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1、初一(七年级)上册英语知识点unit1 My names Gina句型:1, Whats your name? My names Jenny. / Im Jenny. / Jenny.May I have your name? Yes, my names Jenny.Whats his/her name? His/Her names Tony/Gina.2, Im Tony Brown. Whats your full name?My full name/ It is Tony Brown.My first name is Tony.My last name/family name is Br

2、own.3, Whats your/his/her telephone/phone number? Its 555-3539.语法:1,形容词性物主代词:my(我的) your(你的) his/her/its(他/她/它的)our(我们的) your(你们的)their(他们的)后面需要接名词,修饰名词,做前置定语。 在句中可作主语,宾语等成分。My book is here. This is my book.主格:I you he/she/ itwe you they在句中做主语,一般放句首,后面紧跟 am/is/are 及其他动词。Im a student. She looks great

3、.词汇:1. my pron. 我的 形容词性物主代词还有his,her,your2.由name构成的短语first name 名字 last name 姓氏 family name 姓氏3.“电话号码”的表达方式: telephone number phone number4. 本单元出现的缩写有: Im = I am whats = what is its =it is5. answer n. 回答;答案(也可做动词“回答”,如answer the questions)句式:1. What +be 动词+your(his/her) name? Whats your name?Whats h

4、is name? Whats her name?2. 自我介绍时常用语: My names Jenny. Im Gina.3.表达第一次和某人见面的高兴之情: Nice to meet you!4. 询问别人的电话号码: Whats your telephone number?5. 询问别人的姓氏常用语: Whats her family name?Unit2 Is this your pencil?词汇:1. pencil case 文具盒 pencil sharpener 铅笔刀 pen钢笔 eraser橡皮擦 ruler尺子 backpack 双肩背包 dictionary 字典2.指示

5、代词:this 这个 that 那个3. in English 用英语 4. ID card 身份证5. computer game 电子游戏6. lost and found 失物招领 7. excuse me 打扰了8. call sb. 给某人打电话 9. a set of 一套;一副句式:1. 询问某物品是否属于某人的问句及答语Is this/that your pencil?Yes, it is. Its my pencil./No, it isnt. Its his pencil.2. 询问某物用英语怎么说 Whats this in English?3. How do you s

6、pell sth.? How do you spell it?4. Whats +sth?询问某物是什么 Whats this? Its a watch.5. Call at sb. at +电话号码. Call Alan at 495-3539.Unit 3 This is my sister.词汇:1.称呼类词汇:sister 姐;妹 mother妈妈 father爸爸brother兄;弟grandmother祖母;外祖母 grandfather祖父;外祖父aunt姑母;伯母;婶母uncle叔;伯;舅;姨夫son 儿子cousin表(堂)兄弟(姐妹) daughter女儿2. 本单元出现的

7、缩写:thats = that is hes = he is3. 本单元出现的指示代词:these 这些 those 那些4. thanks for 为而感谢句式:1. This/that/These+ be动词+ sbs This is his sister. That is my brother. These are his brother.2. be动词+代词+Is this your sister? Is she your sister?3. Thanks for Thanks for the photo of your family.4. Here +be 动词+ Here is m

8、y family photo.句型:1,Is this your sister? No, it isnt.Is she your sister? No, she isnt.2,This is my friend. These are my friends.That is my brother. Those are my brothers.3, Thanks for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo.photo of your family = your family photo语法:可数名词单数变复数:一般情况下加s, book

9、-books, 以s, x, sh, ch结尾的加eswatch-watches 以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y改为i再加es boy- boys, family-families 以o结尾的有生命的加es, 无生命的加s, tomato-tomatoes, photo-photosUnit 4 Wheres my backpack?词汇:1.本单元出现的家具类词汇:table桌子 bed床 bookcase书橱,书柜 sofa沙发 chair椅子 drawer抽屉2.表位置的介词短语:under the table在桌子下面 on the sofa在沙发上in the backpack在双肩背包

10、里 under the bed在床下面 on the chair在椅子上 on the dresser在梳妆台上on the table在桌子上 in the drawer在抽屉里 on the floor在地板上3.math book数学书 4.alarm clock闹钟puter game电脑游戏6.video tape录像带7.take sth. to sb.把某物带给某人take these things to your sister把这些东西带给你姐姐8.ID card身份证9.bring sth. to some place把某物到给某地bring some things to s

11、chool把一些物品带到学校10.pencil case铅笔盒11.in the bedroom在卧室12.in the kitchen在厨房句型:Wheres the baseball? Its in the backpack.Wheres my computer game? Its under the bed.Where are his keys? Theyre on the dresser.Where are your books? Theyre on the chair.Where are her keys? Theyre on the table.Where are you? Im

12、at school.Is it on the dresser? No, it isnt.Please take these things to your sister.Can you bring some things to school?The book is on the floor.语法: 1,询问人或物品在哪里,我们用Where, 结构为 where+is/are+人/物品名称? “在哪里” 回答用 主语+is/are +in/at/under/on/near +地点注意:表示“在地方”地点前要用定冠词the 或者形容词性物主代词my/your/his/their修饰,但是两者不能同时

13、出现,我们可以说in the room, in my room 但是绝对不可以in the my room.词语用法:1, take v.带走, 把人或物品带到别的地方去,take to 把带到去bring v.带来,把人或物品从别的地方带到说话的地方来 bringto 把带到来2,please 后接动词用原形。句式:1.询问地点Where + be动词 + sth. 答语It is/They are + 表位置的介词短语Wheres my backpack? Its under the table.Where are your books? Theyre on the chair.2.询问某

14、物是否在某地的句型及答语Is the baseball on the sofa?No,it isnt. Its under the chair.Are they on the bed? No,theyre not.3.祈使句Please do sth. Please take these things to your sister4.can引导的一般疑问句 Can you bring some things to school?5.倒装句Here + be动词 + 主语 Here is my pen.Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?词汇:1.球类名词小结soc

15、cer ball英式足球 ping-pong ball乒乓球tennis网球volleyball排球basketball篮球2.“球拍”的表达 tennis racket网球拍 ping-pong bat乒乓球拍3.play + 名词 结构的短语play sports参加体育运动play computer games玩电脑游戏4.“play + 球类名词”结构的短语 play ping-pong ball打乒乓球play tennis 打网球 play soccer踢足球 play volleyball打排球5.sports club运动俱乐部 6.first name名 last name=family name姓7


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