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1、共享天下考研论坛 BEC版Text 3Reading 1 hourPART ONEQuestions 1 -8Look at the statements below and at the five extracts on the opposite page from an article giv ing advice to self-employed con sulta nts about n egotiat ing fees for their services.Which book (A, B, C,D or E) dose each statement1 refer to ?For e

2、ach statement! -8, make one letter (A, B, C,D or E) on your Answer Sheet .You will n eed to use some of these letters more tha n once .Example :0Lack of self-c on fide nce will put you at a disadva ntage in a n egotiati on .0A B C D E1 Tryi ng to n egotiate is only worthwhile if there is the prospec

3、t of success.2 The best result of n egotiati on is whe n both parties have a sense of satisfact ion.3 Accepti ng a lower fee might have ben efits in the future.4 It is importa nt to know how much other people are charg ing for similar work.5 You should ask for a fee in excess of what you expect to g

4、et.6 Offer the other party incen tives to agree to your fee.7 Other people s reacti ons to you are in flue need by your body Ian guage.8 It may become obvious that you have come to regret a deal you have made.AYou re in dan ger of selli ng yourself short if you don t know where the goalposts are, es

5、pecially when you re negotiating with a new clie nt. Research the market and find out the going rate. You can do this by n etwork ing con tacts or talk ing to small bus in ess advisers. Alter natively, ask the competiti on. Of course your rivals may not tell you, but there s no harm in asking. Anoth

6、er prerequisite is learning to recognize when there s scope for negotiation, because without it, you can waste a great deal of time and en ergy.Know the amount you would really like, slightly above what you thi nk they will offer and above what you d be happy to settle for. Also, know your trade-off

7、s. Create a wish list of all the things you d like to receive if you lived in a perfect world. That way, if the other side want you to move from your preferred or ope ning positi on on an issue to a positi on n earer the bottom line, you can move in excha nge for somethi ng from your wish list.CPeop

8、le who are nervous about negotiating over money ofte n let fear tell them they re no good at these discussions and not worth the fee. You literally can t afford the luxury of a single negotiating thought. Stand up when making negotiating phone calls: it will make you fell more powerful. If you re fa

9、ce to face, make steady eye con tact, keep your head up and your hands still - these all suggest assertive ness, rather tha n aggressiveness or passivity, and you If be surprised at how much this affects the way that you come across in the n egotiati on.DYou have to know the price below which it wou

10、ld be unecono mical for you to do a job. This could vary from job to job - you may be prepared to do some cheaper in the hope that they II lead to better things. But don t be talked below your bottom line and end up working for nothing. After all, in the long term, there s little point in agreeing t

11、o something that you re not happy with: you re likely to feel resentful, and this might even come across in your behaviour.共享天下考研论坛 BEC版#共享天下考研论坛 BEC版When negotiating money, there may be non-financial factors you can throw into the mix. For example, why not say, ?If you pay me such and such, I inclu

12、de a report on the company for you / Plan these extras beforeha nd. Make sure that they won t take forever to do, but are things of value to the other side. This way, you can achieve the ideal outcome: you appear to accept compromise when in fact you ve got everyth ing you wan ted, and they ll think

13、 they got the better of the deal.PART TWOQuestions9T4Read the text about training progammes.Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps . For each gap 914, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet .Do not use any letter more tha n once .There is an example at the begi

14、nning .(0)REAL TRAINING FOR ALL-ACTION MANAGERSLearning by doing is familiar to every man ager sent on a training course. In variably this involves role-play based on studies of Iong-ago triumphs and disasters from a releva nt in dustry or orga ni zatio n.(0)_H_ Theproblem is, any experie nee of dec

15、ision-making gained from role-play has one obvious shortco ming: it is not real life.To tackle this dilemma, some of the best-known companies have set up the Intern ati onalMan ageme ntDevelopme ntConsortium, which provides a range of executive development programmes for staff members. (9) _ What th

16、is means is that they involve ?action learning through real-life situati ons, and participa nts work as problem-solv ingcon sulta nts on projectswithin companies engaged in day-to-day bus in ess.(10) Within this they also take trai ningand refresher courses in traditi onal bus in essmanagement and strategic planning. These discipli


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