Unit 7 Health教学设计

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《Unit 7 Health教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 7 Health教学设计(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 Health教学设计课程名称 Health/ Smoking Is Not Allowed Here授课班级 13幼师1班 Unit 7 Health第一学时教学设计 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material: The theme of this unit is the about smoking. It aims at enabling the students to understand the useful expressions and the whole text .After learning, they should know the

2、harmfulness of smoking,and how to persuade smokers to give up smoking. Whats more, they should be aware of the importance of living a healthy life.2. Analysis of the students: They are major in Pre-school education. Most of them are girls. They are unskillful in language use and lack of vocabulary.

3、But they are interested in this topic.3. Teaching Aims and Demands:a. Knowledge aims: Students should understand the passage and be familiar with the new words and the useful expressions.b. Ability aims: To improve students listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. To train students abilit

4、y of cooperative learning in groupsc. Moral aims : Be aware of the harmfulness of smoking. Say No to smoking .Live a healthy life To arouse students interests in learning English.4. Teaching Important Points:a. Students should master the news words and useful expressionsb. Students should understand

5、 the whole text and finish the Reading Comprehension.5 Teaching Difficult Points:a. 1.To be able to improve studentscomprehensive reading ability.b.To describe the harmfulness of smoking in English6. Teaching Methods:Task-based teaching approach, communicative and developing approach7 Learning Metho

6、ds: Pair work and group work. Divide the class into four groups and have a competition .The students who can answer the question at the first time can get a star for their group.Every group recommends a group leader.8 Teaching Aids: PPT9 Teaching Procedures: I Warming upGreet the whole class. 1.Show

7、 some pictures on ppt .students work in pairs and answer these questions:.What exercises do you do to keep fit?. Do you have any bad habits?Purpose: Through pair work ,train students spoken English and cooperative learning2. Dictate the key words they learned last class .Purpose: It is easy for most

8、 of the students to listen and write . The main purpose is to check studentswork of previewing and to train their ability of listening and writing II Reading Step1 Pre-reading Before reading I will play a video about smoking.then students work in group answer the following question:1. What date is t

9、he World No Tobacco Day?2.Do you think smoking is harmful to our health?Purpose: This task is a preparation for the next, Through watch a video , can help students pay attention to the text quickly.It also can arouse students interests in this topicStep 2 Fast readingStudents form in groups, Discuss

10、 and decide whether the following statements are (T) or (F).Have a competition .The group which can give the answer at the first time will get a star. 1.( ) In many countries ,people can smoke in the office 2.( )Smoking has many bad effects on peoples health.3.( )Smoking is cool and is a fashion of

11、the day.4.( )Smoking is harmful,only to smokers.5.( )The habit of smoking cannt be quit.Purpose : It can Improve students speed of reading and train their ability of understanding the passages main idea through fast reading.Step3: Careful reading Students read the passage carefully for the second ti

12、me.then work in groups ,discuss the following questions:1. Can people smoke in cinemas ,department stores or hospitals now in Chian? 2.What daily habits are not considered healthy habits?3.Is there a polite way of saying No smoking ?4.What bad effects does smoking have on peoples health?5.How does s

13、moking attack the smokers body?6.Why is smoking also harmful to those who dont smoke?Purpose :Through careful reading students can get more details about this text.It also train their reading ability.Step4 Calculate the total stars of each group, the winner group should be rewarded.III Discussion Af

14、ter reading I will play the record ,students listen to the text and pay attention to the pronunciation .It can improve their listening ability.Then Students work in groups, talk about the question: What diseases are caused by smoking?Purpose :Through discussing, students can improve their ability of

15、 expressing their opinions and communicating with each other.IV Sum-up In this class we have learned the text Smoking Is Not Allowed Here and reviewed the key words.and discussed the harmfulness of smoking.V Homework1.Review the text and underline the important words and expressions and find out the difficult sentences for you.2.Try to make you own sentences use the new words and useful expressions.3.Write more polite ways of saying:No smoking.VI Teaching reflectionIn my class .I use task-based teac


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