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1、幕墙工程设计合同Design Contract for Curtain Wall Project工程名称Name of Project: 工程地点Location of Project: 合同编号Contract No.: 委托人(甲方)Consignor(Party A): 承接人(乙方)Consignee(Party B): 设计证书等级Level of Design Certification: 签订地点Place of Signing: 签订日期Date of Signing: 甲方委托乙方承担 设计工作,经双方协商一致,签订本合同。Party B is entrusted by Pa

2、rty A to design_. Both the two parties herewith agree to sign the contract based on the principle of common consensus.第一条 本合同签订依据Article One Basis for conclusion of this Contract11中华人民共和国合同法、建筑工程勘察设计管理条例。“The Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China”; “Management Regulations of Investigation an

3、d Design in Construction Engineering”.12国家及上海市有关建设工程勘察设计管理法规和规章。National and local rules and regulations on Management Regulations of Investigation and Design in Construction Engineering.第二条 设计依据Article Two Design Basis 21甲方发给乙方的设计委托书或中标函。Letter of design assignment or Letter of acceptance provided

4、by the Party A to the Party B.22甲方向乙方提交的有关资料和文件。Related information and documents submitted by the Party A.2.3乙方采用的主要技术标准:Main technical standards adopted by the Party B can be showed as follows:幕墙技术要求应符合国家标准GB/T 21086-20XX建筑幕墙、JGJ10220XX玻璃幕墙工程技术规范和JGJ13320XX金属与石材幕墙工程技术规范、企业标准的相关要求。 The technical re

5、quirements of curtain wall should conform to relevant requirements in National Standard GB / T 21086-20XX Building Curtain Wall, JGJ102-20XX “Technical Code for Glass Curtain Wall Engineering as well as JGJ133-20XX Technical Code for Metal and Stone Curtain Walls Engineering and Enterprise Standard.

6、第三条 合同文件的优先次序构成本合同的文件可视为是能互相说明的,如果合同文件存在歧义或不一致,则根据如下优先次序来判断:Article Three The documents forming the Contract are to be regarded as mutually explanatory of one another, but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies, the priority of the documents shall be listed as follows:31本合同书;The contract;32中标函(文件);

7、Letter of Acceptance (Document);33甲方提出的书面要求;Written requirements submitted by the Party A;3.4 招投标文件(图纸)Tendering document (Drawings);第四条 本工程项目的名称、规模、阶段、投资及设计内容Article Four Name, size, stages, investment and content of design in this project. 第五条 甲方向乙方提交的有关资料、文件及时间Article Five Relevant materials, doc

8、uments and time for delivery of materials and documents submitted by the Party A to the Party B. 第六条 乙方向甲方交付的设计文件、份数、地点及时间Article Six Design documents submitted by the Party B to the Party A, and the copies, location and time for delivery. 第七条 设计费用Article Seven Design Charges71甲方应向乙方支付本合同项目的设计费为RMB

9、元,(人民币大写: )。The Party A shall pay _RMB (in capital letters) to Party B as the design charges of this project in the Contract.7. 2如乙方中标博世中国研发总部项目幕墙工程,本合同项目的设计费将抵做中标合同金额的一部分。If the Party B will win the bidding in the BOSCH China R & D Headquarters Curtain Wall Project, the design charges of project wi

10、ll be regarded as a part of the amount for awarding Contract.第八条 设计费的支付方式Article Eight Terms of Payments81本合同生效后7天内,甲方向乙方预付设计费总额的50%,计_元作为定金,本合同履行后定金自动抵作设计费。Within seven days upon the effectiveness of this Contract, the Party A shall pay 50% of total amount for design charges in advance, namely_yuan

11、 as the down payment. The down payment shall be counted as the design charges upon settlement of the Contract).82乙方提交本合同规定的设计文件后,一个月内支付其余设计费。After submitted the design documents stipulated in the Contract, the Party B shall pay the rest design charges within one month.第九条 双方责任Article Nine Responsibi

12、lities of the Parties91甲方责任Responsibilities of the Party A911甲方按本合同第五条规定内容,在规定的时间内向设计人提交基础资料及文件,并对其完整性、正确性及时限负责。甲方不得要求乙方违反国家有关标准进行设计。甲方提交上述资料及文件超过规定期限,乙方按本合第六条规定的交付设计文件时间顺延。The Party A shall submit basic materials and documents to the Designer within specified period as stated in Article 5 of this C

13、ontract and shall be responsible for the completeness, accuracy and time limit of the materials and documents. The Party A shall not require the Party B to conduct design in violation of relevant national standards. In case there is a delay exceeding the specified time limit for the delivery of the

14、above materials and documents by the Party A, the time limit for the delivery of design documents submitted by Party B shall be extended accordingly; 912甲方变更委托设计项目、规模、条件或因提交的资料错误,或所提交资料作全套修改,以致造成乙方设计返工时,双方除另行协商签订补充协议(或加订文件)、重新明确有关条款外,甲方应按乙方所耗工作量给予补偿。In case of the Party Bs re-work on the design caused by changes of design project, size and conditions by the Par


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