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1、考研英语应用文(书信小作文)构造模板与应用第一类 祝贺信A.内容框架表达祝贺,为之快乐;祝贺缘由,劳有所获;寄予盼望,获得更大成就;再次祝贺。B.范文解析Dar Zhang Jin,I a jut as prodas oucn be f oan send mysinceres cnratlations o yoradmssio oBijinUnivrsityas postgraduate.Dring thepat four ears, y kept impoving an devoed yurselfintyormajo sty.Iam delighted ha th four yearsf

2、yu tuy hsbeenearde nsway. Itis obvious ha youwllhe a omsing uure in frnt of o.Cngrtulaios again. I wsh yuwi make reat ahievment youfutu sudy lfe. Iam kn forward o hearingmore goodnewsin your studes andreeacwr. Yors sicerely,Liig.祝贺信框架erXX,I am ust as proud asyo can beoyoand end y cerst congaulations

3、 o.ur theast four ya, yo keptimping anddted yourelf ino. amdeihtethat he fou yeas of yr ffort hasbe rewdin tsy. s ovis tyou will have apromsin futureinfon of ou.Congrtulatios agn. I wsh wil ke reat acievment i yu futur stdy nd lif. am looing forwr o ing orgoodnes n your studisnd ser ork.Yorsincely,L

4、iMig第二类投诉信.基本构造第一段: 自我简介,陈述事由,提出建议;第二段: 投诉细节(补救细节);第三段:期待改善。.投诉信框架DearXX/ThIt MayConcern,Iam xxwh. I witng oepresyssaifaction/disappitntbou(投诉信).具体事由To improe the siuation,it is advisal for you otae th follong easure.o bgith,细节一; oovr,细节二。Wrut th you ll nw cnsidrhis matter seiosl nd ma anffortpreent

5、 hercrence of ths k.our inceely,L ing第三类 申请信A.基本构造框架告知信息来源及写信目的;突出重点的自我简介(专业,学习成绩,英语水平,学习能力,性格及合伙精神);附简历;表达感谢。B. 年 PrtA 真题预测及解析(申请信&祈求信)o homI yCocern,Ia wrting this lettr o you to ask ifthereis a chil i ned of fn acial soorsipthough the opeFoundon。I m iling t give in acial aid hs hildre wh hve nt h

6、ad cnce to receiveduationin povery-strikenare. Iwoldlie to hep wo kins o childn:frst,thosewh dot have a stable orc whichcan cver her eductionfee, a second, thoewhose acadeicperfomace inshools xcelln. I hv dcided o omitmysef o save th necesar financial arequiedo acompish mygoal. I wul aso ike o be ep

7、t informe as o theacademic progrs f ech stdetevey tr. ave odut (ereno out)hat met teritra rquired or spnsr ndlookfora o hearn frm y.Th ou fo your sideration.Yours sincere,MingC.常用模板框架DSir/Maa(or To Whm It yCner),I learn fom te newspper ha you wnt an accountant dI wouldliketo pply fr thjb. am writin

8、o apl for. Encoseds mesuoprovieitiol nfrmaion aboutundergduatewo.I woldappeiate th opprtunity o met th u o dscussfurthr ho myulifcatonmt th nees oouroranzatinThn ou fru im an onsideatio.Yurs sincerel,Li Ming第四类 推荐信A.构造框架第一段: 写信目的,指出写信人和被推荐人的关系;第二段: 推荐因素(品质,能力,性格等):多写长处肯定成绩;第三段: 总结阐明被推荐人值得被推荐(例如能胜任某项

9、工作)。B.范文Dear sir/ Maam,It i w great leaure that rcomed oyo Zangian, an ousandggadutmjrg in Businesdinistran.hav bee hfMr. angs class sicehey were feshmen, okow his well.e courteus, ice and hardworkn e oo evea courses incompuersciec, whichtrenghenehi adiistrtion aility Ad is ecellent omicaion ability

10、nd goodcommandof Eglish ad a ot to s manaalki lls.Ielieve Zang Jin is th rht perso fr the postiosa dminstrt nyor copanyI emmed him withou resvation abliee yu wl fin him helf nd rspnsile stfmeer.Yurs sinerel,Li ig第五类 致歉信A.基本构造和常用句型第一段: 表白写信目的:道歉,论述道歉因素;第二段: 提出解决措施;第三段: 再次道歉。B.Part 真题预测及解析(致歉信):ea Bo,

11、Iam wringto express my aplogy o you Sevral dys ago, I borrowed your music wen lived i orouse.Ufrtunly,ater I came back fromCanada, fou it i myluge. I asisch a rry thatI got o eturn it to ou .I will end it toyou by post opress as son s psibl. Ifnecsary, I wil cmpeste for any troubl tmay cuse.ne agai,

12、Ifeelso srr or ay innvenece cued. Plaeaccep my apoogie.Sicrlyyous,L ng.道歉信框架De x,I am writntoaologie to u o yilin to.道歉理由。xuse mefor m essin king sch a mes. ake up for the icneiencased, ould ike to.补偿一。补偿二。Once gn, feel so ory fo any nnvenience caue lease acct m aologiSnery our,Li ing第六类 建议信.基本构造第一段:写信目的,自我简介,赞扬在先,仍需改善;第二段: 建议细节;第三段: 盼望改善,表达感谢。B. 年 a 真题预测及解析(建议信) m It May Cocern,



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