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1、2020学年第一学期期末测试九年级英语试卷(满分 140分,考试时间 110分钟)第卷(选择题80分)一、听力(共20分)第一节 (共10小题)听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。1. What was Jerry at first?2. How will the woman go to Los Angeles? 3. What is the animal sign of the girl? A B C4. When did the woman get up to

2、day? A. B. C.5. Which colour does the girl like best? A. Yellow.B. Green.C. Black.6. What will Mr. Smith do during the holidays?A. He will go to some places.B. He will go home. C. He will stay at home.7. How many desks are there for the parents? A. Sixteen.B. Twenty-five. C. Twenty-six.8. Why is the

3、 boy still in the library? A. Because the book is interesting. B. Because he forgets the time. C. Because the bad weather prevents him from leaving.9. How much should the woman pay for the jacket?A. $50. B. $75.C. $100.10. How long did it take the woman to finish the charity walk?A. One hour.B. Eigh

4、t hours.C. Nine hours. 第二节(共10小题)听下面3段长对话和短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项选出最佳选项。听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题6秒钟,听完后,每小题将给出6秒钟的作答时间。每段对话和短文读两遍。听第11段材料, 回答第11、12题。11. What does the man want to know about the trip? A. How much to pay.B. When to leave.C. Where to go.12. What will the man probably do?A. He wi

5、ll visit the countryside.B. He will stay at home for two weeks.C. He will go to China for the whole holiday. 听第12段材料,回答第13至15题。placeThe talk is for the students going to 13 .moneyEach student should take about 14 dollars with himself.clothesEach student should wear 15 so that your new family can fin

6、d you.13. A. German B. AmericaC. London14. A. 1,530 B. 5,300C. 53015. A. a blue hat B. a red shirtC. a red hat听第13段材料,回答第16至20题。16. What kind of passage is it?A. An ad.B. A story.C. A play.17. What kind of people can become a member of that group?A. People from 12 to18.B. People from 12 to 80.C. All

7、 young people. 18. What can those people do ? A. They can help patients in hospitals. B. They can help children in schools.C. They can help people in many ways.19. Who does Susan look after?A. Children.B. Old people.C. Patients.20. What will you do if you want to join the group?A. We can call them o

8、r visit their website. B. We can call them or visit them.C. We can visit their website or write to them.二、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。21. Life is full of chances, but theyre not always ones we hope for.A. /; theB. the; theC. /; /D. the; /22. Amy likes to go to the cinema, b

9、ut she doesnt like to see horror films.A. Since B. As C. ThoughD. /23. -I dont know where to go this summer vacation? -Why not visiting Suzhou ? There are many places of interest there.A. suggestB. wonderC. considerD. encourage24. - Do you know the Pakistani girl Malala?- Of course, her _ makes the

10、whole world shocked and she becomes the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. A. applicationB. agreement C. attentionD. achievement25. _, when Marx was already _, he found it was important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian. A. In 1870s, in his fiftiesB. In 1870s, in

11、fiftiesC. In the 1870s, in fiftiesD. In the 1870s, in his fifties26. There a number of books in the library. The number of the books getting bigger and bigger.A. are; is B. are; are C. is; are D. is; is27. -What will you do with these old computers? -We will have to use them unless new ones .A. buyB

12、. will buyC. will be boughtD. are bought28. -Could you tell me _yesterday? -Yes. To take back my dictionary.A. what did you come here for B. how did you come hereC. why you came hereD. when you came here29. The radio last week has been broken.A. I bought itB. I boughtC. which I bought itD. that I bo

13、ught it30. - What about watching a horror movie after finishing the work?- Are you kidding me? I dont want to get _ before going to sleep.A. scaredB. boredC. relaxedD. worried31. - Sam, why did you choose the poster of TF-boys as your desktop(电脑桌面)?-Because theyre my heroes. I do believe they _ sing

14、ing.A. play the role ofB. have a gift forC. come up with D. take notice of32. - Tell us something about Sydney, OK? - Im sorry. _Jack _I have ever been there.A. Either; orB. Neither; norC. Both; andD. Not only; but also33. It _ that the man with blood on his shirt had nothing to do with this murder.A.turned out B. turned on C. turned down D. turned off34. -How about going boating if it


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