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1、考研考博-考博英语-四川大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题Charles Weiss, program director of science and international affairs at Georgetown University in Washington D. C., was the banks science adviser in the early 1980s. he believes this latest attempt to get the bank thinking about science has more chance of succeeding than h

2、is own efforts. This, he says, is partly because they have the support of senior executives, particularly James Wolfensohn, the banks president, and partly because the bank is now been to promote knowledge-based development.Unusually for a lending institution, the World Bank possesses world-class ex

3、pertise on the projects and the regions where it lends money. Of its 8000 staff, 3000 have a PhD-level qualification, and many of these are top-ranked researchers headhunted from universities. The quantity and quality of the banks research is consistently high.But this more analytical aspect of the

4、banks work has always been overshadowed by its lending arm-known as operationswhich has generally considered research to be a function of lending, rather than an activity in its own right. In 1987, half of the research staff were sent to work operations.This tension between the research and lending

5、wings remains, and is one of several challenges that will need to be overcome if the new strategy is to bear fruit. In particular, the need for a new department for science is being questioned by some who do not want to see science confined to a ghetto and think it should be part of the lending port

6、folio of all of the banks departments.Some operations staff have yet to be convinced of the merits of raising the banks research profile or funding research in developing countries. They believe that more attention should be paid to conventional infrastructure needs in poorer countries which, becaus

7、e of low credit ratings, will have little access to private capital.The reaction from developing countries will be an important test of the new strategy. The richer countries of Southeast Asia, Latin America, North Africa and the Middle East are likely to be more receptive than poorer countries, par

8、ticularly in sub-Saharan Africa, where the bank is not popular, and where almost 50 per cent of bank-assisted projects have failed during this decade.1.Which of the following is True according to Paragraph 1?2.We can infer from the passage that( ).3.One of the challenges for raising the hanks resear

9、ch profile lies in ( ) .4.The word “infrastructure” (Paragraph 5) most probably refers to ( ) .5.The best title of the passage may be( ) .问题1选项A.The World Bank used to attach importance to research in the early 1980s.B.The banks senior executives are in favor of Charles Weisss promotion.C.The bank i

10、s now keen to establish a new department for science.D.James Wolfensohn is thinking about utilizing the banks research resources.问题2选项A.top-ranked researchers were eager to work in operationsB.the lending wing is reluctant to consider research as an independent activityC.the new strategy has had a s

11、uccessful result in some developed countriesD.science has long been overshadowed because the banks research work was not efficient问题3选项A.lack of investment in scienceB.the reaction from senior executivesC.the lending wings negative attitudeD.low credit ratings问题4选项A.the basic facilities, services, a

12、nd installationsB.the interrelation or arrangement of parts in a complex entityC.an underlying base or foundationD.something constructed问题5选项A.Research Portfolio of the World BankB.A New Strategy of the World BankC.Tension between Two WingsD.Lending Operations in Developing Countries【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3

13、题:D第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.根据第一段的第二句“he believes this latest attempt to get the bank thinking about science has more chance of succeeding than his own efforts.”他相信, 这一使银行思考科学的最新尝试比他自己的努力更有可能成功。说明银行想要建立一个新的科学部门。选项C符合原文。选项B高管不是支持Charles的晋升, 而是支持他的研究, 所以表述错误。选项A和D在第一段没有提及。2.选项A文中只提到“In 1987, half of the resear

14、ch staff were sent to work operations.”一半的研究人员被派往业务部门工作, 并没有提到是他们想去的, 所以表述错误;根据最后一段的内容可知, 发展中国家的反应将是对新战略的重要考验。因为在相对贫穷的国家, 近50%的世行援助项目在这十年中都失败了。所以选项C错误;根据第三段的第一句“But this.by its lending arm-known as operations”不是因为研究工作的效率不高, 而是因为业务部门认为研究是贷款的一种功能, 而不是一项独立的活动。所以选项D错误, 选项B正确。3.根据第五段的最后一句“ because of low

15、 credit ratings, will have little access to private capital.”因为这些国家的信用评级较低, 很难获得私人资本。选项D正确。4.infrastructure指基础的设施设备和服务, 选项A正确。5.文章主要讲的是世界银行的新战略以及战略目前面临的困境, 选项B符合原文。选项C描述太广泛, 不是很恰当。选项A和D都是小片段, 所以也不正确。2. 单选题Putting in a new window will ( ) cutting away part of the roof.问题1选项A.includeB.involveC.containD.comprise【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。include包括, 包含;involve卷入, 涉及;contain容纳, 牵制;comprise 构成。句意:安装一个新窗户需要把屋顶的一部分切掉。include一般用于被动语态, 比如sth. included in.某物包含于其中, 所以选项B更符合句意。3. 单选题It is important that an undergraduate ( ) a grade point average of B in


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