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1、必修二 Unit 3Computers 单元测试2笔试部分:I. 单项选择1. He is consideredthe telescope.A. to invent B. to be inven tedC. to have inven ted D. inven ti ng2. Many people hold the view that men are born to haveover wome n in work.A. adva ntagesB. no adva ntages C. not adva ntageD. adva ntage3. I dont want to buy anythi

2、ng. You go please and ni justaround the streets till youfinish your shopp ing.A. search B. waitC. wan derD. take4. It is gen erally believed that a pers on who quicklyun dersta nds and lear ns sth. has goodA. opi nion B. headC. i ntellige neeD. recepti on5. Everybody thi nks he is a man you can beli

3、eve in., he is quite an hon est pers on.A. Truly B. En tirelyC. Properly D. Greatly6. Is it n ecessary to lear n how to use computers?Yes,.A. I thi nk B. I dont thi nk so C. I believe D. I believe so7. The computer is too big and it willtoo much room.A. take up B. make upC. bring up D. give up8. Joh

4、 n ran so fastn obody could catch up with him.A. that B. and C. which D. but9. So far, the crimi nalsby the police.A. had bee n discovered B. have bee n discoveredC. are discovered D. will be discovered10. It seems that the young man and the lady have little.A. in com mon B. on com mon C. at com mon

5、 D. with com mon11. Dont be too strict with Joh n., he is still a child.A. At all B. After all C. In all D. Above all12. , he is correct.A. In my opinion, in the way B. I n my opi nion, in a wayC. On my opi nion, in a way D. On my opi nion, in the way13. Can you solve the problem by yourself?I thi n

6、k I canit.A. deal with B. do with C. do away D. deal away14. Did you scold him for that?Yes, but Ithat.A. had betterno do B. would like to n ot to doB. would rather not have done D. should nt do15. Do you think its a good film?Oh, yes. Itsworth.A. very, watch ing B. well, see ing C. very, to be watc

7、hed. D. well, being see n16. Oh, its you! Iyou.rve just had my hair cut, and rm weari ng new glasses.A. did nt recog nize B. had nt recog ni zed C. have nt recog ni zed. D. dont recog nize17. Shea Fren chma n. She hashim for th. ree years.A. married with, married with B. married, marriedC. married t

8、o, been married. D. married, been married to18. Ithis morning, but he could nt come.Well, wed better go andat his office.A.called him, call on him B. called on him, call himC. called at him, call D .called him, call at him19. All the preparati ons for the work, and were ready to start.A.is completi

9、ng B. are complet ing C .have bee n completed. D. has bee n completed20. -rve decided to give up smok ing. Will you, too?A. No, tha nks. I dont have that habit B. Well, you should not smoke any moreB. Great! But its impossible for me to do so. D. Yes, you can do whatever you like.II.完形填空About a year

10、 ago, I went to stay at a Detroit hotel. I did nt want to 21 too much money withme, so I 22 the desk clerk to put a hun dred-dollar bill in the safe for 23 .The n ext morning, however, the clerk said that he knew nothing about mymon ey. I did nthave any proof( 证据)24 I had give n the man the mon ey.

11、There was clearly 25 left to do but go to the n earest lawyer at once.The lawyer 26 me to return to the hotel with him and give 27 hun dred-dollar bill to the clerk.28 we did. An hour later, I went back to the desk and asked for my money together with the lawyer.29 I had the lawyer as an eyewitness

12、(证人)to the 30 hundred-dollar bill, the clerk could not31 he knew nothing about it.Another hour later, I put the second part of the lawyers plan into action. This time both the lawyer and I went to the 32to ask for the hundred-dollar once again. No matter(不管)33 I said, the clerk who kept my bill 34 t

13、hat he had give n it to me. I said it was not 35 . The lawyer said to him,I 36 this gen tlema n give you a hun dred-dollar bill. If you dont hand it in immediately, I willbe forced to call the 37 .” Now the clerk felt quite 38 , so he gave me back the firsthun dred-dollar bill.I dont know 39 to tha

14、nk you eno ugh for gett ing my money back,I said to the lawyer. And whatdo you suppose he answered? He said, “Oh, dont 40 me. That will be one hundred dollars, please.21. A. borrow B. spe ndC. waste D. carry22. A. made B. askedC. allowed D. let23. A. me B. her C.him D. us24. A. that25. A. someth ing

15、26. A. hoped27. A. the otherB. which C. where D. whe nB. no thi ngC. anything D. everyth ingD. advisedD. otherB. agreed C. in sistedB. ano ther C. others28. A. Such B. AllC. So D. Much29. A. ForB. ThoughC. Even if30. A. firstB. seco ndC. third31. A. sayB. admitC. permit32. A. restaura ntB. bank C. hotelD. BecauseD. oneD. recog nizeD. hospital33. A. whatB. whateverC. which D. how34. A. suggested35. A. true36. A. forcedD.forgotB. i nsisted C.rememberedB. sure C. exactD. n iceB. mad


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