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1、Interpretations of Conversational Implicature in Listening Comprehension解读听力理解中的会话含意Abstract: China today is demanding her college graduates with full competence of English. The ability to understand what is being said to is one of the main requirements for college students. So in College English li

2、stening comprehension classroom, it is vital important to develop the students competence to understand the meaning of what is being said when exposed to a short conversation, and then can they take a further actionto make a choice, filling the blanks, or answer the questions. A lot of times the con

3、versation is straightforward and direct so you can judge what is being said through the literal meaning, that is, the original meaning of the words. However there are cases that it seems the conversation is not quite to the norm and indirect so you cannot make the right judgment if you only take it

4、for granted from its literal meaning. So for the listeners in listening comprehension classroom, it is most important that they should be aware the two speakers in a conversation is observing one common principlethe Cooperative Principle (CP), which generates the meaning of the whole conversation: s

5、ometimes obvious and direct; sometimes implied and expressed in a round-about way. The latter is what we called the conversational implicature, and it is the focus to student listeners in inferring the real meaning from a conversation.This paper first examines Grices Cooperative Principle and the ev

6、oking of conversational implicatures, then goes into the probe of conversational implicature interpretations in College English listening comprehension classroom: the model of interpretation, the model of formal instruction and the possibilities to enhance the students listening comprehension compet

7、ence. The author tries to illustrate that at present classroom instruction of College English, it is necessary for the teacher to focus on the culture teaching and the well-chosen pedagogies for a better outcome in the listening comprehension class, which will enhance the development of students ove

8、rall English competence. Key words: the Cooperative Principle interpretations of conversational implicature listening comprehensionTABLE OF CONTENTI. Introduction. 1II. Cooperative Principle and the conversational implicature. 21. Cooperative Principle . 22. Sentence-meaning and speaker-meaning63. C

9、onversation implicature. 9III. Listening comprehension.1. A definition of listening comprehension. .2. Parsing-understanding the syntactic structure of sentences 3. Comprehension. .3.1 Prior knowledge. .3.3 Construction-integration model of comprehension 4. Factors affecting second language listenin

10、g comprehensionIV. Developing the competence of implicature interpretation in listening comprehension classroom. .1. The classification of conversation that involves conversational implicature in listening comprehension. .2. What type do the students find easy or difficult to interpret the implicatu

11、re?3. Culture and the interpretation of implicature . V. Developing the competence of implicature interpretation through the instruction in classroom. 1. The processes of L2 listening and listening comprehension. 2. The pedagogic approach to the development of the competence of the implicature acqui

12、rement in second language listening comprehension. 2.1 What constitutes the development of L2 listening comprehension? 2.2 A consensus approach to the development of L2 listening comprehension. 2.3. Input for L2 listening comprehension 3. What should be considered when selecting listening techniques

13、 and activities in interpretation of conversational implicatures? VI. Classroom procedures.1. Pre-listeningthe preparation stage of the teaching of listening in interpretation of conversational implicatures.2. While-listeningthe key stage of the teaching of listening3. Post-listeningan indispensable

14、 part of the teaching of listening4. Teachers position in the teaching of listening in interpretation of conversational implicatures. VII. Conclusion.References. 16Appendix. 20I. Introduction China today is demanding her college graduates with full competence of English. The ability to understand wh

15、at is being said to is one of the main requirements for college students, which is vividly demonstrated in CET-4 & CET-6 listening comprehension part. So in College English listening comprehension classroom, it is vital important to develop the students competence to understand the meaning of what is being said when exposed to a short convers


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