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1、金版新学案高三一轮总复习W 研英语高效测评卷(十) 专版模拟综合检测第一卷(选择题,共105分)第一局部:听力(共两节,总分值30分)第一节(共5小题;,)1Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?ADoctor and patient. BOperator and caller.CCustomer and repairman.2How many cities has the man traveled to according to the conversation?AThree. BFour. CFive.3What does

2、 the man mean?AHe wants to go with the woman.BHe wont get up as early as 7 am.CHe is not interested in going there.4What does the man have for this meal?ASoup,noodles and iced tea.BA sandwich,noodles and hot coffee.CSoup,noodles and hot coffee.5Why does the man ask for a leave?AHe is ill. BHis mothe

3、r is ill.CHis father is ill.第二节(共15小题;,)听第6段对话,答复第6至8题。6What is Miss Smith doing?AMaking a call. BTaking a break.CAttending a meeting.7When should Miss Smith call the man according to the conversation?AToday. BTomorrow.CThe day after tomorrow.8What number should Miss Smith call? A8028714246. B802971

4、4246. C9028741426.听第7段对话,答复第9至11题。9Who is the woman most probably?AThe mans classmate. BThe mans colleague.CThe mans secretary.10What happened in the afternoon?AA bank was robbed.BA fight broke out in the street.CA girl was shot and killed.11What can we know about Mary?AShe caught a cold. BShe was h

5、urt.CShe was scared.听第8段对话,答复第12至14题。12How long has the man been in Brighton?AFor 2 years. BFor 5 years. CFor 6 years.13What will the man do in Nigeria?AA doctor. BA nurse. CAn organizer.14What can we learn from the conversation?AThe man has got his new job this morning.BThe woman thinks the mans de

6、cision is wise.CBrighton is a small town in Africa.听第9段对话,答复第15至17题。15What do the speakers agree with each other about?AThe Snoopy series are too childish.BCartoons are fun for both kids and adults.CTheir lives are too stressful to tolerate.16What does the man tell the woman about Ice Age?AThe plot

7、is not easy to understand.BAll the characters are animals.CIts an imaginative film.17How does the man feel about humans in some other cartoon movies?AUnkind. BBrave. CLovely.听第10段独白,答复第18至20题。 18What did Maria do right after graduation?AShe entered politics. BShe worked as a teacher.CShe worked for

8、her father.19Where did Maria set up her first coffee bar?AIn London. BIn Singapore. CIn New York.20How many coffee bars does Maria have now? A10. B80. C85.第二局部:英语知识运用(共两节,总分值35分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分)21_the film?Oh,thats a real thriller.AHow about seeing BWhat about seeingCHow do you like DBo

9、th A and B22I dont think he will pass the exam,_?Ado IBdont ICwill heDwont he23All the students were eager to know what the future may have_for them when they graduated from the school.Ain store Bin common Cin all Din particular24Our town_poor in the past,but great changes_in the town in the past th

10、ree years.Awas;had taken place Bwas;have taken placeChas been;had taken place Dhas been;have taken place25The company _the job_someone else.Which of the following is NOT right?Asupplied;to Bprovided;withCoffered;to Dprovided;for26_else in the world_in London can you experience 4 seasons in a single

11、day.AEverywhere;rather than BEverywhere;other thanCNowhere;rather than DNowhere;other than27_from the outside by the flood for months,the villagers are short of everything.ACut away BCut down CCut off DCut out28Newspaper reporters made_in the news conference which embarrassed the president.Aquestion

12、 Bthe questionCa question Dmany a question29Honey! Cant you remember Aunt Betty? She is my mums youngest sister!Oh,my dear,you must know I dont know_of your relatives.Aanyone Banybody Cevery one Dnone30_the economy and peoples life will become better and better.ADevelop BDeveloping CDeveloped DTo de

13、velop31Brian is such an excellent scientist that we shouldnt be surprised if he_the Noble Prize one day.Ais awarded Bhad been awardedChave been awarded Dwould have been awarded32How did it_that the ancient building was burnt down in an hour?Ahappen Boccur Ctake place Dcome about33When a storm is jus

14、t _,we must fix up the roof to prevent it from_.Aaround the corner;blowing away Baround the corner;being blown awayCin the corner;blowing away Din the corner;being blown away34Where have you been?I got caught in traffic;otherwise_sooner.AI would be here BI have been hereCI had been here DI would have been here35Do y


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