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1、例题解析摘要题之给定词中选词填空捷径摘要题是雅思阅读考试中的主流题型,基本在每次的雅思阅读考试中都会考到。而雅思阅读中所考的摘要题主要分为两类:在文章中选词填空和在给定词中选词填空。其中在给定词中选词填空的难度要比在原文中选词填空大很多,但是这种给定词中选答案的摘要题也有其终南捷径。下面朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家将带考生们了解一下其终南捷径。终南捷径一:巧用题目说明 题目说明中可能会告知该摘要题在文章中对应信息的位置 如:剑5 Test3中的Question24-26的题目说明为:Complete the summary of paragraphs E and F with the list

2、of words A-H below。朗阁专家提醒:在这种情况下,考生们就不需要利用题目中的标题或者第一句话来定位题目在文章中的对应信息的位置了,直接利用定位词到文章中的E段和F段定位并且确定答案即可。 题目说明中可能会告知该摘要题中有的选项会重复使用 如:剑4 Test1中的Question33-39的题目说明中出现“NB You may use any word more than once”。剑6 Test 4中的Question14-18的题目说明中出现:“NB You may use any letter more than once”。其他出现同样提示的还有:剑7 Test 4中的

3、Question30-34。朗阁专家提醒:如果出现这种提示,考生们就需要注意题目中会有选项被重复使用,当然通常是重复使用一次。终南捷径二:巧用文章标题在雅思阅读中基本上每篇文章都会给出文章标题(如果未给出文章标题,则最后肯定会有一个选择题,让考生们给该篇文章选择一个合适的标题)。而在做摘要题之给定选项中选词填空的题型中,考生们切记:一定要巧用文章标题来解题。因为文章标题提示了该篇文章的主题,考生们在把握了文章主题之后,很多题目的答案可以直接确定,而无需耗时到文章中定位。如:剑6 Test 3中的Question14-16(文章标题 GREYING POPULATION STAYS IN THE

4、 PINK)Complete the summary using the list of words, A-Q, below.Research carried out by scientists in the United States has shown that the proportion of people over 65 suffering the most common age-related medical problem is 14_and the speed of this change is 15_.It also seems that these diseases are

5、 affecting people 16_ in life than they did in the past. This is largely due to developments in 17_.A cost B falling C technologyD undernourished E earlier F laterG disabled H more I increasingJ nutrition K education L constantM medicine N pollution O environmentalP health Q independent分析:首先根据文章标题GR

6、EYING POPULATION STAYS IN THE PINK, 考生们可以断定本篇文章的主题是关于老年人依然很健康的,而第14题所在的句子应该翻译为“科学家们在美国进行的科学研究表明,得最常见的和年龄有关的疾病的超过65岁的老年人的比例在_”,而根据文章主题老年人依然很健康,考生即可以判断第14题答案为B falling。而同样的道理,第15题所在句子翻译为“这种变化的速度在_”,因此第15题的答案应该为I increasing。第16题所在句子翻译为“并且好像这些疾病在生活中影响人们比过去更_”,根据语法和文章主题,考生们可以直接确定第16题答案应该为F later。剑6 Test

7、4中的Question14-18(文章标题 Do literate women make better mothers?)Complete the summary using the list of words, A-J, below.NB You may use any letter more than once.The Nicaraguan National Literacy Crusade aimed to teach large numbers of illiterate 14_ to read and write. Public health experts have known f

8、or many years that there is a connection between child health and 15_. However, it has not previously known whether these two factors were directly linked or not. This question has been investigated by 16_ in Nicaragua. As a result, factors such as 17_ and attitudes to children have been eliminated,

9、 and it has been shown that 18_ can in itself improve infant health and survival.A child literacy B men and women C an international research teamD medical care E mortality F maternal literacyG adults and children H paternal literacy I a National Literacy CrusadeJ family wealth分析:首先根据文章标题Do literate

10、 women make better mothers? 考生们可以断定本篇文章的主题是关于有文化的女性是否是更好的母亲的。第14题所在句子意为“尼加拉瓜全国识字运动目的是教大量没有文化的_读和写”,根据文章主题有文化的女性是否是更好的母亲,考生们会发现只有选项B men and women适合作为答案。第15题所在句子应翻译为“公共健康专家们已经很多年前就知道儿童健康和_之间有联系”,同样的,利用文章主题,考生们可以确定第15题答案应该为F maternal literacy。第16题利用尝试可以确定答案为C an international research team。第17题和第18题所在

11、句子意为“因此,17_和对孩子的态度这样的因素被排除了,并且也显示18_本身就能改善婴儿的健康和存活”,再次根据文章主题,考生们可以确定第17题答案为J family wealth, 第18题答案为F maternal literacy(此题答案被重复使用)。终南捷径三:巧用语法和常识根据这种摘要题的“给定词不能改变”的特点,在答题过程中考生可以先利用空中所需单词的词性缩小寻找范围,同时再利用常识(雅思阅读文章很多为大众科普类)选择答案,这样就可以达到事半功倍的效果,即可以节省时间,又可以准确答题。如剑5 Test4中的Question18-23(文章标题Flawed Beauty: the

12、problem with toughened glass)。Complete the summary with the list of words A-P below.Toughened glassToughened glass is favored by architects because it is much stronger than ordinary glass, and the fragments are not as 18_ when it breaks. However, it has one disadvantage: it can shatter 19_. This fau

13、lt is a result of the manufacturing process. Ordinary glass is first heated, then cooled very 20_. The outer layer 21_ before the inner layer, and the tension between the two layers These are unstable, and can expand suddenly, particularly if the weather is 22_. If this happens, the pane of glass ma

14、y break. The frequency with which such problems occur is 23_ by glass experts.A numerous B detected C quickly D agreed E warmF sharp G expands H slowly I unexpectedly J removedK contracts L disputed M cold N moved O smallP calculated分析:根据题目中的第一句话可以猜出toughened glass为钢化玻璃,18题中讲“当钢化玻璃破碎时,它的碎片不像普通玻璃一样_?” 考生可以判断该空中需要一个形容词,同时根据常识我们知道钢化玻璃破碎时碎片不那么锋利,所以此题答案为F sharp; 同样利用词性(该空需要一个副词)和常识(钢化玻璃有时会突然破碎),19题答案为I unexpectedly; 20题考生若不确定答案可以利用定位信息到文章中定位答案,答案为C quickly; 21题我们又可以利用常识“热胀冷缩”,判断肯定外层比内层先收缩,同时考虑到词性,所以答案为K contracts; 22题同样利用“热胀冷缩”的常识和词性,可以确定答案为E warm; 23题根据常识无法确定答案,考生利用定位信息到文章


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