八下教案设计unit7. Topic1. sectionC

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1、八年级下册教案设计Unit 7 Food FestivalTopic 1 Were preparing for a food festival.Section C. Material analysis本节课建议用1课时完成。主要活动为1a和3。本课通过介绍Craig Kielburger和他成立的组织Free the Children的事迹展开学习活动,继续学习that 引导的宾语从句,复习发出邀请的功能用语,学习邀请函的写作。要求学生掌握黑体词汇和短语的用法,理解白体词汇的含义,进一步学习并使用宾语从句, 学会如何写邀请函。鼓励他们学习Craig Kielburger 关心他人,乐于助人的精

2、神,并向Craig Kielburger学习从小立下远大志向,并为之努力奋斗。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 学生能进一步掌握宾语从句的用法。2. 学生能准确掌握邀请函的写作。Skill aims:1. 能听懂相关邀请他人参加美食节的对话。2. 能就邀请他人参加美食节的话题实行交谈。3. 能从所给语言材料中找出相关信息。4. 能写出简单的邀请函。Emotional aims:向Craig Kielburger学习,从小立下远大志向,并为之努力奋斗。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:1. 能向别人简单

3、介绍Craig Kielburger的事迹。2. 进一步掌握宾语从句的用法。Difficult points: 写出简单的邀请函。前置作业:1. Phrases: 1)因而感谢 2)参加3) 一个12岁的男孩4)开始做5)代替,而不是 6)与作斗争 7)结果 8)为了,以便于2. Sentences: 1)谢谢你邀请我参加你们的美食节。 2)我如此的生气,所以我决定协助他们。3)我相信一个人也能作出重大改变。. Learning strategies 1. 阅读时学会使用学过的知识和文段的关键词及大意实行预测。 2. 写出邀请函一类的应用文之前首先要明确格式和写作的内容。. Teaching

4、aids Computer multimedia projector. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. The whole class work.3. Group work.4. The whole class work.5. The whole class work. 1. Focus their attention on the teacher.2. Students read

5、 the passage they written after class and evaluate the passage from other groups. 3. Students talk about different foods to review object clauses and the names of countries.4. Students tell more names of typical foods in different countries.5. Students know more information about Craig.1. Get the st

6、udents ready for learning. 2. Teacher asks the students to report the homework. Let the students read the passage they written after class, which is about the typical foods their group members like to eat. Then let the students from other groups evaluate the passage.3. Teacher asks the students to t

7、alk about different foods to review object clauses and the names of countries.Example:A: Where do you think pizza is from?B: I think/guess (that)4. Teacher asks the students to report their homework. Tell more names of typical foods in different countries.5. Teacher evaluates the students work. And

8、then lead to the food festival. Introduce more information about Craig: Craig has built 15 schools in China. He said, “Change the world without me grow up.” Lets know more information about him by reading the passage of 1a.Presentation(10minutes)1. Individual work.2. The whole class work.3. The whol

9、e class work.4. Individual work.5. The whole class work.6. Individual work.7. The whole class work.1. Students look at the pictures of 1a and decide whether the following statements are true or false before reading. 2. Students read 1a tocheck the answers. 3. Students check the answers.4. Students r

10、ead paragraph 1 and 2, and then answer the question. 5. Students check the answers and guess the meaning of the new word regret.6. Students read paragraph 3, guess the meanings of the new words, and then answer the questions. 7. Students check the answers and learn to predict the new words.1. Teache

11、r asks the students to look at the pictures of 1a and decide whether the following statements are true or false before reading. 2. Teacher ask the students to read 1a to check the answers. 3. Teacher asks the students to give the answers. 4. Teacher asks the students to read paragraph 1 and 2, and t

12、hen answer the question: Whats Craigs favorite food?5. Teacher asks two students to give the answers. Ask the students to guess the meaning of the new word regret. Then teach the word to them.6. Teacher asks the students to read paragraph 3, guess the meanings of the new words, and then answer the f

13、ollowing questions:(1) How many children were in Free the Children at the beginning?(2) Whats the motto of Free the Children?7. Teacher asks two students to give the answers. Tell them learn to predict the new words, using their knowledge to find out key words and ideas while reading. And then teach

14、 the new words and phrases.Consolidation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. The whole class work.3. Group work. 4. The whole class work. 5. Group work.6. The whole class work.7. Pair work.1. Students read the passage after the recording sentence by sentence.2. Students try to follow the speed, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3. Students read the whole passage carefully and complete the tables of 1b.4. Students check their answers.5. Students discuss in groups to find out the difficult points and sum up the main


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