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1、最新河南电大英语教学法教学考一体化网考形考作业试题及答案100%通过2015年秋期河南电大把英语教学法纳入到“教学考一体化”平台进行网考,针对这个平台,本人汇总了该科所有 的题,形成一个完整的题库,内容包含了单选题、判断题,并旦以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非 常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查 找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。A. B. C. 一单选题1. Which of the following statements is not true?( ) (3. 0

2、0 分)A. Children are good at imitation so they can easily acquire native-like pronunciation with good models provided.B. Adolescents are more self-conscious than adults and often worry about losing face.C. Adults cognitively more mature so they can understand complicated concepts and language rules.2

3、. In seven intelligences, intrapersonal intelligence means ( ).(3. 00 分)A. The ability to understand another person s mood, feeling, motivations, and intentions.B. The ability to use the body to express ideas and feelings, and to solve problems.C. The ability to understand yourself, your strengths,

4、weaknesses, moods, desires, and intentions.3. In regard to the principles for teaching young learners, the following statements are correct except ( ). (3. 00 分)A. Children learn best when feeling pressure.B. Children are naturally imaginative, active and creativeC. Children learn best when they are

5、 involved both physically and mentally.4. Which option is the correct order of primary school teachers professional development routes?( ) Beginning to respond to them as human beings and they respond to me.Understanding later to observe what children do and talk to them.Focusing on the subject matt

6、er, the methods and keeping the children quite.Becoming excited about and involved willingly in teaching children. (3. 00 分)5. Which of the following statement is correct?( ) (3. 00 分)A. As a primary school English teacher, there are many roles we need to play in teaching and we should play all thes

7、e roles equally well.B. As children s attention span is very limited, teachers could use many short simple activities instead of one long activity.C. In English learning, it is easy for pupils to learn by listening attentively and by taking detailed notes about vocabulary and grammar.6. Which of the

8、 option does not belong to the seven intelligences?( )(3. 00 分)A. Balance intelligenceB. Interpersonal intelligenceC. Musical intelligence7. Which of the option generalizes the learning characteristics of children?( )Attention span is very limited. Good at analyzing language rules. Are easy distract

9、ed. Easy to understand verbal instructions to begin with.(3. 00 分)A. B. C. 8. To be a good primary school English teacher, one has to possess ( ) .Language competenceTeaching capabilitiesUnderstand how children think and learnCare for the whole child (3. 00 分)A. B. C. 9. Which option is not the typi

10、cal characteristic of young learners?( )(3. 00 分)A. Difficult to understand verbal instructions to begin withB. Good at analyzing language rulesC. Do not often have a clear purpose for learning.10. Which of the following statement is incorrect? ()(3. 00 分)A. Authority-oriented learner prefers to wor

11、k with others or work alone more than listen to the teacher.B. Having a foreign language at the primary phase provides valuable educational, social and cultural experiences for all pupils.C. The acquisitions of LI and L2 are quite different11. The years at () are extremely important inchildren s int

12、ellectual, physical, emotional, and social development. (3. 00 分)A. KindergartenB. middle schoolC. primary school12. For L2 learners, ( ). (3. 00 分)A. motivation for learning remain high for communication needsB. the 1anguage input is limitedC. the language input is natural and in context13. ( ) lea

13、rns more effectively through complete body experience.(3. 00 分)A. Individual learners:B. Kinesthetic learnersC. Reflective learners14. The following descriptions are about childrens English learning characters, except ( ).(3. 00分)A. Pay more attention to meaningB. Often learn with clear purpose or m

14、otivation in mindC. Are not self-conscious in speaking the language or in making errors in front of others15. Which of the following statement is inappropriate? ()(3. 00 分)A. Children are self-conscious in speaking the language or in making errors in front of othersB. Teaching children requires more

15、 energy and care into the understanding of how children think and learn.C. Emotionally, in primary school period, children need to develop positive attitudes towards life, towards learning, and towards other people.16. In language learning, children ( ) (3. 00 分)A. Pay more attention to formB. Are good at understanding concrete thingsC. Good at regulating themselves in learning17. The following statements are advice for primary school English teachers, except ( ). (3.00 分)A. Teachers have to be aware of the students learning styles as well as their own learning/


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