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1、英语散文:咏诵经典英语散文 : 咏诵The biggest obstacle in my Ashram e_perience is not meditation, actually.That s difficult, of course, but not murderous. There s something even harderfor me here. The murderous thing is what we do every morning after meditationand before breakfast (my God, but these mornings are lo

2、ng) a chant called theGurugita. Richard calls it The Geet. I have so much trouble with The Geet.Ido not like it at all, never have, not since the first time I heard it sung atthe Ashram in upstate New York. I love all the other chants and hymns of thisYogic tradition, but the Gurugita feels long, te

3、dious, sonorous andinsufferable. That s just my opinion, of course; other people claim to love it, though I can t fathom why.事实上 , 我的道场经验之障碍并非禅坐 . 禅坐自然不容易 , 却不是深重的灾难 .有件事对我而言更为困难 . 最要命的是, 每天清晨禅坐之后 . 早饭之前的事( 天啊 ,这些早晨可真长) 一种叫古鲁梵歌 (Gurugita) 的咏诵 . 理查称之为声乐 (TheGeet). 声乐给了我不少麻烦. 我一点也不喜欢, 也不曾喜欢, 打从我在纽约上州的

4、道场头一次听见它的曲调就不喜欢. 我喜爱这个瑜伽传统的其他吟唱 , 然而古鲁梵歌给人的感觉却是冗长 . 累赘 . 铿锵 . 难受 . 这当然只是我的看法 , 有些人宣称喜爱它 , 尽管我不明白为什么 .The Gurugita is _2 verses long, for crying out loud (and sometimes Ido),and each verse is a paragraph of impenetrable Sanskrit. Together with thepreamble chant and the wrap-up chorus, the entire ritu

5、al takes about an hour andhalf to perform. This is before breakfast, re-member, and after we have alreadyhad an hour of meditation and a twenty-minute chanting of the first morninghymn. The Gurugita is basically the reason you have to get up at 3:00 AM around here.古鲁梵歌有一百八十二节之长, 必须大声吟唱 ( 有时我真这么做), 而

6、每一节都是不容探知的梵语篇章. 加上序曲的吟诵和总结的合唱 , 整个仪式的进行大约会花费一个半小时. 别忘了 , 这可是在早餐之前, 在我们已花了一小时禅坐. 二十分钟咏唱第一段晨祷之后 . 古鲁梵歌基本上是待在这儿的你必须清晨三点起床的原因 .I don t like the tune, and I don t like the words. WheneverI tell anyone around the Ashram this, they say, Oh, but it s so sacred! Yes, but so is theBook of Job, and I don t cho

7、ose to sing the thing aloud every morning before breakfast.我不喜欢其曲调 , 我不喜欢歌词 . 每回跟道场哪个人这么说, 他们总说喔, 可是它非常神圣哪! 没错 , 但约伯记 也很神圣 , 我可没选择每天早餐前大声吟唱 .The Gurugita does have an impressive spiritual lineage; it s an e_cerptfrom a holy ancient scripture of Yoga called the Skanda Purana, most ofwhich has been lo

8、st, and little of which has been translated out of Sanskrit.Likemuch of Yogic scripture, it s written in the form of a conversation, analmostSocratic dialogue. The conversation is between the goddess Parvati and thealmighty, all-encompassing god Shiva. Parvati and Shiva are the divine embodiment of

9、creativity (the feminine) and consciousness (the masculine).She is the generative energy of the universe; he is its formless wisdom.WhateverShiva imagines, Parvati brings to life. He dreams it; she materializes it.Their dance, their union (their Yoga), is both the cause of the universe and its manif

10、estation.古鲁梵歌的确有个令人敬畏的神圣血统; 它节自瑜伽经典塞犍陀往世书(SkandaPurana), 此经典大半已流失, 从梵语译成其他语言的部分寥寥无几 . 如同多数瑜伽经典, 是以对话形式书写而成, 一种类似苏格拉底的对答模式 . 对话者是女神巴瓦娣(Parvati) 和全能全容的湿婆神 . 巴瓦娣女神与湿婆神是创造( 女性 )与知觉 ( 男性 ) 的化身 . 她是宇宙的生殖能力 ; 他则是无形的智慧. 不论湿婆想什么 , 巴瓦娣都能赋之予生命 . 他想象 ; 她则予以实现. 他们的舞蹈, 他们的结合( 他们的瑜伽), 是宇宙的起因及其表现.In the Gurugita, t

11、he goddess is asking the god for the secrets of worldly fulfillment, and he is telling her. It bugs me, this hymn. I had hoped myfeelings about the Gurugita would change during my stay at the Ashram. I d hopedthat putting it in an Indian conte_t would cause me to learn how to lovethething. In fact,

12、the opposite has happened. Over the few weeks that I ve beenhere, my feelings about the Gurugita have shifted from simple dislike to soliddread. I ve started skipping it and doing other things with my morning thatIthink are much better for my spiritual growth, like writing in myjournal, ortaking a s

13、hower, or calling my sister back in Pennsylvania and seeing how herkids are doing.在古鲁梵歌当中 , 巴瓦娣女神请湿婆神告诉她世俗成就的秘密 , 于是他告诉她.这首赞诗教我讨厌. 我原以为自己对古鲁梵歌的感觉在入住道场期间能有所改变.我原本希望在印度的背景下 , 能让自己学会如何喜爱它 . 事实上却适得其反. 我在此地的这几个礼拜 , 对古鲁梵歌的观感从单纯的嫌恶转变成心惊胆颤. 我开始逃开它 , 把早晨用来做自己认为更有益心灵成长的事情 , 比方说写日记, 或淋浴 , 或打电话给宾州的姐姐, 问她的孩子们好不好

14、.Richard from Te_as always busts me for skipping out. I noticed you wereabsent from The Geet this morning, he ll say, and I ll say, I amcommunicating with God in other ways, and he ll say, By sleeping in, you mean?德州理查老是逮到我逃课我发现你今天没去吟诵 声乐 . 他说 . 我答 : 我用其他方式和神沟通. 他说 : 你是说 , 睡懒觉的方式? 英语散文欣赏 : 父爱无边My fa

15、ther was a self-taught mandolin player. He was one of the beststringinstrument players in our town. He could not read music, but if he heard a tunea few times, he could play it. When he was younger, he was a member of asmallcountry music band. They would play at local dances and on a few occasions w

16、ouldplay for the local radio station. He often told us how he had auditioned andearned a position in a band that featured Patsy Cline as their lead singer. Hetold the family that after he was hired he never went back. Dad was a veryreligious man. He stated that there was a lot of drinking and cursing the


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