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1、GRE之OG2阅读真题整理GRE阅读真题之OG2OG-2Passage 11Pariss Notre-Dame cathedral, built primarily in the late twelfth century, was supported from the very beginning by a system of flying buttresses a series of exterior arches (flyers) and their supports (buttresses) which permitted the construction of taller vault

2、ed buildings with slimmer walls and interior supports than had been possible previously. Other mentators insist, however, that Notre-Dame did not have flying buttresses until the thirteenth or fourteenth century, when they were added to update the building aesthetically and correct its structural fl

3、aws. Although post-twelfth-century modifications and renovations plicate efforts to resolve this controversy all pre-fifteenth-century flyers have been replaced, and the buttresses have been rebuilt and/or resurfaced it is nevertheless possible to tell that both the nave and the choir, the churchs t

4、wo major parts, have always had flying buttresses. It is clear, now that nieenth-century paint and plaster have been removed, that the naves lower buttresses date from the twelfth century. Moreover, the choirs lower flyers have chevron (zigzag) decoration. Chevron decoration, which was characteristi

5、c of the second half of the twelfth century and was out of favor by the fourteenth century, is entirely absent from modifications to the building that can be dated with confidence to the thirteenth century.1. The passage is primarily concerned withA. tracing the development of a controversyB. discus

6、sing obstacles to resolving a controversyC. arguing in support of one side in a controversyD. analyzing the assumptions underlying the claims made in a controversyE. explaining why evidence relevant to a controversy has been overlooked2. The claim of the “other mentators” (line 6) suggests that they

7、 believe which of the following about Notre-Dame?A. It was the inspiration for many vaulted cathedrals built in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.B. Its design flaws were not apparent until flying buttresses were added in the thirteenth or fourteenth century.C. Its flying buttresses are embell

8、ished with decoration characteristic of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.D. It had been modified in some respects before flying buttresses were added in the thirteenth or fourteenth century.E. It was originally constructed in an architectural style that was considered outmoded by the thirteen

9、th or fourteenth century.on which of the following assumptions about the choirs lower flyers?A. They accurately reproduce the decoration on the choirs original lower flyers.B. They have a type of decoration used exclusively for exterior surfaces.C. They were the models for the choirs original upper

10、flyers.D. They were the models for the naves original lower flyers.E. They were constructed after the naves flyers were constructed.GRE阅读真题之OG2OG-2Passage 15According to the conventional view, serfdom in nieenth-century Russia inhibited economic growth. In this view Russian peasants status as serfs

11、kept them poor through burdensome taxes in cash, in labor, and in kind; through restrictions on mobility; and through various forms of coercion. Melton, however, argues that serfdom was perfectly patible with economic growth, because many Russian serfs were able to get around landlords rules and reg

12、ulations. If serfs could pay for passports, they were usually granted permission to leave the estate. If they could pay the fine, they could establish a separate household; and if they had the resources, they could hire laborers to cultivate the munal lands, while they themselves engaged in trade or

13、 worked as migrant laborers in cities.1. It can be inferred from the passage that the “rules and regulations” (lines 9-10) affecting serfdom in Russia involvedA. responsibility for the work needed to acplish certain defined tasksB. restrictions on freedom of movement2. The sentence “If serfs estate”

14、 (lines 10-11) has which of the following functions in the passage?A. It provides support for an argument presented in the preceding sentence.B. It provides evidence that helps undermine a view introduced in the first sentence.C. It raises a question that the succeeding sentence will resolve.GRE阅读真题

15、之OG2OG-2Passage 12The average temperature of the lobster-rich waters off the coast of Foerkland has been increasing for some years. In warmer water, lobsters grow faster. In particular, lobster larvae take less time to reach the size at which they are no longer vulnerable to predation by young cod, the chief threat to their survival. Consequently, the survival rate of lobster larvae must be going up, and the lobster population in Foerklands coastal waters is bound to increase.1. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?A. There are indications that in recent years


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