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1、河北省大名县一中2018-2019学年高二英语上学期19周周测试题第一部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)第一节(共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AOne morning more than thirty years ago, I entered the Track Kitchen, a restaurant where everyone from the humblest to the most powerful came for breakfast. I noticed

2、an empty chair next to an elderly, unshaven man, who looked somewhat disheveled. He was wearing a worn-out hat and was alone. I asked if I might join him. He agreed quietly and I sat down to have my breakfast. We cautiously began a conversation and spoke about a wide range of things. We never introd

3、uced ourselves. I was concerned that he might have no money and not be able to afford something to eat. So as I rose to go back to the counter and buy a second cup of coffee, I asked, “May I get you something?” “A coffee would be nice.” Then I bought him a cup of coffee, We talked more, and he accep

4、ted another cup of coffee. Finally, I rose to leave, wished him well, and headed for the exit. At the door, I met one of my friends. He asked, “How did you get to know Mr. Galbreath?” “Who?” “The man you were sitting with. He is chairman of the Board of Churchill Downs.” I could hardly believe it. I

5、 was buying, offering a free breakfast, and feeling pity for one of the worlds richest and most powerful men! My few minutes with Mr. Galbreath changed my life. Now I try to treat everyone with respect, no matter who I think they are, and to meet another human being with kindness and sincerity.1. Wh

6、at does the underlined word “disheveled” mean?A.UnfriendlyB.UntidyC.GentleD.Kind2. The author bought coffee for the old man because .A.he thought the old man was poor.B.he wanted to start a conversation.C.he intended to show his politeness.D.he would like to thank the old man.3. How did the author p

7、robably feel after he talked with his friend?A.ProudB.PitifulC.AstonishedD.Regretful4. What is the message mainly expressed in the story?A.We should learn to be generous.B.It is honorable to help those in need.C.People in high positions are not like what we expect.D.We should avoid judging people by

8、 their appearances.B I travel a lot,and I find out different “styles” of directions every time I ask “How can I get to the post office?” Foreign tourists are often confused in Japan because most streets there dont have names;in Japan,people use landmarks in their directions instead of street names.

9、For example, the Japanese will say to travelers,“Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop. ” In the countryside of the American Midwest, there are not usually many landmarks. There are no mountains, so the land

10、 is very flat; in many places there are no towns or buildings within miles. Instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distances. In Kansas or Iowa, for example, people will say, Go north two miles. Turn east,and then go another mile. People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of

11、 distance on the map; they measure distance in time,not miles. “How far away is the post office?” you ask. “Oh,”they answer, “its about five minutes from here. You say,“Yes,but how many miles away is it?”They dont know. Its true that a person doesnt know the answer to your question sometimes. What h

12、appens in such a situation? A New Yorker might say, “Sorry, I have no idea.” But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers “I dont know. People in Yucatan believe that “I dont know is impolite. They usually give an answer, often a wrong one. A tourist can get very, very lost in Yucatan!5. When a tourist as

13、ks the Japanese the way to a certain place,they usually .A.describe the place carefullyB.show him a map of the placeC.tell him the names of the streetsD.refer to recognizable buildings and places6. Which is the place where people measure distance in time?A.New York.B.Los Angeles.C.Kansas.D.Iowa.7. P

14、eople in Yucatan may give a tourist a wrong answer_.A.in order to save timeB.as a testC.so as to be politeD.for fun8. what can we infer from the text?A.Its important for travelers to understand cultural differences.B.Its useful for travelers to know how to ask the way properly.C.People have similar

15、understandings of politeness.D.New Yorkers are generally friendly to visitors.CI wish there would be a way to describe China in simple terms but thats impossible. For the most part, Chinese people are friendly, easy-going and optimistic. They are curious and unusually patient and they are also the hardest-working people I have ever met.In China, family is everything. In my English classes when the students were asked what they would do if they only had a few hours to live, most students told me how they would spend their last few hours with their families and parents. Many ti



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