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1、西餐宴会会服务知知识问答答题及参参考答案案(一)1. Trannslaate thee foolloowinng iintoo Enngliish:(汉译译英)我们这儿儿提供欧欧式早餐餐、美式式早餐,你你喜欢哪哪一种?We sservve CConttineentaal bbreaakfaast Amerricaan bbreaakfaast.Whiich wouuld youu liike ?2. Answwer thee foolloowinng qquesstioon:(问问答)Whatt shhoulld yyou do if youu sppilll a bevveraage or

2、somme ssoupp onn a gueests cclotthess?A. Apollogiize firrst.B. Givee thhe gguesst ttwo or thrree sollutiionss too chhoosse ffromm.C. Compply witth tthe gueests rrequuestt(frree lauundrry)D. Apollogiize agaain.(thhankk thhe qquesst ffor unddersstanndinng).3. Answwer thee foolloowinng qquesstioon:(问问答

3、)How manny sstylles of wessterrn ffoodd seerviice aree thheree?Engllishh sttylee, RRusssiann sttylee, AAmerricaan sstylle aand Freenchh sttylee.(二)1.Trransslatte tthe folllowinng iintoo Enngliish:(汉译译英)我们提供供各式果果汁:西西红柿汁汁、橙汁汁、菠萝萝汁,请请问您喜喜欢哪一一种?A vaarieety of fruuit juiicess arre sservved herre, we havv

4、e ttomaato juiice, orrangge jjuicce, pinneappplee juuicee.Whhat is youur ppreffereencee?2. AAnswwer thee foolloowinng qquesstioon:(问问答)whatt shhoulld yyou do if a gguesst ggivees yyou sommethhingg ass a souuvennir?A. SSay thaankss fiirstt.B. RRefuuse it in tacctfuul wway.C. IIf tthe gueest inssistts

5、, accceptt itt annd hhandd itt ovver to thee maanaggemeent.3.Annsweer tthe folllowwingg quuesttionn:(问问答) Whatt arre tthe mosst ccommmon seaatinng aarraangeemennts forr weesteern bannqueets?(Foore at leaast)U shhapee, T sshappe, I shaape, EE shhapee, 回shhapee,shaape(三)1.Trransslatte tthe folllowwing

6、g innto Engglissh:(汉汉译英)我们提供供以下饮饮料:软软饮、鸡鸡尾酒、葡葡萄酒、威威士忌、白白兰地We pprovvidee thhe ffolllowiing:sofft ddrinnks, ccockktaiils, wiiness, wwhisskeyys,Branndiees oor lliquueurrs. Whiich wouuld youu liike?2.Annsweer tthe folllowwingg quuesttionn:(问问答)whatt shhoulld yyou do if a qquesst ccompplaiins aboout thee

7、 quualiity of thee foood?A. Checck tthe foood ffirsst.B. Repoort it to thee chhef or suppervvisoors.C. Makee a subbstiituttionn soonabble expplannatiion.3.Annsweer tthe folllowwingg quuesttionn:(问问答)Whatt iss Frrencch sservvicee?The waiiterr sttandds oon tthe lefft ssidee off thhe qquesstsaand serrv

8、ess guuestts hholddingg a traay wwithh a serrvinng sspooon aand a fforkk onn itt.He sstarrts serrvinng bby ooffeerinng tthe foood fformm leeft sidde oof tthemm, aand letts tthe queestss seervee thhemsselvves. (四四)1.Trransslatte tthe folllowwingg innto Engglissh:(问问答)早餐包括括著煮蛋蛋、炒蛋蛋、煎蛋蛋、卧蛋蛋,您要要哪一种种?Bre

9、aakfaast conntaiins boiiledd egggs, sccrammbleed, friied or poaacheed eeggss.Whatt iss yoour preeferrencce?2.Annsweer tthe folllowwingg quuesttionn:(问问答)If tthe acttuall nuumbeer oof gguessts atttenddingg a bannqueet iis mmoree thhan thee nuumbeer oof pplacce rreseerveed, whaat sshouuld youu doo?A.G

10、eet ccorrrectt innforrmattionn (NNo.oof ppeopple, cooverr chhargge, bacckgrruonnd oof tthe queest etcc.)fformm thhe hhostt.B. MMakee a neww seeatiing arrranggemeent as sooon aas pposssiblle.C.Assk tthe gueestss iff thhey havve aany othher reqquessts.D. Folllow up acccorddinggly.3.Annsweer tthe folll

11、owwingg quuesttionn:(问问答)Whatt iss Enngliish styyle serrvicce?Engllishh seerviice is simmilaar tto FFrennch serrvicce. Waiiterr seervees tto gguessts by holldinng aa trray witth;aa vaarieety of foood oon iit aaccoordiing to gueests rrequuestts aand putts ffoodd onn eaach gueests pplatte .(五)1.Trrans

12、slatte tthe folllowwingg innto Engglissh:(汉汉译英)我们提供供一分钟钟煮蛋、两两分钟煮煮蛋和三三分钟煮煮蛋,您您要哪一一种?We sservve ooneminnutee egggs, twwomminuute egggs, thrreeminnutee egggs. Hoow ddo yyou likke yyourr eggg bboilled ?2.Annsweer tthe folllowwingg quuesttionn:(问问答)It iis uusuaal tto sservve lladiies firrst, iff thhe ggu

13、essts wannt ssomee maale VIPPs tto bbe sservved firrst, hoow ddo yyou deaal wwithh itt ?A. Folllow thee guuestts rrequuestt.B. Infoorm othher serrvicce sstafff oof tthe chaangeed ssequuencce.3.Annsweer tthe folllowwingg quuesttionn:(问问答)Whatts AAmerricaan SServvicee ?Amerricaan sservvicee iss allso

14、callledd“plaate serrvicce”, WWhicch mmeanns tthatt a dissh iis ccookked andd poortiioneed oon aan iindiividduall guuestts pplatte iin tthe kittcheen . WWaitterss goo too thhe kkitcchenn too taake foood bbackk too seervee eaach gueest .(六) 1.Trransslatte tthe folllowwingg innto Engglissh:(汉汉译英)我们有吐吐司

15、、黑黑面包、牛牛角包、丹丹麦点心心等,您您要哪一一种?We sservve ttoasst, ryee brreadd, ccroiissaant andd daanissh, passtriies.Whicch ddo yyou preeferr?2. AAnswwer thee foolloowinng qquesstioon:(问问答)Whatt doo yoou ddo wwithh obbjeccts lefft iin aa diininng rroomm byy a gueest aftter a mmeall ?A. Try to finnd tthe gueest .B. Repoort to thee asssisstann


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