高中英语外研版选修7学案:Module 1 Section Ⅰ IntroductionReading and Vocabulary—Preparing 含解析【精校版】

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《高中英语外研版选修7学案:Module 1 Section Ⅰ IntroductionReading and Vocabulary—Preparing 含解析【精校版】》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语外研版选修7学案:Module 1 Section Ⅰ IntroductionReading and Vocabulary—Preparing 含解析【精校版】(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版精品英语资料(精校版)Section Introduction & Reading andVocabularyPreparing根据提示写出下列单词1_v防守2_ n. 裁判3_ n. 协会4_adj. 最优秀的;第一流的5_adj. 有才能的;有天资的6_adj. 复杂的7_v. 保持8_adj. 有价值的9_v. 上(学)10_n. 平均数11_adj. 了不起的12_adj. 各种各样的13_adj. 立刻的;即刻的14_v. 应得;值得15_adj. 杰出的;优秀的;出色的16_n. 一代人【答案】plicated7.hold8.valued9.attend10.average1

2、1.awesome12.various13.immediate14.deserve15.outstanding16.generation看单词学构词,后缀ous表示“有性质的”,可构成形容词。常见的有:dangerous危险的;poisonous有毒的;mountainous多山的。根据提示补全下列短语1in the history of在的历史上2grow up 长大3with an average of 平均为4be known as 作为而闻名5rescue.from. 从拯救6by the time 到时候为止根据提示补全下列教材原句1Michael Jordan was the_se

3、cond_player_to_score more than 3,000 points in a seasonbut the first was Wilt Chamberlain.迈克尔乔丹是一个赛季中得分超过3 000分的第二人,第一人是威尔特张伯伦。2Each time he threw the ball straight through the basketand each time he had his eyes closed.每次他都把球直接投进篮筐而且每次都是闭着眼睛投进的。3But there_is_no_doubt_that he deserves the title“outs

4、tanding player of his generation”但是毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代杰出球员”这一称号。阅读P23课文,并从四个选项中选择最佳答案1We can use the word “awesome” to describe Jordan because _.Ahe had confidence and motivationBhe had good athletic abilitiesChe played very wellDall of the above【答案】D2Jordan played in the following teams EXCEPT _.Athe Chic

5、ago BullsBthe Washington WizardsCthe Philadelphia WarriorsDthe United States Olympic Basketball Team【答案】C3Why is Wilt Chamberlain called “the Tower of Power”?ABecause he was very tall and strong.BBecause he held many NBA records.CBecause he got the highest score rate.DAll of the above.【答案】D4The text

6、 mainly talks about _.AMichael JordanHead and Shoulders Above the RestBWilt the Stiltthe Tower of PowerCtwo famous players who ever played in the NBADhow better is Michael Jordan than Wilt Chamberlain【答案】C阅读P23课文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式Michael Jordan was born in New York and grew 1._in North Ca

7、rolina.He 2._(attend)the University of North Carolina for a year and then joined the Chicago Bulls.In 1987,Jordan became only the second player 3._(score)over 3,000 points in a season.With him,the Bulls won their first NBA championship in 1991 and again in 1992 and 1993.Jordan 4._(surprise)everyone

8、when he retired before the 19931994 season,but he rejoined the Chicago Bulls and won three 5._ championships from 1996 to 1998.6._(wear)his famous number 23 shirt,Michael Jordan became the most successful basketball player in 7._history of the game.He 8._(name)the most valued player five times.Off the basketball court,Michael Jordan opened his own steak restaurant 9._he loves steak so much.He also found 10._(succeed)as an actor in the film Space Jam.【答案】1.up2.attended3.to score4.surprised5.more/other6.Wearing7.the8.was named9.because10.success


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