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1、 Book5 Module 1 Unit 11. have a meeting 开会 2. Thats news to me! 我一 点也不知道。3. listen up 注意听4. a school magazine called New Standard 一个叫做新标准的学校杂志 called 作定语时,前面不加be 5. Any more ideas? 还有更多的主意吗?6. do some reviews about 做关于的评论7. do an interview with sb. 对某人做一个的采访8. some ideas on 关于的主意 9. get good grades

2、得到好成绩 Unit 21. -How long/wide/tall/high/deep is ?某物有多长/宽/高/深?-It is metres long/wide/tall/high/deep.它有米长/宽/高/深。-How far is ?某地有多远-It is metres away. 它有米远。2. get out of 从出来 3.in the east/west/south/north 4. go the right/wrong way 走对路/走错路5. look over sth. 仔细看某物6. reply 跟 answer 的区别:Sb. answer = Sb. re

3、ply answer the question = reply to the question reply 还可以表示“答复”,如:He didnt reply to my invitation. 他没有答复我的邀请。 6. below 跟 under 的区别:7. under “在的正下方”,表示只能位置关系,如: We are sitting under the tree. below “在之下”,除了表示位置关系,还可以表示温度等。如: The temperature is ten degrees below zero. 温度是零下10度。Please sign your name be

4、low the line. 请在这条线下签你的名字。8. on the edge of 在的边缘9 at the bottom of 在的底部10. reach “到达” “够得着”I cant reach the book on the shelf. 我够不着书架上的那本书。11. over = more than 超过 12. not but 不是而是It is not a cat but a little tiger. Module 2 Unit 11. If Ive got it right, 如果我没猜错的话, 2. as far as 就来说as far as I remember

5、 凭我记忆as far as I know 据我所知 3. not any more = no more (数量上)再也不 not any longer = no longer(时间上)再也不not就是把一个句子变成否定句,any more/longer放在句子末尾;no more/longer放在实义动词前,系动词和情态动词后. 如: We have a school magazine. -We dont have a school magazine any more. =We no more have a school magazine. 我们再也没有学校杂志了。 I can eat. -

6、 I cant eat any more. = I can eat no more.我再也吃不了。 You are a child. -You are not a child any longer. =You are no longer a child. 你再也不是个小孩了。Annie lives here. -Annie doesnt live here any longer. =Annie no longer lives here. Annie再也不住在这里了。4. Im thinking about doing sth. 我正在考虑做某事 5. Sounds like a good id

7、ea! 听起来像个好主意!6. millions of 好几百万 7. be known as 作为而闻名 Unit 21. lively adj. 活泼的 alive adj. 活着的 The children are very lively. His grandfather is still alive. 2. get lost = be lost 迷路3. be surprised to do sth. We were surprised to hear the news.听到这个消息我们很惊讶。4. pleased adj.(形容人)高兴的=happy pleasure n. 乐趣 T

8、hey are pleased to see him alive. 看到他活着他们很高兴。 Study can bring us pleasure. 学习给我们带来快乐。 -Will you lend me your pen? -With pleasure. 很乐意。/Thats my pleasure. /这是我的荣幸。5be/have to do with . 和有关My question has to do with yesterdays homework. 我的问题和昨天的作业有关。It has nothing to do with you. 它和你无关。6. be punished

9、for 因为而受罚 Tom is punished for being late. Tom因为迟到而受罚。7. every day adv.每天(作时间状语) everyday adj. 每天的,日常的(作定语) I get up at 6 every day. These are my everyday shoes.8. be thought to be 被认为是He is thought to be a naughty student被认为是一个淘气的学生。 Module 3 Unit 11. be against 对抗 2. stand for 代表3. Youve got no cha

10、nce! 你没有机会了!4. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 Sb. be allowed to do sth. 5. get to sb. 让某人感到烦恼。Dont let them get to you. 不要让她们影响你。6be mad with sb. 对某人感到极度生气 Unit 21. first of all 首先 2. a symbol of 的象征 a symbol for 的标志The pigeon is a symbol of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。The five rings is a symbol for the Olympic G

11、ames. 五环是奥运会的标志。3now that + 句子 既然 Now that Mr. Liu has come, we can begin our meeting. 4. make sure + 句子 确保 You must make sure that you wont tell anyone else. 你必须确保你不会告诉别的任何人。5ecourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事(被动) Sb. be encouraged to do sth. 6. skill at 在方面的技巧 7set up 建立,成立8compare A with B那A和B做比较(被动

12、)A be compared withB9. find out 了解到 10go for sth. 追求 Module 4 Unit 11. for ages = for many years(做某事做了)好几年2Can I ask a favour?我可以叫你帮个忙吗Can you do me a favor? 3on the visit to 在去的旅途中4from now on 从现在开始5mean doing sth. 意味着做某事 6once 可以表示“一次”和“曾经” 7. 固定搭配的词组变成被动时不能分开。如:1)We must take good care of old peo

13、ple. - Old people must be taken good cared of. 2) He listened to the music. - The music was listened to by him.8. a couple of 两三个,几个 9see to sth./sb. 处理,照顾 -These windows need to be cleaned.- Ill see to them later.10. leave sth. somewhere 把某物遗忘在某处I left my homework at home. 11. Is that clear? 明白了吗?U

14、nit 2paper 纸(不可数名词)a piece of paper two pieces of paper newspaper 报纸(可数名词)a newspaper two newspapers2. on ones way to 在某人去的路上on ones way home 3. look through 浏览 4be made of 由做成的(看得出材料) be made from 由做成的(看不出材料) be made up of 由组成(部分或成员) be made into 被做成(产品)be made in 在被制作出来的(产地) be made by 由制作(生产者)The camera is made in Germany. The table is made of woodPaper is made from wood. Our class is made up of twenty boys and twenty-three girls.The metal can be made into a


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