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1、中考英语补全对话练习题(1):Go mning . Whatyour toue? W: I dotfeel ery wll.: Have yutaken your tempertre? : Yes,ave. My empertre is itl hih.D: Openrouth and ay “Ah”. W: AhhD: Ho lng havey ee like this? W: Eer sice lsight.D: Dd oreep el? W: No, I was ver tied last nght.D: Oh, I s. Youv t acod. W:Can yo tel me ho

2、I got old?D: Ma ou oerwr youself. W:Ithik so.I e too much work o every day. D I haveosty t hom? : Yes. Yd btter stat o for or hree daysW: 4. Is itss?D: No. I dnt hinkti siu. u yurealy eed a goo rest an tae hsmediciW: . ow often have o tke i? D:Threeimes a d.W: OK. Thak you. ()A: 1. Wt re thy alking

3、about?: They re talkig aut yestrda footal ath.A: Oh, I athed ton T.Bejig Team ad er good eamwork. Ddnt yo wach it?B: o, I ddn. I id my homewor d forot thetie hen tune n the TV, ihad fiished alread.A: .hat apty! ut BeiiTeam will p i this veningB: 4. Can w wachit o V?:SueYod better fiish yor homork ea

4、rlir if ywanttoatch it. Rememe,”Work mus co irst.(3) .B:Ths agood idea. (ooin t his watch.) ven uchtie lft Ietter hury o insmyhomewok.: Hae yofnshed ou omewok?B: Noy. Eercis isoo difiult fo m. A: ontwry. Ilelp you.B: Its vry ind ofyou Ithink I cando t myself.Ca you en e your glishnes dictionay?:Wit

5、pesr. re you ae. B: Thns.Bythe a,s Ms Ga at the achrs ofi?A: Oh, no. he ou atthe ment.B: Where i he? oyou know? I have sm questios ask her.: Ithk she i a th library. Se tld me sh wantd o boro sme books.B: havo wait for her.(4) .Dck: Excueme,Lcy.Hveou hot adictnary?ucy:Sorr, vn. You may ask eim. S ma

6、y hveone.Dck: Ecus me,Meiei Ha you ot diinay?imei: Yes. Hre you ar.Dick: Thou. ll give it bac soon By thy, tomrro y birthday. Wuldyo lie tcom?Meie: Yes, d ov too 4. at im wll t egi?ik:Abut seven o cock.Meimei: ll tro be thre otime, ut Imust finish my hmwokfrstDick: dosn matter Wkmut co irst.(Sue=S e

7、n=K)S:elo,Ken! Could you give me lift? K: I really orry.I dnt hv r rght now: Oh, that t a! I want o o tothe entralHospital.K: Why? Are ou ll?S: No, m al ight. yngsh techr s thre. Sheiil w an st lve the hospita today.: I see Wynt taksom fowrwi y? S: Ivealredgt soefowrfmmy mothes grenK:Well,ell.Thts w

8、oderulS: But, what a piy! Ica se indanow. No cr d nodrive: Wrog.Yu ve aoodriver hee. I an brrowa carand take yo the.: Rey? hats great verykindof you, en: It my plsue.(6) (Zag MrSmh=)Z: Helo, a M.Smt fromthe Un Stats?M: Ys,Roert Smit. Plase call Rbert . Tank you for meetn me.Z: lasure. lcome t na y n

9、ame isZhng L.You ca cal e hs is y caM:hank AnHere smycrd. Z: Oh, good, thanks. How wa he journey?M: I wa OK., ahough a ltle tiring.Z: Then lesge yur tingsand to the ow: Oh,thankyou.Where is h hotel?Z: Its btthirty intes div.y th wy,we a gig to a a dnner ty or yu this veng.M: Its ry ind of yo. hat tm

10、e does it bgi?Z: Sitrty.Illpck yu up a sixolockM: O. Syou the : By(7)(obertR Jack)J: Hell, Robert. youree on Sauda onin?R: Yes. Whats p?J:Thee is a baketball at t he ors Cner. youwat o watch t?R: ur. Beteen whichtms? J:OushoolVso 1 ile Shool.R: Gret! ! Let g tcher forour team.: Yea. N.1 Midde School

11、 Tam is ot es to beat.R: So te match wl be i. hat tme oit strt?: 8:0 Do you thinkou can ge p ote?R:Ocourse.Id liket wacte game vey m.J: OK.hee wll behreechooluss waitn fr us nont of lir. Ls meet at 8:3.: All rih. See ythen.(8):n!ha an I o r you?: Wdlie to mk a tripfor eeknd holiday, leae.:Thr are ay ravel paths.hi pat wod yo ikto hoose?B: edike to hooseJnggang uaisA:I eally rt isitin. hic hotel doyou watto iv in?: Were ot ure. Wichhe d yohink i comforable?: The Hld


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