【精品】高二英语外研版选修六习题:课时卷15 含答案

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1、Module 4课下能力提升(十五).根据提示写出单词的正确形式1On his retirement, colleagues _ (赠送) him with a set of golf clubs.2A new man was appointed to _ (处理) the crisis.3When the post finally became _ (空缺的),they offered it to Fiona.4It is an _ (荣幸,光荣) to hear you speak so highly of me.5He is always concerned with the farme

2、rs and _(因此) he has donated one million dollars to the earthquakehit farmers.6We see each other at regular _ (interval) usually once a month.7The young actress looked so _ (charm) in her beautiful dress that we took masses of pictures with her.8Learning that his daughter was safe, Mr White breathed

3、a sigh of _ (relieve)9He frequently did _ (volunteer) work during his spare time at university.10He is a famous stamp _ and he began to _ stamps when he was at school. He now has a large _ of rare stamps.(collect).选词填空in addition to, dance to the music, draw upon, all of a sudden, miss the point, ta

4、ke . seriously, pick up, on the other hand 1.Different civilizations and local systems should _ and benefit from each other to achieve common development.2This is a novel, but _, it can be looked as a biography.3Youve completely _ of his argument.4_ some remained markings, its method of attack is co

5、nsistent.5_ the typewriter case by the handle.6We were driving along when _ a car pulled straight out in front of us.7We have been working for a long time. Lets _ of the piano.8You cant _ his promise _; he never keeps his word.完成句子1使我非常欣慰的是,电话没有被损坏。_, the phone was not damaged.2他是一个很难对付的人。He is a pe

6、rson who is _3一得知没有通过那次考试,她就哭了起来。She burst into tears_ she knew she had failed that exam.4能跟你们一起在这里庆祝中秋节我感到非常荣幸。_ here to celebrate the MidAutumn Festival with you.5他赠给这所学校100台电脑,这使得学生们很高兴。He _, which made the students delighted.完形填空A mouse was looking through a crack (裂缝) in the wall one day and sa

7、w the farmer and his wife opening a package. “What food might this_1_?”the mouse wondered.He was shocked to _2_that it was a mousetrap (捕鼠器)The mouse ran to the farmyard,_3_ everyone,“There is a mousetrap in the house!” The chicken_4_his head,saying,“Mr Mouse,I can tell you this trap is a great conc

8、ern for you,but I cant be_5_with it.”The mouse turned to the pig. “I am so_6_,Mr Mouse, but the trap is no concern of mine _7_!”said the pig.The mouse then turned to the cow. “It sounds like you have a _8_, Mr Mouse,but not the one that concerns me,”the cow said.The mouse returned to the house with

9、its head down and was _9_ that it had concerned nobody.He knew he had to face the _10_ on its own.That night the sound of a trap_11_ something was heard throughout the house.The farmers wife rushed to see what was caught.In the_12_she could not see it was a snake._13_, the snake bit her.The wife cau

10、ght a high fever and the farmer knew the best_14_to treat it was to drink some chicken soup. He took his _15_ to get the soups main ingredient (成分) the chicken.Friends and _16_ came to take turns sitting with her.The farmer had to _17_ them, so he killed the pig.The farmers wife did not get_18_She e

11、ventually died and so many friends came to her funeral that the farmer had to_19_ the cow to feed all of them.So let us remember that when any one of us is _20_,we are all at risk.1A.acceptBofferCkeep Dcontain2A.admit BproveCdiscover Dhear3A.warning BorderingCpersuading Dscolding4A.used BraisedCnodd

12、ed Dhung5A.touched BcomparedCbothered Dequipped6A.curious BhungryCcautious Dsorry7A.again BtooCsoon Deither8A.problem BfailureCdisease Dshame9A.frightened BdepressedCsatisfied Dencouraged10A.pity BpackageCtrap Dwall11A.catching BgatheringCfollowing Dkicking12A.wind BsmokeCdarkness Dsilence13A.Unfort

13、unately BGladlyCSurprisingly DAbsolutely14A.opinion BwayCplace Dmedicine15A.fork BtoyCnail Dknife16A.doctors BneighborsCparents Dteachers17A.feed BrememberCprotect Dbelieve18A.uglier BbetterCthinner Dstronger19A.allow BforceCcarry Dkill20A.in control Bin orderCin trouble Din charge.阅读理解AYoung Music

14、Scene ConcertYoung musicians from all over Germany perform atYoung Scene Concert at Berlins famous Quasimodo music hall.The concert is part of the Berlin Festival.TimeNov.1520Place 45, 18756Berlin, GermanyCost VariousEmail infoquasimodo.dePhone 34(0)458395986Documentary Film MonthCinemas, schools and libraries across France and the Frenchspeaking world take part in Novembers Documentary Film Month.About 120,000 visitors take part each year


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