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1、PEP Book 5 Unit 5 Whose dog is it?A Let s talk Lets try嵩阳二小张玲I The teaching aims1 .能够正确听、说、朗读句子:The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is it? It s Zhang Pen池s.和表达物品归属 的交际用语。2 .能够正确听、说、认读单词 mine, his , oursH Key points & Difficulties :1 .能够在实际语境中交流运用句型-Whoseis it? -It s mine/his.2 .名词性

2、物主代词mine, his , ours在句子中的使用。3 .区分有生命的名词所有格和无生命的名词所有格。出 Teaching materials : CAIIV The teaching procedures :Step I : Warm-up & revision1. Greetings.2. Look at the title and read it together.Step II : Presentation and practice1. Look at the picture and talk about the city. 无生命白降词所 有格 eg: a picture of

3、Beijing. 同时学习句子:That picture of Beijing is beautiful. There is a picture of Shanghai, too. 运用句型 Whose dog is it? It s Zhang Peng s.引出有生命的名词所有格。两个之间进行比 较学习。3. 运用班级文化墙中学生的图画作品引出单词mine, his, ours,并重点强调它们在句子中的使用。4. Lets chant:并从chant中找出物主代词的使用规律。5. Listen the dialogue and answer the questions. (Read the

4、 dialogue,Fill in the blanks, pairwork)6. Listening comprehension: Lets try. Listen and tick. Which is Johns picture?7. Choose the right answer.Step HI. Summary and Extension:1 .总结所学内容。2 . 了解参观展览等时的注意事项。Step IV: Homework:1. Listen and recite the dialogue.2. Read and make a new dialogue.Step V : Boar

5、d writing :Unit 5 Whose dog is it?(A Lets talk Lets try) Whose picture is it?a picture of Beijinga picture of ShanghaiIt s Zhang Pengs.Its his.It s mine.Its Yifans.Are these all ours?Yes, they are.The yellow picture is mine.教学目标1 .能够正确听、说、朗读句子:The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? Whose is

6、 it? It Zhang Peng噜询问他人和表达物品归属的交际用语。2 .能够正确听、说、认读单词mine, his , ours学情分析五年级的学生已经有了一定的英语学习基础,本节课主要学习名词性物主代词和 名词所有格的用法,这些内容学生已经在四年级学习过,因此本节课要对这些知 识点进行更全面的操练和运用。圆编辑重点难点:1 .能够在实际语境中交流运用句型“ -Whoseis it? - It s mine/h is.2 .名词性物主代词 mine, his , ours 在句子中的使用。3 .区分有生命的名词所有格和无生命的名词所有格。教学过程1 .导入Look at the pict

7、ure and talk about the city. 无生命的名词所有 格 eg: a picture of Beijing. 同时学习句子:That picture of Beijing is beautiful. There is a picture of Shanghai, too. 运用句型 Whose dog is it? It s Zhang Peng出盒生命的名词所有格。无生命的名词所 有格和有生命的名词所有格进行比较学习。2 .讲授1. 运用学校班级文化评比中学生的图画作品引出单词mine, his, ours,让学生感知名词性物主代词并强化它们在句子中的使用。Whose

8、picture is it? Its Jin Yuchens. Its his.Whose picture is it? Its Huang Jis. Its hers.Whose picture is it? Its my picture. Its mine.These are all our pictures. Are these all ours? Yes, they are.2. Let s chant: Listen the chant 并从中找出物主代词的使用规律。 名词性物主代词后面省略名词,形容词性物质代词后面接名词。3. Listen the dialogue and answer the questions. (Listen and judge, Read and imitate)3.练习1. Read the dialogue, Fill in the blanks, pairwork2. Listening comprehension: Let try. Listen and tick. Which is John s picture?3. Choose the right answer.4. 作业1. Listen and recite the dialogue.2. Try to make a new dialogue.


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