03实用单字 (新简)name cards新修改版

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1、 4 3 3 332321 2 2 221anuary 一月Jnua 1st s the firsday of a yr一月一日是一年的第一天。AreIshuldFbruary二月Fbrary 14thisthe ValninsDy.二月14日是西洋情人节。youhewearh三月Mar 8th is he WomensD。三月 日是妇女节。isteing (V-ng)?excite (adj.)?sty (i)?April四月prl 5th ist TombSeepng a.四月5日是扫墓节。DCanDesMay五月 Mothes Dy is on the econd Sunay in Ma

2、y 母亲节是在五月的第 二个星期天。yuhheJun六月Man people gt mried inJun.很多人在六月结婚。fis (。)?wi (vi。)?moe (vi。)?uly七月Smmr vacaton uall tr in uly。暑假通常自七月开始.DoCaDoesgus八月Is it ht re in gut?这里八月的天气会很热吗?oueh eeme九月Teahers y o th th ofepteber.教师节在九月10号。dance (vi.)?in (vi.)?cook (vi)?October十月Otobertefis ite Naonal Dy.十月一号是国庆节

3、。AmAesNovmb十一月Theree30 days i Novembr十一月有30天。Iyoue ecembe十二月Decmer5h Chrismas十二月25日是圣诞节。attctive (adj.)? al righ (cop.)?ired (dj。)? 5 5 53332 4 4 7 7 6 6 6unday星期天Wha do youusly o on Sndys?星期日你通常都做什么?HveesI ondy星期一OnMonday,eole ofenee “Modais”.星期一人们通常觉得懒洋洋的。oithTuesdy星期二hees ratV sow on Tuy nig。星期二晚

4、上有个很好看的电视节目。un (p。) ?arrve (v)?happy (ad.)?edesay星期三Leto tte movies on nsay eenn!星期三晚上去看个电影好不好。WerDidIThusdy星期四 ave to wor all dy on Thursd。 星期四我得工作一整天。yuteyhFiday星期五Plastellmthoutme y Frd.请在星期五以前告诉我结果。ick (.)?trae(v.)?prt(ad.)?Satuday星期六We can catch hmtinee on Sturday morning.我们可以看星期六的早场电影。AreIHasy

5、er年youesemonth 月cing(ing)?gi(-ng)?cme(vi。)?ynameis _我的名字是_AmWllWnGod morning/God fterno/Good eeng。早上好下午好/晚上好Iheyoee you/Take it eas. Hve a nie dy。再见慢走/祝你愉快wron (dj.)?qut (vi.)?se (v.vi。)?.9 8 8 8 72323. a quesion r the binHaeIsCan ama _。我是个_。I ork in _.我在_工作。wewrawa uetfro the i。iened

6、 (pp)?fshed (。p。)?sit (vi.)?Drw uestion fo tebin.IsDonCanDrawaqueston from the bi。shyouey mom _.我从_来。ine (adj。)?kow (vt&vi)?res(v.)?Dr a uestin om the bn。WntDse ae _ peoplein te restaunt.餐厅里有_人。se tyheDraw a qestion from te in。good(adj.)?goig (ig)?di (vtvi.)?laundry2323214131313 12 12 12 11 11 11洗衣店

7、Wre o yu usuall wshclotes?你通常在那里洗衣服?In he laundry在洗衣店。IAreDoetloset衣橱Where do youuuallhang your clothes?你通常把衣服挂那里?In th coet。挂衣橱里。it yohebathroom 浴室Wher d yu usulytake a bat?你通常在那里洗澡?In tebathom.在浴室里。ir (ad。)?rpised (adj)?c (。)?garden花园Whee do you uslgrow flowersnd c the gras?你通常在那里种花草?In th garen。在

8、花园里。IsDi inn rom饭厅Wheredoyu uually eat dinnr?你通常在那里用餐?In the diningoom在饭厅里。ityouhelivingro客厅Wher o youualy son hesofa d atch T.V?在那里你可以坐沙发看电视?In th livig ro在客厅里.far(adj。)?gree (vi。)?pomie(vt.vi。)?arae车库Whe you usually ar a?你通常把车停在那里?In thegarg.在车库里。IsAreWaedoo卧室Wher do ou usaly sleep?你通常在那里睡觉?In the

9、 bdo。在卧室里.iteauc水龙头itesn (aj.)?satisfie(j)?fhtened(adj)? 15 15 15 14 14323217171616 16 apoo洗发水asanWntmiror镜子seetheycurtain窗帘disappointd (aj.)?survive (。)?go (vi.)? pillo枕头AresIsnt uilt棉被yousheit aparmen公寓bored (ad)?ray(adj。)?lovely(dj。)?stret街道ArAmIsn sutters百叶窗youIseair ciioner空调rliabl(ad。)?eious (j。)?inereed (aj.)?door ko 17323 18 18 18门把CoudItDoslcny 阳台yuitshe traffic gt红绿灯he (vt.vi)?ondel (adj.)?wk(v.)?不足之处,敬请谅解 /


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