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1、Descriptions of my translation materialsOne of my translation materials is an excerpt of a news report about getting Bin Laden from New York. It is the largest metropolitan newspaper in the United States. Nicknamed the Gray Lady for its staid appearance and style, it is often regarded as a newspaper

2、 of record in the United States, meaning that it is frequently relied upon as the official and authoritative reference for modern events. The name is often abbreviated to The Times, but should not be confused with The Times, which is published in the United Kingdom. The report is written in the sequ

3、ence of time, which includes setting cause development climax result of the activity. When referring to people, the report uses courtesy titles, rather than unadorned last names. Its headlines tend to be thin, and, for major stories, come with subheadings giving further details, although it is movin

4、g away from this style. The report is a piece of typical news about current affairs of the paper, which is interesting all-sided and good-structured. Another material is an article about a theory of enterprise ability and enterprise strategy alliance. The article is a thesis of a learner in Business

5、 Management field. The author introduces a new theory on enterprise ability and enterprise strategy alliance in the whole thesis. At first, he explains what enterprise ability is and the situation of enterprise ability defects. Then he continues to tell us three choices when faced with enterprise ab

6、ility defects. The first choice: enterprise can make up for the gap between the ability system and the goal of activity by accumulation. The second choice: enterprise can make up for disabilities through the merger or acquisition for external ability. The last: develop enterprise ability and improve

7、 enterprise ability structure by alliance and corporation. Then the writer narrates the key ability of an enterprise and the enterprise strategy alliance. Finally, he ends up with the development of enterprise dynamical ability and enterprise strategy alliance. The article focuses on the enterprise

8、ability and strategy alliance. The author applies a lot of economy theory and the proper noun. So it is hard to understand totally. But the materials are update and practical. In one word, my translation materials are appropriate to exercise my translation skills. 词语翻译技巧的灵活性摘要英国翻译理论学家纽马克(Peter Newma

9、rk)在其A Textbook of Translation 中写道: What is translation? Often, thought not by any means always, it is rending the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. 1 不难看出,纽马克是从原 作者的意义视角来定义的。美国翻译理论学家尤金.奈达(Eugene Nida)在其The Theory and Practice of Translation 中这样定义,

10、他说: Translating consists in producing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in term of meaning and secondly in term of style. 2 很明显,奈达的定义强调信息对等,风格相似。中国学者 张培基认为“翻译就是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的内容准确 而完整地从新的表达出来的活动。”可见这里的翻译被看成是一种语 言的转换活动。翻译其实质是一种语言的翻译活动或行为。其学

11、习和 研究的重点是:(1)翻译的运作过程;(2)翻译的方法和技巧;(3) 翻译的评价标准;(4)翻译实践。3由于语言建构上的差别,从一 种语言转化成另一种语言时,原语的意义可能会被删减或改变,所以 翻译是一件十分困难的事情。那么翻译到底有没有一种理论呢?对此 翻译的科学派和艺术派持有不同的意见。我认为翻译既是科学又是艺 术,之所以说它是艺术,是因为翻译是一门十分讲究技巧的实践性很 强的科学。艺术的本质是技巧,只有通过反复实践练习,才可以达到 “炉火纯青”的熟练程度。之所以说翻译是科学,是因为它有一定的 规律和特殊法可以遵循。而这种规律需要学习和研究。现在,中国与西方英语区国家的经济政治文化交流

12、交往日益密切, 对翻译人才极其稀缺。国际形势风云变化,对信息的及时掌握对国家 的命运至关重要,时事新闻的翻译和经济领域的研究成果显得尤为重 要。我们应当给予重视。本文是笔者在翻译学习的过程中总结的经验。 关键词:语言差异;词义;灵活性;策略AbstractPeter writes in his Textbook of Translation “What is translation?Often, thought not by any means always, it is rending the meaning of a text into another language in the wa

13、y that the author intended the text.”1 Newmarka pays attention to the meaning of original author. But Eugene Nida claims his view in The Theory and Practice of Translation that translating consists in producing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, f

14、irst in term of meaning and secondly in term of style. 2Nida thinks accuracy of article is extremely important. They are right despite they defines the translation differently .A Chinese learner argues translation is the activity express perfectly an accurate and complete content of a certain langua

15、ge with another kind of language .According to my viewpoints, translation practice is an difficulty work in essence. The study and research focus is: (1) the translation process; (2) translation methods and skills; (3) translation evaluation standards; (4) translation practice.3 Due to the differenc

16、es in language construction between languages, translating form one language into another language, the meaning of the source language may be cut or change, so the translation is a very difficult thing. So is three a kind of translation theory? When asked translation is a science or art, people have different opinions. I think the translation is both science and art; the reason is that because translation is a very exquisite skill of practical science. The essence



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