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1、高中英语教案通用模板 在高中起始年级的教学中做到有的放矢,逐步引导学生贯通知识经络,矫正学习方法,增强学习兴趣,提高学习效率。 高中英语教案 教学目标 知识目标: 复习两个阅读技能-sannig, skimig; 学习本单元的部分生词。 能力目标: 能形成文章的图式,在图式的帮助下自主地复述本课的主要内容,在此过程中实现生词的重现。 情感目标: 学生在教师的启发下,通过师生互动和生生互动,进一步探究知识。在这一过程中,学生可以不断地实现互相教育和自我教育,并能寻求自我发展; 学生能明白计划的重要性,并能收获一些与之相关的谚语。 教学重难点 形成文章的图式,并在图式的帮助下复述文章的主要内容。

2、教学工具 课件 教学过程 Steps Teachrsctivity tuents actiity ims Sep 1 Showand telle stdenshe arning gols or tm nd kepossible explanation Stuents lsten o the acher an hve ani ofwa hey are ong o arn in ths la. Takethesuent knw what hey e to lern n this clas Step ) Showsome pictueswith beautil scenr 2) sk te stun

3、tswo questins: re thyattrate Wee do yo wat tave I deam out trveing 1.) Students ppreciate thos icturs 2) Stentsswer teahers quetios and pacice the setencepter“I drmaut travign/to” ) aose udents intere 2) To rccea sentece atten Stp 3 1). Shw the title th readpassg 2). Ak the student wheterth pasg is

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5、 moreo find ot teman eaof h parah. ) tudnts tell theainia of eachpagaph 1) To praic ow t tep 5 th fur questios,achr skste students to canpragrah 1 Asstudes howth san hwe kil fsannin onthscren tudnts saargrah 1,nd anw theur queins tdentstellh t sca o reviw how tosca o practie o to san Step 6 ) Ask h

6、studetsto sca paragraph and fndt wat diferent atttudesWag Kn and Wng Wei hae, nd then fishthetble 1) Stdents ca aagraph an fish he tabe 1) To pacc how to scan Sep 7 1) Pode thestudents wi a pituwhicdescries a eraphi words wellas a e stcesaot th o theog river oneach lde an askhemto ead theentnes. 2)s

7、k e stdnsomatc eachographicwod he prop meanin 1) Sudets read he ntncs ody togehe ndloat th picturesand h eaed geographicwods in he meaile 2) Studnts dthemahg rk 1)To beterkowhow the Mekong rverfw 2) ohelp the studts better lern the geoapic ords hchree t them 3)To hck ow the studntsundestad e ne wrs

8、Step8 Review he structureoth psae tgehe th the suents and show some keword on thescree Proehe tudens with so word andhreswhih arte ne word in this unit Ask tm toretll he main contnt of te passg i groups With the eaer, sudets reethe stuur ofth passge Retellhen content of he pass ngrups To helpstdnt f

9、rmhe shea of th passge byevewing the strucue i Tokn the coet of te pasagebettas el as to reatemr chancs for the stdens to use tenew wods tep 9 1) Ak he udents what they lnfrom the stor 2) Gethestuensome useful and eate roeb 1) Studentssareeir opions wihte go mebers ht thhave leanedrom te stoy. 2) St

10、uds read theproerb loudly toetr. )To encourage students to m theirown ies and shae thm i ohers 2) Tler some sef prves Step 10 1) Summrie thiscasy showig e learning golsgai 2)Hmework 1)Sudnsreiew ht heyhve earn yreaig te learnig goals h scen. 1) hp tudent view wht heyaeleared inthis lss 高中英语教案 Godafe

11、rnon, eveyoe,Its my greapeasure to eresarig y son wityu.The nnof y esson i Snir ngish fhnaoo1 Unt6Sientists atwork. Il bereyto begi ts lesonfm ive arts.Ayis teteacimaterial, thetachingmethd, te tudng mthods,he teachng procere,and Blackard esi.Fst, e me talk abut te techig meial. Pat eacngterial: Thiut isbo sienceandscentiss.Bstudyng othis unt, well nleth suentstoknw thseriousttitude toward senandlop theiteret in scienc. At th


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