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1、译林新版6it1单元提优卷听力部分(0分)一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填在题前的括号内。(1分)( )1. A.large. lughC, lo ( )2 . tB sharpshw ( )3. srongB. smallC. sd ( )4 A. waB.what. wea ()5 hap. hpiy. gad ()6. A wakeB. waking. oe( )7. A. saB. wnteC. aed( )8. A. i thhlB. n h frestC ntheoud ( )9A. co otB. getoutC. lo ut ( )1. A chee forB.lo

2、kfC. ell done 二、 根据你听到的问题,选出对的的回答。(1分)()1A.is nte forst B. was in t frst. C.Shewain hforest.( )2.Yes,t is. B.,he do. C.e, e id. ().A.Hessad. B.Bcahes in thene. C.Becaue heapy. ( )4. A Ys,I o. .ts my c. C. By bs( ). A.Im n the lbry. . Iac V. C. rea n intrsingbook 三、 听录音,填入所缺单词。(10分) One ay, ouse_by _

3、pthe io. t te li dint_hi. He _the useg. The nt ay,two mn_he lion ih a large _. The mouse_the net i his_. e heled theionFo then on,th _fies笔试部分(70分)四、选出不同类的单词(5分)( )1 .lin B. useC. fret ( )2 .and . angry C.trong ( )3 . ludly B. quitly C hak()4. Acaght . wlkd C. thrugh ( )5.A. them C. e五、英汉互译。(分)1.开心地

4、笑 2.cry sadl 3. 把我吵醒 4.rm tenon 5.路过 6.pourit it the hole 7.第二天 8. ust the 9. 锋利的牙齿 1. be o t 六、单选(分)( )1.One ly, a muse_byad _the ionup . wae; wke.walk; kC.walked;woke ( ).Sam i t _ad he_te hll rd. A. exiing;it B. exite; hits C. exciting;his ( )3. Bby ns a oe_he goud. A in B. C. from( )4. e bingsso

5、me wate_and pur_the oe A.quicky;inBqucl;nto. quik;ino ( )5.I li elpin eoe. _aboutyo? AhnB.hat C.wht ( )6.The mouse made bighole_t ne _his tee.A. in;with.o; wh C. in;and ( ) 7.Tel cou nt get _from thnet. A . f .ot ( ) 8._didthemen cachthe lio? A HoB. WtC.Wuld ( ) 9Bily ndWilly hee_hem louly A.to B.fr

6、.with ( ) 1.Tlonotout“Thankyou!”sad he lion _.A. hapyB.happil.adly七、连词成句。(5分)1. jus,the,ave,some,swts,Anna,e,to (.) 2. me,,nt, be, two,wth, a, caug,lae (.) 3. rom, o, bcame, thn, god, they, frieds(,) 4. the, oke,th, hild,wn, up, in, early,he, mnig () . th, mae,a,his, big, mous,wit,hoe, teh (.) 八、用所给词的合适形式填空。(5分)1. Thestudens are ry _(ecite). 2. Hw can gtout? said he io_(sad ) Plase lk _(que). Mymotheriseeping.4. H a_ o. Helaughs_.(happy) 5 et e_(hel) 九、根据图片情境,补全对话,每空一词。(10分)1. Lio:What areyo _,Litteouse? _to_you. use:Dont _me. I can _u someday. Lio:Ha!Ha! You are _. How ca you


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