的要求。sight n.看见L/C at sight即期信用证”We insist on Payment in Advance; we can t accept Payment after Arrival of Goods.我们坚持要求预付货款,不能接受货到付款。We insist on Cash with Order; we cant accept Open Account.我们坚持要求订货付现,不能接

4、受赊账业务。insist v. 坚持,坚持要求We accept neither Payment by Installments nor Deferred Payment.我们既不接受分期付款也不接受延期付款。installment n.分期付款deferred a.延期的,推迟的句型“neither.nor.”表示“既不也不”,例如:I saw neither Mr. nor Mrs. Smith at church.(我在教堂里既没看见史密斯先生也没看见他太太。)Neither Toms mother nor his father speaks English.(汤姆的母亲和父亲都不讲英语

5、。)Is Payment by Remittance acceptable?采用汇付方式可以吗?Do you accept M/T, T/T or D/D?你们接受信汇、电汇还是票汇?remittance n. 汇款acceptable a. 可接受的关于M/T,T/T和D/D的详细解释,请见2128页的“文化洗礼360”。Do you accept Sight Draft or Time Bill?你们接受即期汇票还是远期汇票?draft n. 汇票 (=Bill of Exchange )Time Bill=Usance Bill“ 远期汇票Do you accept Payment by

6、 Collection?你们接受托收付款方式吗?Could you make an exception in our case and accept D/P or D/A?您能不能给我们这次破破例,接受付款交单或者承兑交单?collection n.托收exception n.例外,除外case n.事例,情况D/P=Documents against Payment付款交单”D/A=Documents against Acceptance 承兑交单2. 实用对话Terms of Payment 付款方式Buyer: I,m glad that weve settled the price.

7、Now what about the terms of payment?买方:很高兴我们把价格问题谈妥了。那付款方式怎么定?Seller: We only accept payment by confirmed letter of a edit.卖方:我们只接受保兑的信用证付款。Buyer: What about D/A?买方:承兑付款怎么样?Seller: Sorry. Payment by L/C is our usual practice with all customers. As a matter of fact, L/C protects the seller as wellas

8、the buyer.卖方:很抱歉。信用证付款是我们与所有客户交易的付款方式。实际上, 信用证付款的方式不仅保护买方也保护卖方。Buyer: Then is D/P acceptable to you?买方:那么,付款交单你们可以接受吗?Seller:I m aid we must insist on our usual form.卖方:恐怕我们必须坚持我们的惯用方式。Buyer: In opening a letter of credit with a bank I have to pay a deposit. That will tie up my funds.买方:开信用证我得向银行付押金

9、,那会占用我的资金。Seller: You might consult with your bank and see if it can reduce the required deposit to a minimum.卖方:你可以跟银行协商一下,看能不能把要求交的押金尽量压到最低的 程度。Buyer: Still there will be certain bank charges. To meet each other halfway, what do you say t0 50% by L/C and the balanceby D/P?买方:可是还得向银行支付一些手续费。我们都做个让步

10、吧,一半用信用 证,一半用付款交单怎么样?Seller:I,m awfully sorry. but Im afraid I cannot promise eventhat. We do require payment by L/C.卖方:非常抱歉,恐怕即使这样我也不能答应。我们坚决要求信用证付 款。Buyer: OK.买方:好吧。3. 详细解说1. “insist on的意思是“坚持,坚决要求,例如:He insists on speaking to you personally.(他坚持要求和你亲自谈谈。)2. “tie up”的意思是“束紧,缚牢”,在这里可以译为“占用”。也常 用于“b

11、e tied up in”结构,主语通常是资金,例如:Most of hismoney is tied up in real estate.(他大部分钱都被套在房地产上 了。)3. “consult with sb. ”的意思是“与某人协商,和某人商量”,例如:Ineed to consult with my lawyer.”(我需要和我的律师协商。)4. 文化洗礼国际贸易中常用的付款方式国际贸易中常用的付款方式主要有以下几种:1. 汇付汇付(Remittance )又称汇款,是付款人委托银行采用各种支付工具,将款 项汇交收款人的支付方式。常见的汇付种类有:信汇 M/T ( Mail Tran

12、sfer )电汇 T/T ( Telegraphic Transfer )票汇 D/D(Demand Draft)汇付的使用:预付货款(Payment in Advance)随定单付现 C.W.O.(Cash with Order)货到付现 C.O.D.(Cash on Delivery)凭单付现 C. A. D. ( Cash against Documents)2. 托收托收(Collection)是出口方委托银行代收货款的结算方式。常见的托收种 类有:光票托收(Clean Collection)跟单托收(Documentary Collection)跟单托收按交单条件的不同,又可分为:付

13、款交单 D/P(Documents against Payment)承兑1 #D/A(Documents against Acceptance)3. 信用证信用证(Letter of Credit,L/C)是银行应开证申请人的要求或以自身的名 义,向第三者开立的示诺在一定期限内凭规定的单据支付一定金额的书面文 件。常见的信用证种类有:光票/跟单信用证(Clean/Documentary L/C)可/不可撤销信用证(Revocable/Irrevocable L/C)保兑/不保兑信用证(Confirmed/Unconfirmed L/C)即期/远期信用证(Sip:ht/Usance L/C)可转让/不可转让信用证(Transferable/Non-transferable L/C)循环信用证(Revolving L/C)延期付款信用证(Deferred Payment L/C)预支信用证(Anticipatory L/C)对开信用证(Reciprocal L/C)对背信用证(Back to Back L/C)


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