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1、如何写好英文邮件如何写好英文邮件1) K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple, stupid!)- People have lots ofemails to read every day. Make sure your emails are easy to understand and have clear actions.K.I.S.S. 原则尽量简洁。人们每天要接收大量邮件,所以确保你的邮 件简单易懂和思路清晰。例如,如果是要求开会,就不需要过多的铺垫,直接写明时间、地点等主 要因素就够了。Meeting Request: Let s have our weekly meetin

2、g on Feb 18th , at 10:30 AM in Meeting room.Lisa, could you please take the meeting minutes this time.Chris, please buy some snacks and drinks for each person.订于 2 月 18 日早上 10:30 在 2 号会议室开周例会,请 Lisa 做会议纪要, 请 Chris 为每个人准备点心和饮品。2) Who are you? What do you want - Make sure you introduce yourself clearl

3、y and concisely and let the reader know why you are writing to them.写英文邮件时,记得介绍自己、说清你想要什么务必简明扼要地自我 介绍,使收件人了解邮件的 . 目的。例如:Jane作为上海区域经理加入了 A公司,她整理了客户资料后给 John 发了一封邮件:Hi John, Hope this mail finds you well. I am Jane, SH regional manager from A; I m contacting you today regarding our upcoming collaborat

4、ion.你好John,见信安好。我是 A公司的上海区域经理Jane。这封邮件是关 于接下来双方合作的事宜。3) Clear Subject Lines - Ensure that your subject line gives clear direction so the email can be easily identified.醒目的标题。务必使收件人看完标题后一目了然。范例:市场部员工小美去电视台采访,偶遇老同学,顺便为公司谈了一个合作,她回到办公室给老板发邮件,题目是Potential marketing recourse withxx TV 的邮件。有时候,一个标题就可以说清楚邮件

5、内容,甚至正文都可以免了。相关阅读:请客:1. This dinner is on me. Please order whatever you want to have.晚餐我请,你想吃什么随便点吧。2. My treat/Its my treat today.今天我做东。3. Let me foot/pay the bill tonight. Next time youll treat.今晚我付账吧,下次你请客。4. Im paying tonight.今晚我请客。5. Listen, please dont argue with me. Let me pick up the tab/bill this time.行了,都别跟我争啦。这次我来买单吧。AA制:1. Lets split the bill.我们分开付账吧。2. Wed like to pay separately.我们分开埋单。3. Separate check, please.分别买单,谢谢。4. Lets go Dutch this time.这次咱们AA制吧。5. How about we pay our own share?我们各付各的如何?6. Lets go halvsies.我们各付一半吧。


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