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1、. .摘 要计算机网络飞速开展的同时,平安问题不容无视。网络平安经过了二十多年的开展,已经开展成为一个跨多门学科的综合性科学,它包括:通信技术、网络技术、计算机软件、硬件设计技术、密码学、网络平安与计算机平安技术等。在理论上,网络平安是建立在密码学以及网络平安协议的根底上的。密码学是网络平安的核心,利用密码技术对信息进展加密传输、加密存储、数据完整性鉴别、用户身份鉴别等,比传统意义上简单的存取控制和授权等技术更可靠。加密算法是一些公式和法那么,它规定了明文和密文之间的变换方法。由于加密算法的公开化和解密技术的开展,加上兴旺国家对关键加密算法的出口限制,各个国家正不断致力于开发和设计新的加密算法


3、的简单堆砌,而是包括从系统到应用、从设备到效劳的比较完整的、体系性的平安系列产品的有机结合。总之,网络在今后的开展过程中不再仅仅是一个工具,也不再是一个遥不可及仅供少数人使用的技术专利,它将成为一种文化、一种生活融入到社会的各个领域。关键词:计算机;网络;平安;防优选. - .word.zl. -ABSTRACTAt the same time the rapid development of computer network security issues can not be ignored. Network Security After twenty years of developme

4、nt, has developed into an integrated across multiple scientific disciplines, which include: communication technology, network technology, computer software and hardware design technology, cryptography, network security and computer security technology . In theory, the network security is based on cr

5、yptography and network security protocols on. Cryptography is the core of network security, the use of cryptography to encrypt the information transmitted, encrypted storage, data integrity, identification, user authentication, etc., simple access than the traditional sense of control and authorizat

6、ion technology is more reliable. Encryption algorithms are some formulas and rules, which defines the transformation method between plaintext and ciphertext. Since the development of public encryption algorithm and decryption technology, coupled with export restrictions on key encryption algorithm d

7、eveloped countries, each country is constantly committed to the development and design of new encryption algorithms and encryption mechanisms. Technically, network security depends on two aspects: network equipment hardware and software. Network security from network equipment hardware and software

8、co-ordinated to achieve. However, due to network security as a value-added service to provide information on its network, people often find the processing speed of the software become the bottleneck of the network, and therefore, the network security of cryptographic algorithms and security protocol

9、s implemented in hardware to achieve wire-speed safe handling will still be a main direction of development of network security. While evolving security technologies, strengthen application security technology is an important part of the development of network security. Because even with the theoret

10、ical foundation of network security, there is no deep understanding of network security, there is no widely apply it to the network, then no amount of talk about network security is useless. Meanwhile, the network security is not just a firewall, nor is it a simple anti-virus, intrusion detection, f

11、irewall, authentication, encryption, and other products piling up, but includes from the system to the application, from equipment to service more complete, systematic safety combine family of products. In short, the network in the future development process is no longer just a tool, it is no longer

12、 a distant only a few people use technology patents, it will become a culture, a way of life into all areas of society. Keywords: Computer NetworkSecurityGuard- .word.zl. - .word.zl. -目 录第1章绪论11.1 计算机网络开展前景11.2 本章小结2第2章计算机网络平安概述32.1 计算机网络平安的概念32.2 计算机网络平安现状32.3 本章小结4第3章网络平安的威胁因素53.1 网络平安的威胁因素53.2 本章

13、小结5第4章几种常用的网络平安技术74.1 防火墙技术74.1.1 防火墙的主要功能74.1.2 防火墙的主要优点74.1.3 防火墙的主要缺陷84.1.4 防火墙的分类84.1.5 防火墙的部署94.2 数据加密技术104.3 系统容灾技术104.4 入侵检测技术114.4.1 入侵检测系统的分类114.4.2 目前入侵检测系统的缺陷124.4.3 防火墙与入侵检测系统的相互联动124.4.4 结语134.5 漏洞扫描技术134.6 物理平安134.7 本章小结14第5章 完毕语与展望155.1 论文总结155.2 工作展望15致 17参考文献18- .word.zl. - .word.zl. -第1章 绪 论1.1 计算机网络开展前景未来将是一个网络无处不在的世界,任何东西都可以进展网络互联,我们可



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