甘肃省金塔县第四中学九年级英语 Unit 1单元复习要点(无答案) 人教新目标版

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《甘肃省金塔县第四中学九年级英语 Unit 1单元复习要点(无答案) 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《甘肃省金塔县第四中学九年级英语 Unit 1单元复习要点(无答案) 人教新目标版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1单元复习要点1.词汇 1.poem (诗歌) / poet(诗人)2.decide = make a decision 3.nature (大自然) /natural (大自然的) 4.describe(v.)/ description(n.) 描述 5.express(v.) / expression(n) 表达6. please(v.) / pleased (adj.) / pleasure (n) 7.happy (adj) / happiness (n.) 幸福 8.clear (adj) / clearly (adv) 清楚地9.soft (adj) /softly (a

2、dv) 柔和的 9.warm (adj) / warmth (n) 温暖 10.noise (n) / noisy (adj) /make some noise 11. simple (adj)/ simply (adv) 仅仅,只 12. sleep (v) / sleepy (adj) 困乏的,寂静的 / asleep (adj) 睡着的。13.except(v) 期望/excepted (adj) 期望的/ unexcepted (adj)出乎意料 14.feel (v) /feeling (n) 15.think (v) / thought (n) 16. friend / frien

3、dship (n) 朋友 /friendly (adj) / be friendly to sb 17.wake (v) / awake (adj ) 反义词 asleep 2.短语和结构 1. learn / know. by heart = recite 背诵,记忆 2. look like / feel like / smell like / sound like . look(看起来) / feel(感觉起来)/ sound(听起来)/ taste(尝起来)/ smell(闻起来) 为系动词后面接形容词3. a description of a spring scene 一幅春天景色的

4、描述 4. the warmth of the sun 太阳的温暖 5.be related to 和有关 6. a set number of 固定数量的 / a number of 许多= a lot of (修饰名词)/ the number of .的总数(修饰名词的复数做主语表示单数) 7. in the middle of 在的中间 8. at the moment = now 现在。9.fill in the blanks 填空 10 one more = another 另外一个 11.in the nineteenth century 在19世纪 12.express tho

5、ughts and feelings 表达思想感情 13.bothand = not only.but also 表示两者都 (反义词组) neithernor 表示既不,也不 / either.or 表示或者,或者 bothand 连接名词或者代词做主语表示复数,但是not onlybut aslo / neithernor / eitheror 谓语动词有就近原则,取决于 but aslo , nor, or 之后的主语。14.have fun = have a good time = enjoy oneself 玩的高兴,过得愉快。15.think of 想,认为/think about

6、 思考,考虑/ think over 仔细思考 16.why not do sth ? = why dont you do sth ? = Lets do sth ,shall we ? = shall we do sth ? = how / what about doing sth? 用来提建议。17. hope to do sth 希望做某事 / hope + that (从句) 从句将来时或者含情态动词can .18 wish 当名词为祝福,祝愿.复数为wishes. / 当动词为希望 ,wish to do sth / wish sb to do sth / wish + that (

7、从句) 从句是虚拟语气要用过去式,当谓语动词为be时不管主语是什么都用were. 2.语法: 动词不定式。A. 作主语 1._(learn )English well is very important .2.Its very important for him _(play) the piano well.3.It takes me half an hour _(walk) there. 4._(play ) football is very dangerous .B.作表语 1.My job is _(teach ) English . 2.My ambition is _(be ) a

8、doctor . 3.My wish is _(be) a teacher.C. 作宾语 1. Would you like _(go) there with me ?2.Try your best _(learn) English well, youll find a good job.3.Dont forgot _(turn ) off the lights when you leave . .常见的可以用不定式作宾语的动词有want / would like / decide / try / need /hope /wish /agree/fail .D.作宾语补足语1.My paren

9、ts often encourage me _-(study) hard at school.2.The policeman asked the driver _(not drive) too fast.3.The teacher told us _(not talk) in class.4. Father often warns me _(not play) with fire.常见的不定式作宾补的动词有:tell / ask / allow / teach / encourage/wish ,还有些动词可以跟省略to 的不定式 作宾语补足语。如:let / hear / watch ,/

10、see / make / find 。易混点:see / hear / find sb doing sth.(动作正在进行); see / hear / find sb do sth(表示已经完成了的或经常性的动作)E. 作定语1.Be quiet ! I have something important _(tell) you. 2.There is no time _(think) about the matter.3.I cant go to the cinema with you because I have a lot of homework _(do ).4.Im hungry,

11、please go and get something _(eat ).F . 作状语1.He went to the station _(meet)his friend .2.The boy is too young _(go ) to school.3.Im so glad _(hear) that you have passed the exam .4.We are all tired, Lets stop _(have) a rest.易混点:stop doing sth (停止正在做的事情) stop to do sth.(停下来去做某事).G.疑问词 加动词不定式疑问代词 what

12、 , who , which 和疑问副词when , where , why , how 等加动词不定式。1.I dont know how _(use ) the computer . 2.I cant decided which sweater _(buy ).练习:( )1.-My parents always tell me _others late at night. -They are right. Its not polite. A.to not call B.not to call C.dont call D. not calling ( )2.-Jane likes sing

13、ing. We often hear her _after class. A.sing B.to sing C.sings D. sang( )3. I find it difficult_the work on time. We only have three hours left. A.to finish B.finishing C.finish D. finished ( )4.-Wheres Mr. Yu, do you know? -Well, its hard to say. But I saw him _ a football match just now. A.was watc

14、hing B.watching C.had watched D. watched ( )5.Sam enjoys _stamps .And now he has 226 of them. A.collecting B.collects C.collected D.to collect ( )6.Your father is sleeping, Youd better _. A. dont talk B. not talking C. not talk C. not to talk( )8.When the little boy_someone coming downstairs, he stopped_. A.heard ; to cry B.listened ; crying C.heard ; crying D.listened ; to cry ( )9.-Would you please _ any noise? Your father is sleeping. -Sorry , I wont. A.dont make


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