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1、新编英语课堂教学用语(二)天津市武清区大良中学青年英语教师 徐志秋目前,随着我国中小学英语教学开始进入一个全新的高速的发展时期,课堂教学中更加强调对英语口语的应用,而其中英语课堂用语的使用频率很高,为适应新形势下对英语课堂教学管理的发展要求,满足教学法课程的教学需要,我精心准备并查阅相关资料,编写了该篇文章。本文语言准确规范地道、简明实用,具有针对性,可供在校师范生、实习生(trainee teachers)和中小学教师(in-service teachers)参考使用。如有不足之处, 还望各位同仁批评指正。谢谢。Listening 听力Lets listen to the tape now.

2、 现在让我们听录音。First of all, listen to the conversation. 首先听会话。Now youll hear the conversation. 现在你们听会话。What you will hear is a conversation. 你们将听到的是一段对话。You can hear the sentences on the tape. 你们可以听到磁带上的句子。 Here goes. 开始听了。Off we go then. Here it comes.The tape recorder seems to be broken.这部录音机好像有毛病了。Th

3、eres / There seems to be something wrong with this tape recorder。The recorder isnt working properly.这部录音机不能正常运转。I have / seem to have brought the wrong tape. 我拿错/好像拿错了录音带。Well have to do something else, Im afraid.恐怕我们不得不上别的什么内容了。Theres nothing we can do about it.对于这个我们没有办法。Put this plug in the socke

4、t over there.把这个插头插到那边的插座上。Can you all hear ? 你们能听得见吗?Is it clear enough ? 完全清楚吗?Is the sound clear enough ?声音够清楚吗?Is the volume all right ?音量行吗?Can you hear at the back ?你们在后面听得见吗?If you cant hear, come a bit nearer. 如果你们听不到,走近一点。Is that better ? 这样好一点了吗?Ive got too much treble and not enough bass.

5、 我把音调调得太高了,低音还调得不够。Ill just find the place. 我来找出要听的部分。Wait a moment / second / minute, Ill just rewind the tape. 等一会儿,我来把录音带倒回来。Let me just find the beginning again. 让我找出录音的开始部分。Look at the questions while I find the place. 你们先看问题,我来找这段录音。Im sorry about the mix-up over the tapes. 很遗憾,录音带不清楚。Ill try

6、not to let it happen again. 我尽量不让这种情况再发生。Listen again. 再听一遍。Lets listen to it once more / once again. 让我们把这个再听一遍。Now well listen to it again. 现在我们把这个再听一遍。Well stop here / there for a moment. 我们在这里/那里停一会儿。Before we go on, Ill ask you some questions. 在继续听之前,我将向你们提一些问题。 Listen and repeat. 先听,然后跟着复述。All

7、 together, after the tape. 全体同学跟着录音朗读。Repeat after the tape. 跟着录音朗读。Just listen. Dont say anything. 静听,不要说话。Listen but dont write anything. 听,但不要做笔记。Listen carefully to the instructions. 仔细听听要求。As you listen, fill in the missing words. 边听边填充缺少的单词。While you listen / are listening, answer question 3.

8、在你们听的同时,回答第3个问题。While listening mark your answer sheet. 你们边听边在答卷上标出正确答案。Before listening, read through the questions. 在听录音之前,先把问题看一遍。Before listening again, familiarize yourselves with the questions.在重听录音之前,你们要熟悉这些问题。Now I have a pop song for you.现在我给你们听一首流行歌曲。Listen to the words of the song. 请听歌词。T

9、ranslation 翻译Comment on Mr. Greens translation.请对格林先生的翻译提意见。His translation is not faithful enough to the original. 他的翻译对原文不够忠实。He made a few slips in the version.他的译文有些小错。Who can translate this sentence better ? 谁能把这个句子译得好些?Who can give a better translation of this sentence ? Who can give a better

10、version ? Is there another way of translating this sentence ? 还有别的译法吗?Please read your version. You may have translated this sentence in different way. 把你的译文读一下,可能你有不同的译法。Dont translate word for word. 不要逐字死译。Dont translate it literally.If you wish to translate well, you must know both languages well

11、.如果你要翻译得好,必须精通两种语言。Exercises 练习Lets try it aloud before you write it down. 在笔头做这个练习之前,先让我们口头试做一下。Well do the exercise orally. 我们将以口头形式做这个练习。First we shall ask each other questions. Then one student will sum up the lesson.我们先相互提问题,然后请一位同学总结课文。After the question one student will retell the story.提问后要请

12、一位同学复述课文。What questions can you ask about this sentence / text ? 对这个句子/课文可以提什么问题?Ask one of the other students a question on this paragraph. 对这段提一个问题,请另一个同学回答。Have your questions ready. You are to ask each other questions today. 准备好问题,今天你们互相提问。Can you ask a question this way ? 可以这样提问吗?Is there any o

13、ther way of asking a question ? 还可怎样提问题?Have the questions been asked correctly ? 提得对吗?Please answer the questions without looking at your books. 请回答问题,不要看书。Use the third person when you answer this question. 用第三人称回答这个问题。Perhaps one of you can answer this question. Who will do it ? Please raise your

14、 hands. 可能你们中间有人能回答这个问题。谁愿意回答?请举手。Please listen carefully and see whether his answer is correct ?请仔细听他回答得对不对。Can you improve on his answer ? 你能把他的回答改进一下吗?You should use complete sentences in answering questions. 应该用完整的句子来回答。The student beside him / sitting next to him / seated next to him, please he

15、lp him. 坐在他旁边的同学,请帮助他一下。Mary, do you think Toms answer is right ? 玛丽,你认为汤姆的回答正确吗?Did you hear his answer clearly 他的回答你听懂了吗?He did not understand the question. Thats why his answer was not to the point. 他没听懂问题,所以回答得不对。I think we should answer the question this way我想这个问题应该这样回答。Please retell the content of this short essay briefly. 请将这篇短文的内容作简单的复述。Tell us the content / the main points of this lesson in your own words. 用你自己的话把这篇课文的内容 / 要点讲出来。Please give the general idea of the lesson according to the outline. 请按提纲讲出课文大意。Tell us what you know about the content of the text you have r



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