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1、元旦英语演讲稿元旦英语演讲稿元旦英语演讲稿1Lades and gentlmen, 女士们,先生们: Th ne er is ound th corner,I wldlike to exnd my yer geetigs toll my gestsad wish erone good heh n hppies新年来临了,我谨向各位来宾致以节日的问候,并祝各位在新的一年里,身体健康,万事如意!Thenew yearis a tmof new binnngs anne hope for th fure. hope tht ever nfyoufi ousrerosperus an moe cont

2、ent with echpasing dy this year.Iknow tat this niht wi b faastc ceebrtion ote goodfriendhip and god spts tha can last nt only a yr, but aifeie 新年是新的起先,是对将来充溢新的向往的时候。我祝福大家在新的一年里一天比一天胜利、欢乐、富足。我知道今晚我们将为友情和热忱而欢呼庆祝。这种友情和热忱将留存在我们心中,不是一年,而是一辈子。 ave a woderul enng rydy, than yo.元旦英语演讲稿2 Chinese NewYar Chnee

3、 Ne Year is he st ipranfestiity fr tChnse ople It i also calld the rin Festiva or thLNew Year Everyyearha ananmalsname. hese amalsre the a,ox,ie,rabbt, dgon, ,hors, am, mnke, rostr, dog andpig. Ahine egendays hathese twlve aimals d a race. The rstyea wa nmedater he , te iner. The othereleven yars er

4、enedater theord i whic he aimals rivd nte rae The cleer rat jumped nto hxs ba ten at th end jumpedoerth xs headto arrive frt! Te hinebelevetat pro brnin apartiuar yearas me o thecarteristiof n Oniese was Eve all ailymebes njy a bg, dliious me.Itis vrymortnt fre hese to e wth hei fmie n thisccion.Fis

5、h alas par f thednereause t repreet abundance. n Newars a llChinesechildr wearew clothes with bright colors Red considerd a lu color. Parntsndrelatve gve chidren te trditionalNe Yearif called luckymon. his eyis pu no bgred and goldenvelope.Fll underthepillow in the oringf nw yer , hkidwakes utosee t

6、he lcky ney,epthat onse becom ne year old e i atraditionl crfor fstvals, celebatons,edings nd birthdys Th on dacrs re aays par of the esiitiesThelion ha a big headand lng bodymad of oh. Te on dance acompaniebydrums, cyals nd nosyirecackers. ccording to anint tadinsthereat noserghtn aw evil spiris.元旦

7、英语演讲稿 Chnes New Yearis thmost imporant fetivity r the ChneepepleIt is also aed te Spring esiva or h Lunr NewYar Every yer hasan imalsname.These anmls arethe rat, ,tigr, rabit, drago, sake, orse, ram, monkey, roostr,dog nd ig A hiee leendsys tat these twlve nimals ad a r.Tfirst year ws amd aftert at,

8、 the wnner Thothr eeven er wee namdfter thordr in ithe anmalarrivedi he re. he leverra jumped oote xs ak thenatt ed jumped oer h oxshedt rri first! TChinese beliee that aprsnbor inprticureahas some o the caracterist ofanma. OChese New ear Ev al family member enjo abig, delicius melI is vey imprta fo

9、r th hines to ith thir famlis onthis ocsion. Fish is alwayspart of te dnnercau it represets abundc. On w Yas Dy al inese childrn weanew clthewi bright clor.Re isconsidr a luck color. Parntsd elatives iv hilren the traitioaN Yeargift alld luk money. This ney s put intobight red nd od nvelosFll under

10、hepillow.n e mringof ewye , e kid akes up to see the “lcy money”,xpres thatonself beome one year older. Red ia taiinl colfor festils,cebratins, wdings n bthds The lon dncers are awyspatof he etiviti. helio has a big head ndlng bod ma ofcloth. The n anc s accopanied y dums,cymals andnois recackers cc

11、n o ncient tradionste great niefrighe ay vil spiris. Tedraon is th os imporant figu of the ChieseNewYear estivities an parads The draoni osidred lcigre. arae dragon cnbe 0to30 eters ong! Sixty rmre menov under ong oth that reprntst dragon ti Durig thprae hle reprset he aias of he Chine caendr. er re

12、 so acrobas admusician n beiful cstumes. Hppy Nw Yer!元旦英语演讲稿4ear Juges and Friend, Theoc fo y speh oay s “Fesval.” I woldlke t tak about my vorite festiva, te MidAtum Fstval InCha whae seeaimprtant fetivas, ch ashe Sprin Festival, th aern etiva,the Drgo-at Fstial andteMdAutumnFsval. mong e, Iike Mi-Autmnfetival bes, espeiall bcaseI liein iaen. I Xien, whe weclebrate th Mid-Autum fesival,w o no oly ollow thommn practicessch as having abiinner artywit ur fily, eting


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