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1、aoogiz leter buinesnglsh_ y lqyear si or madam,im witinthislettr apolgiz toyou. im so sr that made amistk about he sitof vauum leaners.thoe vacumcleaners we sentto yuwermean besentto eropean countries,but as the old ork wasreied,th neoe wasnto xperienced besides, tmodel nuber and the ieof goods marh

2、 and july ar so siar tat heworkr miaken them. do pologizfor ny inconvniecthis may causou an i illtry mybest o avoid he sameaccent hapenin etterof apoogy lt o apology->;->tips:1001drectios:you hldrit abot 100 word on anwer sht 2.do noti yor on nae a he nd of the etter. us li ming nstead. o not w

3、rie the aress.dar ane,pleas aow meto say sorry aain.regards,li igcupy: v. etoethe:n hesitte:v. :preferale: j. long f sth: hank yu for your iitatin odner at you hom tmorrwevin nfortnae, it s much to my regret tht i a. feelterry orry for isinthechanceo.s it psslefor yoandme tohae a priva meetng aftrar

4、d?i s, plas dont hesitat o ro me call ao or prferale ate.leae allow me tosaysry agin.2irectin:yufaile to finsh aimportant tsk assineby our pfessor b o er llnss. t a lt to your ressrp epresyour polgy, xplin yo reson, nd sggest asoluton to mae up te l.ysholdritau 100 wrds onanswr see 2.do nt ign o own

5、nae at he en ofte lete. ulmin instad. ont write the adress.erprof. patnt,i would be ery mc obigd i youcoul ant me athr week for etas,a my helt irin betterhope yu n urstndmysituatio and accept m apology.ousfaithul,l minptet aplogie :1. .34.forma1. irealymt aologiz or2. a sory oan conniec his a have a

6、usd ou.3. 1 wullike t express mapogis4. t s wth gt rgret that5. i rget thti have caseyou6. hoe yo wll ogive for7. i miing toaologz r8. am wrting oexpres my apolo for9. pleasacept aog f10. y aplogiorno eig ablonformal retpe/zoo/934fb14852459fb5720?n=2x=0&rw478&wh=23&o=jp6_0_&tpi&aimh=2&mds=4b924964ff

7、d90734ea1e00257in=4926b7&zoom&pg=1182-jpg=18- targtblakyesterdy i kno ee ds injohnsfnel a een vryficlt foyuand i wsleary oof ordin mkingrfrence o merrywidows imor ato suffer rommy folishes.i heyou lbe bl to fogie me. i havtrmndus respetfor you nd yur abilitie, ndi he we an continu owork well tgether.im eribl sorry.egadstom_ leter of pog


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