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1、甘泉小学四下英语学科“类母语”教学设计稿 4B Unit7 Whats the matter?主备人_邵巍_ 复备人_ 授课时间_【单元语用任务】 在对话语境中,用核心语言Whats the matter ?表达对话流畅完整。【语言知识与技能】1、能听懂,会读,会说,会写单词:happy , hungry, ill, sad, thirsty, tired.2、能听懂,会读,会说句子:Whats the matter ? Are you?来询问对方感受。并用Im ,Yes, I am. No, Im not.来进行回答。3. 能用Come and have, Can I have some,

2、Heresfor you.来提出建议。【语言情感】 能关心询问别人的身体状态。【分课时教学目标】课时语用任务语言知识与技能1在Story time的语境中学习句型。1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写happy , hungry, ill, sad, thirsty, tired.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写Whats the matter ? Are you?2在Fun time语境中巩固句型和单词。1. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写单词:happy , hungry, ill, sad, thirsty, tired.2.能听懂、会读、会说句子Whats the matter ? Are you?来询

3、问对方感受。3.仿照书上Fun time 完成相应对话。3在Cartoon time和Song time的语境中体会创造的魅力。1. 学生能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。2. 学生能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续写故事。3. 学生能够有感情地演唱歌曲。4. 学生能够模仿书上的歌曲创编新歌。4在Sound time、Checkout time和Ticking time语境中,感受英语字母的发音,并对本单元进行复习检查与评价。1、能够熟练说出本单元词汇。2、能体会字母O的发音.3、能对照Ticking time的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。【分课时教案】Teaching procedu

4、re of period 1 授课时间:ProceduresContentsMethods Purposes1.Pre-taskpreparation Free talkLook at my coat.Whoseis this?Whoseare these?ItsItss.They ares.复习旧知,为新课学习做准备。2.While-taskprocedureEnjoy a song “Whats the matter?”Q: Whats the matter with the boy in the song?Sing the song.HesShow some pictures.Whats

5、 the matter with Mike、 Yang Ling and Helen?Can you help them? Make a dialogue.Hes/ ShesCome and haveHeresfor you.Thisis for you.Work in pairs.通过歌曲内容引出本课主句型:Whats the matter?为后面的熟练运用作铺垫。生看图回答,进一步学习Whats the matter?, 并创设情境,在真实情境中学会关心和帮助他人。3.Post-taskactivities1. Watch the cartoon.Q: Whats the matter w

6、ith Liu Tao?2. Lets choose.a. Taotao is hungry, he needsb. Taotao is thirsty, he wants to3. Read and find.Q: What do Taotaos Mum and Dad say.Learn: ill, dearHesAssignmentOn theblackboardWhats the matter? /Are you?Im hungry /thirsty/ hot/ cold/ ill/ tired.Heres/ Here arefor you.This is for you.Have ,

7、 please. Notes【分课时教案】Teaching procedure of period 2 授课时间:ProceduresContentsMethods Purposes1.Pre-taskpreparationFree talkGood morning.How are you?Whats the matter with you?Good morning.Not so good. Im not fine.Im1. Try to ask.Are you hungry/ thirsty/ tired/ ill?2. Say and act.3.Choose one of the pic

8、tures, try to make dialogues.Yes, I am.No, Im not.A: Are you ?B: Yes, No, A: HeresforTheis/are for you.B: 2.While-taskprocedureEnjoy a story “Little match girl”Q: Whats the matter with the little match girl?2. If you meet the little match girl, how to help her?Make a dialogue.A: Little match girl, w

9、hats the matter?B: Im .A: I m sorry. Heresfor you.(Here are for you.)B: Thank you. / Thanks.A: Not at all./ Youre welcome./ Thats all right.Read the story.ShesHeres for you.This is for you.Theis/are for you.Come and have, please.让学生通过表情,猜测对方的感受,并通过同伴编对话,进一步巩固句型Are you? Yes, No, Heresfor you.3.Post-t

10、askactivities1. Show some pictures.Whats the matter with them?2. Can you help them?3. Make a dialogue.HesCome and haveHeresfor you.Thisis for you.AssignmentOn theblackboardNotes【分课时教案】Teaching procedure of period 3 授课时间ProceduresContentsMethods Purposes1.Pre-taskpreparation Free talkGood morning.How

11、 are you?Whats the matter with you?Good morning.Not so good. Im not fine.Im2.While-taskprocedureGuess: Why is he not happy? Whats the matter with Bobby? Watch and choose.Mrs fox is calling Mrs mouse, What are they talking about? Try to make a dialogue.Learn the new knowledge:Are you all right. Guess

12、.Is he?Choose the correct answer.阅读前借助动画进行预测,带着问题,整体感知课文。在问题中理清故事脉络。3.Post-taskactivitiesCan you make a telephone call? Try to call your friends.A: Hello, This is speaking.B: Hello, How are you?A: Not so good.B: Whats the matter?Im让学生模拟打电话,初步了解打电话用语。Assignment1.Read the cartoon time.2. Make a teleph

13、one call to your friend. To ask his/ her feelings.On theblackboard Unit7 Whats the matter?A: Are you ?B: Yes, No, Notes【分课时教案】Teaching procedure of period 4 授课时间: ProceduresContentsMethods Purposes1.Pre-taskpreparationFree talkGood morning.How are you?Whats the matter with you?Good morning.Not so good. Im not fine. Show the learning aim.Play a game.Brain storm: Can you name any feelings?(说说各种感受) Know more about feelings.Know the learning aim.Play the memory game.围


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