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1、人教版英语精品资料七年级上册英语第六单元作业题 词汇和语法 一、词汇考查 A) 从以下方框内选出适当的单词完成句子,使句子意思通顺。每词限用一次。 fat, questions, strawberries, about, stars, then, likes 1. I have _ and eggs for breakfast. 2. First, we play tennis. _ we play volleyball. 3. I like apples, but Tom _ pears. 4. I have milk every day. What _ you? 5. You are to

2、o _. You must lose some weight (重量). 6. Can I ask you some _ ? Sure. 7. Sun Yang and Ye Shiwen are great sports _. B) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Does Bill like _ (tomato)? 2. They like fruit, but they dont like _ (vegetable). 3. Father has some _ (salad) for lunch. 4. My grandparents eat very_ (good), they

3、are very healthy. 5. Sports stars have some _ (health) food every day. 6. Do you like _ (chicken)? C) 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I want _ (play) soccer after school. 2. The apples _ (be) on the table.3. My brother _ (like) ice cream.4. Lets _(make) a list of food to buy.5. David has a healthy _ (eat) habit.

4、二、单项选择 ( ) 1. Doyoulikeeggsfor_breakfast? A.a B.theC./ D. an ( ) 2. Frank eat healthy food. You are _. He has milk, fruit and vegetables every day. A. right B. fine C. healthy D. late ( ) 3. My mother doesnt want _ fat. A. do B. be C. to doD. to be ( ) 4. _ lunch, he likes hamburgers and carrots. A.

5、 At B. For C. In D. On( ) 5. I like oranges. _ I dont like apples. A. and B. so C. but D. or ( ) 6. I _ ice cream and my sister _ cake. A. like; likes B. likes; likes C. like; like D. likes; like ( ) 7._ does Lucy like? Tomatoes. A. HowB. What C. WhereD. Whats( ) 8. Can I ask you a _? Sure. Im glad

6、to answer (回答) it. A. question B. helpC. numberD. clock ( ) 9. My mother eats too many hamburgers. She doesnt have a healthy _. A. class B. sportC. game D. habit ( ) 10. Does your brother like chicken? _. He eats it for every meal. A. Yes, he is B. No, he isnt C. Yes, he doesD. No, he doesnt 三、根据汉语完

7、成下列英语句子 1. 我喜欢吃健康食品。I like eating _ _.2. 请思考一下你的家庭。please _ _ your family. 3. 早饭她喜欢吃鸡蛋,喝牛奶。_ breakfast, she _ eggs and milk.4. 我们下周吃什么?What do you have _ _?5. 她真地很喜欢汉堡和沙拉。 She _ _ hamburgers and salad.四、根据问题问句选答语。1. Does Cindy like rice? A. I like it too. 2. What fruit do you like? B. OK. I like the

8、m too. 3. Do they have bananas for breakfast? C. No, they dont. They have eggs. 4. Lets have bread and tomatoes for dinner. D. Yes, she does. 5. I like ice cream. What about you? E. I like pears and apples. 阅读和写话五、补全对话。根据上下文填写句子补全对话。Lucy: Do you have breakfast every day?Tony: (1)_. We all need break

9、fast. Lucy: (2)_? Tony: For lunch, I like chicken and rice. Lucy: (3)_? Tony: Sorry, I dont like tomatoes for dinner. Lucy: Well. What fruit do you like? Tony: (4)_. I eat them every day. Lucy: (5)_? Tony: Oh, I dont know. Maybe my classmate Jim likes oranges.六、阅读理解下面表格是四位学生的食品好恶调查结果,请阅读并选择最佳答案。Alic

10、e Bob Helen Eric ( ) 1. Alice doesnt like _. A. broccoli B. oranges C. volleyball D. bread ( ) 2. Bob likes _. A. broccoli B. oranges C. volleyball D. French fires ( ) 3. _ dont like volleyball. A. Alice and Bob B. Bob and Eric C. Bob and Helen D. Helen and Eric ( ) 4. Does Eric like rice? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he isnt. C. No, he doesnt. D. We dont know. ( ) 5. Which statement is NOT right? (哪项陈述是错误的?) A. Alice likes rice and volleyball. B. Bob doesnt like bread. C. Helen likes oranges and bread. D. Eric doesnt like oranges. 七、书面表达 请为自己配制早、中、晚餐,并用英语作简要介绍,30字左右。_



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